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1、“学 程 导 航”课 时 教 学 计 划教学内容9A Unit 3 Teenage problemsGrammar (II)共几课时10课型新第几课时1教学目标1.能基本理解和掌握疑问词加不定式的用法,并能基本熟练地运用。2绝大部分学生能记住接不定式的常用的动词,如:explain,decide, know3. 大部分的学生能熟悉4种不同类型的句型,能独立地加以判断并掌握句式的特征。教学重难点句子的不同类型的掌握,特别是区分一般疑问句与选择疑问句、反义疑问句的句型特征教学资源1. 学生原有的对句子成分、句子类型的掌握2. 教室里的人与物的各种资源的利用3. 学生原有的知识储备预习设计1.复习上

2、一课时的语法,判断下列句子中不定式的成分2.试着翻译下列句子3.读一读下列,你能判断一下它的句子类型吗?(内容见预习导学案讲义) 学程预设导学策略调整与反思Step One 复习巩固一、读一读、背一背下列固定短语 1. find a quiet place to study2.have no courage3.share with my friends my worries4.tell you the truth5.quarrel with my cousin6.spare some time for me7.need someone to talk to8.care only about m

3、y marks after exams9.do not seem to notice10.turn down the TV11.turn it off12.leave you alone13.have some time to dance 14.let your parents see your progress二、读一读,判断下列句子中不定式的成分1.The driver failed to see the other car in time. 2.I want you to speak to Tom.3.Father will not allow us to play on the str

4、eet.4.To teach is to learn. 5.There was nothing to bring home that morning. 6.I come here only to say good-bye to you.7.He searched the room only to find nothing. Step Two 预习检测(一)1. 分享一下你的自学成果(小组讨论、代表发言)2.学生归纳总结疑问词加不定式的用法 (小组讨论、比一比谁的归纳更具体)Step Three 拓展延伸(一)Model:Paul knows who to talk to for help.=P

5、aul knows _ _ _ talk to for help.More practice1.We want know who we can ask for help.2.We cant decide what we should do in the evening.3.We dont know where we can find information about teenage problems4.We often forget when we should go back home.5.Can you tell me how we can achieve a balance betwe

6、en study and hobbies?完成书本p51 BStep Four 预习检测(二)1. 读一读,说说这些句子的类型2. 口头训练1.Does Simon play basketball or football?2.Is Simon crazy about football/basketball?3.When does Simon usually play ball games?4.Simon will get into trouble, wont he?How crazy Simon is about football!What an energetic boy he is!Sim

7、on, plan your time more carefully!S1 介绍自己的一个生活方式S2S3询问更多的有关S1的生活方式或对其进行评价、提建议(用到各种疑问句、祈使句、感叹句)Step Five拓展延伸(二)(以小组讨论的方式)归纳总结反义疑问句的各种句式 完成教师提供的反义疑问句的练习完成书本p53Step Six课堂检测选择学程导航和互动课堂的部分练习作为检测内容 教师在过程中评价学生对不定式在句中成分的回答,积极鼓励判断发言。(中英互译)It is not right _(keep) the problems to yourselves.You should try to r

8、elax and _(enjoy) life.Tell yourself _(think) about everything in a good way.Dont always make yourself _(stay) at home.教师引导学生总结哪些动词后面可以接动词的不定式教师通过范例,引导学生掌握疑问词加动词不定式结构与宾语从句的句式转换We want know who we can ask for help.= We want know who to ask for help.Do you know what to do?=Do you know what I should do?完成补充习题中的相关练习。Sigmund wants to know if you know a lot about Simon . Lets answer his questions.注意四种句型1.选择疑问句与疑问句的区别2祈使句的反意疑问句都是will you除了Lets,shall we?3.感叹句中what 与how之间的互换问题教师通过精选的题目,鼓励学生合作探究完成各种反义疑问句的句型 完成补充习题中的相关练习。教师进行评讲。作业设计见预习导学案3



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