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1、基于多中心治理视角的电视问政研究以武汉市电视问政为分析对象摘 要武汉是湖北省省会,武汉电视台在全省乃至全国影响力巨大。因此,通过武汉电视台对机关干部问政是社会监督的一项重要举措。目前来说,电视问政是一种新兴的政务公开方式,将人民群众赋予的行政权力曝光于大众面前,对干部进行严厉的拷问和问责,是对提升行政单位人员办公效率、净化行政单位不良风气具有重大的意义。2012年初,武汉开始实行电视问政以来,已经走过了6个年头,在节目创办至今,曾在社会上受到广泛关注和影响,并取得了较为明显的成效,获得了武汉市居民的一致好评,但是随着社会进步的和人民群众需求的改变,电视问政栏目已经发展到必须要做出改变的时候了。


3、中心治理和电视问政节目的关联性。第三部是从内容、节目进行程序、绩效和存在的问题等方面作了细致的分析。第四部分对如何进一步改进电视问政栏目的具体措施方面作了详细研究,以改变武汉电视台问政栏目在发展上停滞不前的问题。本文的独创之处是:一是对研究方面作了改进,融合了多种学科知识进行分析,例如管理科学、社会科学、传媒学和新闻学等多种学科,创新之处在于结合了多中心治理理论、行政监察理论、大众参与理论和网民监督理论进行探讨。二是条理脉络和观点的首创性。融合了例证研究和典型性研究方法,以多中心理论角度,对问政栏目进行了综合研究,提出了改进电视问政存在问题的举措。关键词:多中心治理; 电视问政; 问题与对策A

4、bstractWuhan is the capital of Hubei Province, Wuhan TV in the province and the country has a great influence. Therefore, through the Wuhan TV station cadres to ask the government is an important measure of social supervision. At present, the television service is a new way of open government, the p

5、eoples administrative power exposed to the public in front of the cadres of the severe torture and accountability, is the efficiency of administrative units, clean administrative units bad atmosphere , To enhance the efficiency of administrative staff is of great significance. At the beginning of 20

6、12, Wuhan began to carry out the TV since the government has gone through six years, in the program since its inception, the community has been widespread concern and influence, and achieved more obvious results, won the Wuhan residents praise, but With the social environment and the needs of the ma

7、sses of the change, the TV has been developed to the development of the column must be made to change the time. For example, there is a problem that the question of government is more fragmented and the procedure is lacking in normality. The program is relatively old in terms of richness and flexibi

8、lity. The program can only solve the problem and the nature of the problem is still not solved effectively. The above issues seriously restrict the development of Wuhan radio station. In order to change the status quo of Wuhan TV station to ask the column, to promote the effective improvement of the

9、 administrative process of the malpractice, the pass through the investigation, statistical analysis of data, the core issues of research, etc., Wuhan radio asked the column over the years the problems Combing, summed up the achievements of the political section and the need to improve the aspects,

10、and on the existing problems put forward the corresponding improvement measures.This paper is composed of four parts: the first part puts forward the research background, purpose, research methods and original research methods and the domestic and foreign research status. The second part summarizes

11、the relevance of multicenter governance and television programs. The third part is from the content, the program steps, performance and existing problems and other aspects of a detailed analysis. The fourth part of the article on how to further improve the specific measures of the column made a deta

12、iled study to change the Wuhan TV column on the development of the stalled problem.The original of this article is: First, the research has been improved, the integration of a variety of disciplines to analyze the knowledge, such as management science, social discipline, communication and journalism

13、 and other disciplines, innovation is the use of the Multi-center governance theory, administrative supervision theory, public participation theory and the theory of Internet users to explore. Second, the context and the idea of the initiative. By combining the examples of research and the typical r

14、esearch methods, a multi-center perspective, a comprehensive study of the policy section, put forward to improve the problem of TV to ask the question of the initiative.Keywords: Polycentric governance; TV politics; questions and measures2一、绪 论(一)选题背景和选题意义1背景电视问政是行政单位管理人员通过参加电视直播的方式,在其职权范围内向人民群众就社会事





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