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1、Subjunctive MoodSubjunctive mood-expressing hypothetical and non-factual meanings.I wish I were a bird.He behaves as though he were the owner*Subjunctive mood in unreal conditional clausesCompare:If you dont hurry, you will miss the bus.If I were you, I would accept his offer.1. The form假设类型 条件从句谓语动

2、词形式 主句谓语动词形式与现在事实相反 v.-ed (were) should ( would, could, might +v.)与过去事实相反 had + v-ed should( would, could, might+ have +v-ed)与将来事实可能相反 v-ed (should +v; were to +v.) should ( would, could, might +v.)If I knew the fact now, I would tell you. If there were no gravity, we should not be able to walk.If I

3、 had not studied hard, I would have failed in the exam.Exe::All of us _ the party much more if there _ quite such a crowd of people there.(TEM-4 2000-49)A. would enjoy B. will have enjoyedC. would have enjoyed D. will be enjoying A. werent B. hasnt been C. hadnt been D. wouldnt been2 Omission of “if

4、”(formal style)A. were 提到从句主语的前面Were I you, I would take an umbrella with me.Were I to meet him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. B. should / had提到从句主语的前面Should I have time, I would call her.Had I had the money last year, I would have bought the house.Ex:1、_for the fact that she broke her leg, sh

5、e might have passed the exam. (TEM-4 2002-50)A. Had it not been B. Hadnt it been C. Was it not D. Were it not 2. _,he would not have recovered so quickly. (TEM-4 1995-65)A. Hadnt he been taken good care of B. Had he not been taken good care of C. Had not been taken good care of D. Had he been not ta

6、ken good care of 3. Implied condition1) but for, without, under, with etc. But for electricity, there would be no modern industry.Without your help, we could not have succeeded.Under such circumstances I would probably have done the same.2) otherwise, but, or I ran all the way to school, otherwise I

7、 would have been late.He felt very tired yesterday, or he would have helped you.3) but that (要不是)But that he was short of money at the time, he would have come to help us.4) ing phrases and to-infinitive You would have laughed to see him jump aside.This same thing, happening in wartime, would amount

8、 to disaster.5)If it were (had been) not for 要不是If it were not for peace, we could not be living a happy life today.If it had not been for your advice, I would not have accepted the job.Be-Subjunctive Mood: demand, suggestion, and command, etc.1. 用在宾语从句中:be-/ should do He insisted that Kate (should)

9、 do the job.We suggested that the meeting (should) not be postponed.Verbs:ask、advise、determine、decide、command、insist、propose、move、prefer、urge、order、recommend、request、require、demand、suggest、desire、intendExe:She asked that she _ allowed to see her son in police custody.A. would be B. could be C. be D.

10、 was 2. 用在主语从句中It is necessary that you (should) be present at the discussion.It is essential that you (should) win the voters hearts. Adjs:essential、necessary、important、advisable、appropriate、desirable、fitting、imperative (紧急的)、impossible、necessary、proper、urgent、insistent、strange ed- participle:desir

11、ed、demanded、ordered、requested、suggested、recommended、required,etc.Exe:It is imperative that students hand in their terms papers on time. 3. 用在同位语从句或表语从句中The suggestion that he be invited was rejected.Their demand is that their wages be increased by 20%.Nouns:advice、command、demand、desire、order、decisio

12、n、decree(法令、判决) instruction、requirement、resolution(决定)、suggestion、recommendation、necessity、request、proposal,etc.He left orders that nothing be touched until the police arrived here. 这一用法中,be-型虚拟式可与“should+不定式”交替使用,也可与“to-不定式”交替使用。He ordered that the books be sent at once.=He ordered that the books s

13、hould be sent at once.=He ordered that the books to be sent at once.Were-Subjunctive Moodwere-型虚拟语气常用于wish, would rather, suppose, imagine之后的分句中,表示一种臆想的(通常不可能发生的)情况。 I wish it were spring all the year round. Id rather I were not at the site of the accident. Just imagine everyone were to give up smok

14、ing.上述were-型虚拟式在第一、第三人称单数主语之后可为was所取代。 If it was to rain, the game would be put off. If only I was not so nervous.但在if I were you这一分句中,通常用were,而不用was。另外倒装句中也只能用were。 If I were you, I should wait till next week. Were I to do it (=If I were to do it), I should rely on you.在as it were(作so to speak解,即“宛

15、如”、“好比”之意)结构中,也只用were,不用was。 He is my best friend, my second self, as it were.用动词的过去式表示假设意义1、Subjunctive mood: It is (high/about) time thatIt is time we had dinner.Youve been working hard. Its time you took a rest.It is high time we left this place.2、I would rather/ sooner (that) you / he / they Im told they are going by bus, but I would rather they went by train. He didnt attend the meeting. I would rathe



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