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1、2023中考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、-Could you tell me _ this summer holiday? -Tibet.Awhen did you goBwhere you will goCwhere will you goDwhen you will go2、Help others in need, _ they will help you when you

2、 are in trouble.AandBorCso3、Of all the drinks, tea is_ in the world. It has a history of about 5,000 years.Avery old Bolder Cthe oldest4、Does she like singing English songs?Yes. She _ to sing English songs in her room.Aoften doesBis often heardCoften hears5、The earth is a planet and it goes _the sun

3、.AbetweenBacrossCthroughDaround6、-Where is the comic book?-I brought it to you _you were in the reading room yesterday.AwhenBifCbecauseDbefore7、Mum always tells me“Asmile costs_,but gives much.”AanythingBsomethingCeverythingDnothing8、The Gruffalo is a(n) book. It has sold over 18 million copies up t

4、o now.ApopularBnormalCdifferent9、-I saw John in the park this morning. -It _be him. He has gone to HongKong.AcantBcanCmustntDmust10、You are supposed to be more careful to make fewer while you are writing.Atrouble Bmatter Cmistakes Dproblems. 完形填空11、Today,it is a big problem for young graduates to ge

5、t good jobs.It is said that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world.Choosing the 1 one is not that easy.Finding a job is not the same as choosing a job.Many young people end up in a job,but they are not suitable for (适合于)it.Sometimes chance may 2 a more important part than a deci

6、sion.Here are a few steps to help you 3 jobs which you might enjoy after school or university.First,it is important to realize what kind of person you are,which 4 you outstanding and helps you find out what you are interested in.There is a difference between an interest and a 5 .If you like art and

7、enjoy looking at pictures,which is an interest.But if you can 6 a horse that looks like a horse but not a big dog,that is a skill.Then ask 7 a question,“In the following three areasskills with people,skills with information and skills with things, 8 is your best skills?” After examining your skills,

8、the next step is research.Try to 9 as many different kinds of jobs as possible. 10 ,trust your own ideas and your own thinking!It is your own life,so just find the job you really enjoy doing.1Aleft Bright Ctrue Dreal2Atake Bplay Chave Dchoose3Athink about Bthink for Cthink up Dthink of4Abrings Bhelp

9、s Cpushes Dmakes5Aquestion Bhobby Cskill Djob6Aride Bfeed Cdraw Dfind7Ayourself Bthemselves Chimself Dmyself8Awhat Bwho Cwhen Dwhich9Afind out Bwatch out Ccarry out Dlook out10ASuddenly BFinally CSimply DLuckily. 语法填空12、Just like football, basketball is one of the 1(popular) sports in the world.The

10、game of the basketball2(go) a long way since its first game on December 21, 1891. At the beginning the game wasnt played very 3(wide ),because students played 4 game inside when the weather outside became too cold for sports. Now basketball 5(play) in many different countries around the world. Fans

11、of basketball love playing the games in all seasons-spring, summer, fall, winter. 阅读理解A13、A 15-year-old student who invented a flashlight(手电筒) getting power from the holders body heat is going home today from California with a big prize and a chance to do further research.Ann Makosinski was the only

12、 Canadian among the four winners at Googles international science competition. Thousands of young scientists from around the world took part in the competition.Winning the science and technology competition was a surprise. Ann said, I think it will have a great influence on my future.Ann thanked her

13、 family for encouraging her interest in science and said that her first toy was a box of transistors(晶体管).Anns prize includes $ 25,000 and a once in a-lifetime expericnce from Google for her Hollow Flashlight, which has no moving parts or batteries.The idea for the invention came from seeing unwante

14、d batteries and her friends experience. When Ann visited a friend in the Philippines, she saw the friend couldnt study when it became dark because there was no electricity or light. She saw the need for a flashlight that has no batteries - Hollow Flashlight.In her project, Ann wrote I made two flash

15、lights that do not use any batteries or harmful materials. They do not create any noise and will always work. The flashlight needs at least a 5 temperature difference between the holders body and the environment around to produce light.A video of Ann explaining how she creatcd the flashlight has been watched mo


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