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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?教材解读时间的重要性不言而喻,如何表达时间也与我们的生活密切相关。在学生学过了一些数词和日常行为动作术语的基础上,教材在本单元的开篇安排了关于谈论日常作息时间安排的对话来让学生学习认知时间,表达时间,适时而合理。学好此课又是为学习本单元乃至今后更多的有关时间的对话和短文打基础,因而学好它至关重要。同时利用一切机会获取尽可能多的可行信息,提高自己的听说读写能力。单元目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握数词160, 频度副词usually,短语: get up, run, eat breakfast, take a shower,

2、go to school,以及句型:What time is it ? Its 7 oclock. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30。2. 掌握第三人称单数谓语动词的运用。3. 使学生能用英语表达时间和谈论日常作息时间安排。 4. 使学生懂得时间的价值,教育其珍惜时间,很好地利用时间,形成良好的作息习惯。二、过程与方法由浅入深地教会学生谈论某人何时做某事。交际法:学外语的主要目的不是在掌握语言结构本身,而是在发展学生的交际能力,让他们在创设的交际情景中学会知识,以便能运用于现实交际活动中。三、情感态度与价值观培养

3、学生按时作息、生活有规律的好习惯,并能带动家人、朋友也养成这个好习惯。教法导航以学生为中心,以活动为驱动点,以任务为目标的教学方式,充分利用多媒体,让学生在活动中感知、领悟、体验和实践语言知识要点。学法导航在实践与合作中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆。课时支配第1课时:Section A 1a2c第2课时:2d3c第3课时:Section B 1a1e第4课时:2aSelf Check第1课时section A 1a-2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 熟悉并掌握日常活动的英语表达。2. 掌握时间的正确表达。3. 掌握句型:What time do you usually? I

4、 usuallyat.4. 能听懂有关时间的对话并捕捉有效信息。二、过程与方法采用目标和直观教学法,调动学生的积极性,引导他们积极参与课堂。 三、情感态度与价值观让学生认识到时间的宝贵,要珍惜时间。初步培养学生养成良好作息时间的习惯。教学重点能运用What time do you usually? I usuallyat进行交际。教学难点能听懂有关时间的对话并捕捉到有效信息。教法导航课上引导学生积极参与课堂活动,老师少讲,鼓励学生多练。学法导航发现法,动手法。教学准备教案、课件、时钟、图片。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsT:Greet the students as usual.St

5、ep 2 Revision Show some pictures with some actions on them and get the students to speak them out in English:get up ; do morning exercises; eat breakfast; go to school ; go to work; eat lunch ; get home; make dinner; eat dinner; watch TV; do homework ; go to bed. Then get the students to repeat them

6、. Finally complete Activity la.Step 3 Game Show the students some cards with numbers from 1-60 on them one by one. And then get some students to speak out the numbers in English and look at who is first and correct. The one who does well can get 2 points. Finally, look at who can get the highest poi

7、nts. Step 4 PresentationShow a real clock and ask:“Whats this?” and get a student to answer. Then ask:“What time is it?” Help them answer the question in English. Then repeat the steps to practice as much as possible.Step 5 PracticeShow my timetable and tell the students:This is my timetable. I usua

8、lly get up at six (oclock). I usually have breakfast at 7 (oclock). etc. Then ask a student:What time do you usually get up? If he/she cant answer, ask another student to help him/her. Then check the answer together:I usually get up at six thirty. Repeat the steps several times and get the students

9、to practice in pairs as much as they can. Step 6 Pair workPractice the dialogue in pairs like this:What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at five thirty. Wow, I never get up so early. Step 7 ListeningTell the students:Rick is a student. Listen to the recording and tell what time he usuall

10、y gets up , what time he usually runs ,what time he usually eats breakfast , what time he usually takes a shower and what time he usually goes to school. Play the recorder twice. Step 8 PresentationThe teacher writes on the blackboard:I get up . We get up. You get up . They get up .He gets up. She g

11、ets up. It gets up. Get the students to look at the sentences carefully and pay attention to the underlined words. Tell them to try to find out the difference and the similarity. If they have difficulty, encourage them to do it in groups. Then help them to speak out the rules.Give the students to pr

12、actice. “They eat breakfast or They eats breakfast? Tom go to school or Tom goes to school? Tom and Jim go to school or Tom and Jim goes to school?”Step 9 Teamwork First get the students to draw some clocks and ask the students to make a survey by using the sentence pattern:What time do you usually

13、get up? I usually get up at 6 oclock. After this, the teacher collect some surveys and ask the students:What time does Wang Hong usually get up? What time does Zhang Li usually goes to school? Help the students to answer:He/She usually gets up at . Then give the students a several minutes to practic

14、e in groups.Step 10 Listening2a Ask the students to listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. Play the tape at least twice and try to get some students to write down their answers on the blackboard.2b Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jims family.Finally give the students a

15、 proverb:Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Step 11 HomeworkMake up your own timetable and get ready to talk about it at the beginning of the next class. 课堂作业组词成句:1. time,is,it,what?2. does,get,up,she,time,usually,what? 3. volleyball,he,time,what,play,does? 4. time, do, usually, what, you, take a shower?.5. school,often,at,6:30,go,I,to. 参考答案:1. What time is it? 2. What time does she usually get up? 3. What time does he play volleyball? 4. What time do you usually take a shower? 5. I often go to school at 6:30.教学反思本节课设计比较贴合学生的实际,钟表、起床、吃饭、上学等也是学生较为感兴



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