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1、英语(五年级下册)Unit 3 Asking the wayGrammar time无锡市东林小学 周晋 Teaching contents 教学内容Grammar time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能够复述Story time,能熟练运用与问路有关的交际用语。2. 在复习故事的过程中进一步理解并巩固词汇cinema, hospital, shop, zoo等。3. 能理解并灵活运用Grammar time中的交际用语。4. 能够在实际运用的过程中自主体会和归纳问路和指路的句型。5. 能够了解更多有关问路和指路的表达方式。Foc

2、us of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 介词at、on与动词的固定搭配。2. 能够通过交流与学习,复习问路方式:How do I get to the ?、Go along 、Turn left/right at 。教学难点:1. 能在实际运用的过程中自主体会和归纳句型;并在创设的真实具体的情境中问路和指路。2. 能用较丰富的语言介绍相关路线并完成相关写话。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing and dance: Rabbit songT: Hi,

3、 boys and girls. Do you like singing and dancing? S: Yes.T: Lets sing and dance! T: Now, listen to my orders. Stand up. Turn left/right. Show me your right hand/fingers/foot. Open/Close your left eye. Sit down.【设计意图:通过兔子舞活跃氛围,通过师生间的指令配合,复习巩固left, right, turn等单词。】Step 2 Review Story time 1. T: Look a

4、t the five pictures on Page 28. Lets match the sentences with the pictures. (1) 1e Yang Ling asks a policeman for help.(2) 2d Yang Ling turns right at the traffic lights.(3) 3a Yang Ling gets off the metro.(4) 4b Yang Ling walks along Sun Street.(5) 5c Yang Ling gets on the metro.2. 根据地图,用时间顺序副词firs

5、t, next, then, finally,完整描述Yang Ling的路线图。First, Yang Ling gets on the metro at Next, she gets off the metro at Then, shes on Street. She asks a for Finally, she walks along and turns at the The bookshop is on her Su Hais home is next to 【设计意图:以第三人称的角度复述课文内容,帮助学生巩固文本,提炼知识点和信息,提高口头表达能力。】Step 3 Grammar

6、 time 1. T: Who helps Yang Ling get to Su Hais home?S: Su Hai and the policeman.T: Yes, when we need help, we can ask our friends and policemen for help. What else can we do?S: (自由回答) We can ask for help. We can T: We also can ask the map for help.2. Show some pictures of different map and learn abo

7、ut them. 3. Teach the meaning of “M-A-P”T: What does the “map” mean? What does “M” mean?S: (自由回答) “M” means metro station./T: “M” means many things and places on the map. Whats on the map? (给出单词的首音节:str, tr, h, c, sh)S: (自由回答) Theres a/an There are some on the map.T: (引出新单词) cinema, hospital, shop4.

8、 T: (出示小镇地图) Lets go around the town with the map. OK? Where do you want to go? Why?S: (自由回答) I want to go to , because (教师根据学生回答,同步教学单词)cinema: ci-ne-ma Wanda Cinema, Jinyi Cinema, watch films in the cinemashop: bookshop, shoe shop, clothes shop, toy shop zoo: giraffe, tiger, lion, zebra hospital:

9、hos-pi-tal, see a doctor, feel ill 【设计意图:根据喜好选择地图上想去的地方,阐述原因。激发学习自主性。】5. T: What does “A” mean in the map?S: (自由回答) It means T: It means “ask and answer with a map”. Do you know how to ask the way? Where do you want to go and how do you ask? (出示小镇地图,学生自由提问)S: How do I get to the zoo? /Wheres the cin

10、ema? /Can you tell/show me the way to the hospital? T: Do you know how to tell the way? (1) If its not far, you can walk to /go to on foot.(2) If its far, you can take a metro/bus/taxi.6. Ask and answer in pairs. (PPT呈现小镇地图,凸显出发点和终点)(1) zoo A: Excuse me, how do I get to the zoo?B: Go along this stre

11、et. Turn left/right at the traffic lights. You can see the zoo on your left/right.A: Thank you.(2) cinemaA: Excuse me, how do I get to the cinema?B: You can take a metro there. You can get on/off the at Station. You can see the zoo on your left/right.A: Thank you.7. (PPT出示语法表格) 朗读并让学生归纳介词to, at, on,

12、 along的用法。【设计意图:大量感知语言后,整体呈现语法知识点,学生自读自悟,让学生将所学句型灵活运用到实际生活中,达到语用目的。】8. T: What does “P” mean?S: (自由回答) “P” means T: “P” means ask politely. When we ask the way, dont forget to say ?S: “Excuse me” and “thank you”. T: Good! Youre polite children!【设计意图:培养学生礼貌求助的良好品质。】Step 4 ConsolidationT: Are you also

13、 helpful children? Mr Green is visiting our city. What help does he need? Lets listen. (Mr Green: Excuse me, I want to visit Tai Lake, how do I get there?)S: (根据地图,设计不同路线,提供不同帮助)S1: You can take a metro. Get on at and get off at S2: You can go along Street and turn at the traffic lights. Then S3: Yo

14、u can take a taxi. But its not cheap.S4: You can Homework 家庭作业Try to collect more expressions about asking and telling the way.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:光盘、PPT、板书、建筑物卡片板书设计: Unit 3 Asking the way Asking the way: How do I get to ? Wheres ? Can you tell/show me the way to ?Telling the way: Go alon

15、g Turn left/right at Get on/off at You can see on your left/right.说课本节课的主要教学内容是Grammar time,而Grammar time的语言材料主要来自Story time,所以在上课伊始,教师先通过图文匹配和复述Yang Ling路线图这两个难度递增的活动复习Story time,唤醒学生对与问路有关的句型、词汇的记忆。 在Grammar time,教师引入单词MAP和一张小镇地图,并将M、A、P三个字母分别与新词学习、问路句型操练和礼貌联系起来,使得这三个环节更具有整体性。其中在对问路句型进行了充分操练后,学生对该句型已经有了感性认识,这时教师呈现Grammar time的表格,既是总结也是将感性认识上升到理性认识。最后的巩固环节,教师根据小镇地图创设新的更贴近生活的情景,请学生设计不同路线提供帮助,


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