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1、高考英语阅读理解含译文翻译 一只泪流满面的猴子一只泪流满面的猴子A Tearful Monkey这只猴子没有父母和亲人,缺乏管教成了他最大的缺点。当他日益强大的时候,这个缺点给了他一个终身难忘的教训,他被一个叫释伽的和尚用一座大山压了五百年。Once upon a time, there was a monkey. Having no parents or any other blood relations, he had not had upbringing of any kind. When he became magically powerful and uncontrollably w

2、ild, this fatal weakness of his taught him the lesson of his life: He was held down close to the ground for 500 years by a big mountain brought to bear on him by a master Buddha.整篇材料是文章,译文应是叙事语体。但第一段却是故事体。作者似在回忆童年读书时留下的印象,缓缓地叙述着故事。所以我们第一段这样译:“Once upon a time.”,这形式常用于讲述古老的神话、传说,比较适合复述西游记这种神话故事。原文第一句

3、包含了两层意思:该猴子为仙石所产、石卵所生,无父无母,缺乏管教;这一特点成了他最大的缺点。第二句话重提缺点,第一句中的缺点不必译出,译出“缺乏管教”not have upbringing of any kind就够。“最大”不宜译作biggest,上下文中并未提到别的缺点,可供比较大小,根据故事内容译作“致命的”,“fatal weakness”这一搭配在英语中很常用,也适合“孙悟空”的形象。“叫释迦的和尚”考虑到原文为一般的小品文,非西游记的解释,更非佛教知识介绍,翻译时,在一些次要点上模糊一些无妨,将其虚化为“a master/senior Buddha”upbringingnoun si

4、ng., U the way in which a child is cared for and taught how to behave while it is growing up 抚育;养育;教养;培养:to have had a sheltered upbringing 受到呵护的养育我在一本名叫西游记的书里读到了关于这只猴子的故事。他后来被另一个姓唐的和尚救了,他被用来保护姓唐的和尚去取一本据说要经过很多艰险才能取到的经书。经书当然取到了,而他据说也成了正果。I read about this monkey in a novel entitled The Pilgrimage to

5、the West. This monkey, the novel recounted, was released by a monk surnamed Tang, and was accepted by the latter as one of his disciples and escorts to accompany him on his adventure. After overcoming untold hardships and braving incredible dangers, the monk got the scriptures and the monkey became

6、a Buddha too.四大名著英译名水浒传Water Margin / All Men Are Brothers红楼梦Dream of the Red Chamber三国演义Romance of the Three Kingdoms西游记 Journey to the West / The Pilgrimage to the Westsurname=family name=last name 姓这里用surnamed作后置定语修饰前面的名词,比用定语从句更加简洁。张培基第四册中有一篇文章容忍,其中有一句:唐朝有一个姓张的大官,家庭和睦,美名远扬。译文:During the Tang Dyn

7、asty, a high official surnamed Zhang was known far and wide for his harmonious home life.讲到人物介绍,在二级笔译实务配套训练中有一篇关于朱自清的介绍:朱自清,字佩弦,浙江绍兴人。译文是:Zhu Ziqing, courtesy name Peixian, is a native of Shaoxing county, Zhejiang province.“他被用来保护”中的“用”不宜译为use,参考译文根据故事情节添补了一些细节,点名了二者的师徒关系以及主人、随从关系:was released by a

8、monk surnamed Tang, and was accepted by the latter as one of his disciples and escorts.escort这个词既可做名词,又可做动词,上个月黄皮书翻译真题有一篇讲四川九寨沟风景,其中一句:他情不自禁地对陪同他的藏族副县长说:“你真幸福啊!你是世界上最美丽的县的县长。” He then turned to his escort, the Tibetan deputy head of a county, and said in a fit of admiration, “How lucky you are to go

9、vern the most beautiful place in the world!”“据说要经过很多艰险才能取到的经书中的“据说”不必译,译了反而会产生歧义:“据说”如此,实际上并非如此。“经过很多艰险”我们在译文中移到下句。个人认为“艰险”也可以译为“trials and tribulations”“成了正果”是佛教词语,“成佛”等于“成正果”,所以译为“ and the monkey became a Buddha too”是妥当的。escortnoun, verb1. C, U a person or group of people or vehicles that travels

10、with sb / sth in order to protect or guard them 护送者;护卫队;护卫舰(或车队、飞机):Prisoners are taken to court under police escort.囚犯由警察押送带上法庭。2. VN, usually +adv. / prep. to go with sb to protect or guard them or to show them the way护送:The President arrived, escorted by twelve soldiers. 总统在十二名衞兵的护送下到达。scripturen

11、oun1. Scripture U (also the Scriptures pl.) the Bible 圣经2. scriptures pl. the holy books of a particular religion (某宗教的)圣典,经文,经典:Hindu scriptures 印度教经文这个故事具有很强的趣味性,几乎欺骗了我整个童年。多年以后,我给我的孩子又讲这只猴子的故事,讲到他被救了之后,保护师父历尽艰险去西天取经。孩子忽然对我说:“孙悟空真可怜。”This story is so interesting that it almost beguiled the whole o

12、f my childhood. Many years later, I started to amuse my kid with the same story. One day, when I came to the formidable ordeals the monkey underwent while performing his duty, my son suddenly murmured, “Monkey King is really very pitiable!”“欺骗了我的整个童年”,此处作者是想说:童年时他十分喜欢这个故事,长大成人后不再喜欢,并觉得该故事在启迪读者方面并不正确

13、。我们用beguile,这个词既有“欺骗”的意思,也有“排遣时间”的意思。“讲”字在这段里出现了两遍,“讲故事”不一定非译为tell a story,可用“amuse.with.”,含义是给小孩讲故事,逗乐他们 ,比用tell生动传神得多。“保护师父”中“保护”一词上段已经出现过并用了“escort”,此处改用“performing his duty”执行任务时,避免了重复,又显得生动。“忽然对我说”中的“说”译成said 不够传神,“孩子”在这里不是在询问后回答什么问题,也不是一本正经地发表看法,而是听故事时突然有感而发、自然自语。我们用murmur(喃喃自语)。beguileverb VN

14、 (formal)1. sb (into doing sth) to trick sb into doing sth, especially by being nice to them 哄骗(某人做某事);诱骗:She beguiled them into believing her version of events. 她哄骗他们相信了她敍述的事情。2. to attract or interest sb 吸引(某人);使感兴趣:He was beguiled by her beauty. 他为她的美丽所倾倒。formidableadj. if people, things or situa

15、tions are formidable, you feel fear and / or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult 可怕的;令人敬畏的;难对付的:In debate he was a formidable opponent. 在辩论中他是位难应付的对手。ordealnoun usually sing. (of sth / of doing sth) a difficult or unpleasant experience 磨难;折磨

16、;煎熬;严酷的考验:They are to be spared the ordeal of giving evidence in court. 他们将免受出庭作证的难堪。pitiableadj. (formal)1. deserving pity or causing you to feel pity 值得同情的;可怜的:The refugees were in a pitiable state. 难民处境可怜。2. not deserving respect 卑鄙的;卑劣的:a pitiable lack of talent 令人遗憾的无能表现我有些不解,问孩子为什么。孩子说,他干吗要跟着一个什么都不会的笨师父去取一本不


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