2023年外研版八年级下册 Module单元复习与练习题.docx

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1、2019年外研社 八年级下册Module 10 单元复习题核心短语Thanks/thank you for doing sth. 感谢你(们)做某事show sb. around 带某人参观;给某人做向导on air (广播或电视) 播出in person 亲自;本人come this way 走这边look at 看。avoid doing sth. 避免做某事make noise 发出噪音in the background 在背景中national news 国内新闻keep doing sth. 继续做某事one day 总有一天over there 在那边the end of 。的结尾

2、look down 低头看close to 靠近at the age of 在几岁时ask for a job 求职part-time jobs兼职工作once a week 每周一次learn about 了解talk about 谈论look out of 朝。外面看do a sound check 试音agree tp do sth. 同意做某事keep on doing sth. 继续做某事,反复做某事by doing sth. 通过做某事introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人It seems that 从句 好像/似乎。need to do sth. 需要做某事一

3、、根据句意和中文提示写单词1.Cindys uncle is a famous _(导演)。2.Im going to _(引领) the visitors around my school tomorrow.3.Listen! The progamme has a very noisy _(背景)。4.I want to be a_(主持人) when I grow up.5.The young man is _(采访) a film star.6.Is your father at home? No, hes still in his _(录制室).7.All the _(听众) are

4、looking forward to the next programme.8.Jack enjoys writing _(文章) for local newspapers.9. Why do you have this party? In fact, I have no special_(意图), just to enjoy myself.二、根据句意和首字母提示写单词1.It s_ that he doesnt like it so much.2.I need a p_ job to make some pocket money.3. Linda doesnt talk much. But

5、 she is really a good l_.4.Althoug I have read this a_ twice, I still want to read it a third time.5.The p_ of the concert is to raise some money for the sick girl.6. In order to a_ meeting Tom, she didnt go to the party last night.7. Would you like to go for a picnic with me tomorrow? Im afraid not

6、. I have an important job i_.8. What is Zhang yi mou? He is a famous Chinese d_.9.If you like , I can s_ you around my school this afternoon.10. The b_ music of this programme is beautiful.三、用括号中的所给的单词的适当形式填空。1.Do you think Zhan Tianyou is a _(nation) hero?2.I hope _(join) you some day.3.Thank you f

7、or _(lend) me your bike.4.You should avoid _(make) the same mistake again.5. Have you heard the _(late) news? Not yet. Whats that?6.David speaks French really _(good).7.The price of the service depends on your _(person) choice.8.I remember _(sit) next to the radio listening to my favourite songs whe

8、n I was a child.9.He Jiong is one of my favourite _(presenter).10. He did research by_(ask) people question.四、单选题1. Tom often has _ egg and a glass of milk for_ breakfast every day. A. an; / B. an;the C. a ; / D. a; the2.He had a talent in singing and he became a popular _the age of twenty. A. for B

9、. at C. with D. on 3.My mother agreed _ a new computer for me at the end of the term. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought4.-_ I hand in the report today? - No, you neednt A. Can B. Must C. Shall D. Could5.What do you think of the movie the Fate of the Furious 8? It is _! I enjoy it very much. A. fr

10、iendly B. fantastic C. awful D. noisy6. I called you at 8:30 last night, but you didnt pick up? Oh. I_ “Huanglesong ” at home at that time. A. watched B. am watching C. was watching D. watch7.Today is Fathers Day, Im thinking about_. A. what present I gave my father B. if I planned a party for my fa

11、ther. C. hou I can give may father a surprise D. where will my father and I have a big meal8. He finished the work carefully in order to avoid _ the same mistakes. A. make B. made C. making D. to make9. He didnt want anyone to look after his sick mother, so he gave up his job and looked after her_.

12、A. in person B. in trouble C. in surprise D. in all10 I asked him _ he came here. I thought he came by bus. A. what B. why C. how D. when11. I want to know _ the day after tomorrow? Ask Jim. He must know. A. what will he do B. what he will do C. what he did D. what did he do.12.When the expert gave

13、a talk, the meeting room was very quiet. All of us listened to him_. A. in a way B. in surprise C. in silence D. in a mess13. Are you going camping this afternoon? A typhoon is coming. Im not sure _ the road to the mountains will be closed. A. which B. what C. whether D. why五、宾语从句的时态1.She hopes that her father _(take) her to Sydney one day.2.I didnt know if Daisy _(come) to Jennys party the next day.3.She said that they _(have) a party at that time.4.She told her so


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