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1、人教版五年级英语上册第六单元第四课时教案设计B. Lets learn Pair work教学目标: a.能够听、说、读、写单词:bridge, house, road, building, tree. b.能够听,说、认读单词village, city. c.能够运用句型:There are in d.了解熊猫的生活习性,培养学生爱护动物的良好品质。教学重点: 掌握五个有关自然景物的单词:bridge, house, road, building , tree. 句型“There are.”教学难点: “There is ”和“There are.” 之间的区别及单词的复数运用与读音。教学准

2、备:1. 老师准备录音机、磁带和本课单词卡片2. 准备课件或图片、简笔画。教学过程:一、Warm up1. Lets sing: My small bedroom. (课本P66)2. Lets chant. (课本P68).二、Presentation1. 教学bridge ,house, village treea. 老师出示一张有河,有桥,有房子等的图片(或用课件展示)T:Look! This is a picture of a nature park. Whats in the nature park?让学生用:There is /are.来描述图片。当有学生说:There is a

3、river in the park. 老师可以接着问:Whats over the river? 让学生观察图片,并由fridge -bridge 可让学生自己读出单词,老师强调“dge”的发音。T:What bridge do you know in our country? (让学生多说几个有名的大桥)。T: Yes, you know so many. There are many bridges in China. 带读复数形式。b. 接着指着图中的房子说:There is a house in the picture, too. 学生对house 并不陌生。然后指出There are

4、 many houses in the picture. 老师带读houses。T: How many houses are there in the picture? ( 引导学生用“There are houses in the picture.” 来回答)c.T: Is this a nature? Ss: No. ( 老师指着图片或课件上有很多houses) T: Its a village. 带读单词。 T: My mothers home is in the village. Is your grandmas/grandpas home in village? Ss: Yes, i

5、t is. T: Whats in the village? You can use: There is./ There are in the village. Ss: There are many houses (horses, hens, goats, trees and so on) in the village.(学生如果说出tree,老师可顺势带读,学生已经会读)2.教学city, building, road.a. 老师可以出示有高楼,马路等繁华的城市图片。指着楼房问T:Is this a house? Ss: No, it isnt.T: Yes, its a building.

6、 带读单词。然后指着许多的高楼说:There are many. 让学生完成句子。T: There are so many buildings. Is it a village?Ss: No, it isnt.T: Yes, its a city now. 带读city (在A Lets talk 中以学过)T:Beijing is a big city. Do you know any other city?( 让学生说有名的城市)T:Whats in the city?Ss: There are many buildings (shops, cars, parks)b. 接上个环节,老师指

7、着纵横的马路说:There are many roads in the city.带读单词,也可以由boat 引出。3. 听读正音。老师播放Lets learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指单词。4.合作学习。学生同桌之间互相检查单词和句子的认读,互相帮助。三、Practice1. 看图片,说出单词。2. Whats missing? 老师先出示几张单词,然后快速抽调一张,让学生说出被抽掉的单词,并说出汉语意思。3.让学生根据课本P73页的图片用“There are ./There is.”造句。4. Pair work.两人活动:同桌之间一起找一找、说一说城市,乡村的异同。注意:将城乡共同具有的景物填入两个椭圆的交集中。四、Extension and consolidation.1.人气指数测试。老师将城市、山村图片分别贴在黑板的下面,喜欢城市的学生介绍城市的优点,然后老师就在城市图片上方画一面红旗;喜欢乡村的学生介绍乡村的优点,最后看一看喜欢哪儿的学生多。2. 做一张自己喜欢的城市或乡村的图片,用英语标示景物名称。五、 Homework: 完成配套练习册P45第一、二题。六 板书设计: tree There are many bridge in the nature part . house building road 七教后反思:



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