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3、维,注意前后逻辑(选连词的空格前后两句可形成指代、列举、因果、对比、让步、补充、递进等逻辑关系)。第四步:_,_。初定选项后,很重要的一步就是要将整篇文章再复读一遍。对答案进行核实调整,清除疏漏。再次迅速复读,对短文的理解会更为深刻,更容易判断有疑点或误解的地方(这时要注意时态语态、主谓一致、固定搭配等)。五读法:1. 细读首句,预测主题;2. 跳读全文,领会大意;3. 通读全文,试选答案;4. 细读全文,推敲难题;5. 复读全文,调整答案。精简步骤:1. _。跳开选项了解信息,初步掌握文章大意。 (1min)2. _。仔细阅读全文,抓住短文的每段、每句作者的思想。 (5min)3. _。再次

4、阅读文章,检查答案,是否符合文章逻辑推理。 (2min)三、真题演练AThe greatest feeling in the world comes not from receiving presents, or even getting an A on the math test you studied so hard for. Rather, it 1_ when you hand a cup of hot coffee to that older man sitting on the side of the street asking for money. You feel it whe

5、n you drive an hour and a half to a 2_ to meet children with cancer. And you feel it when you sit down with your friend to comfort her 3_ her mother died. Helping others can be the greatest feeling in the world, and I 4_ this just one year ago. My friend asked me to attend a Youth Group meeting at h

6、is church. After an hour of listening to them 5_ their opinions, I was invited to go with them to help 6_ the homeless. Early that Saturday morning, a team of 15 teenagers began making sandwiches and counting bags of candy. For the first time in my life I realized that we, the teens of America, can

7、make a 7_. Since it was my first time, and I wasnt part of the group, I felt a little out of place. But watching the others 8_ the food drove my nervousness away. Before long, all 150 bagged lunches were gone and the group was 9_ its way home. I realized that not only is my friend an amazing person,

8、 but that all of those people are amazing. Thats what made me join the Youth Group. I work at a coffee shop but dont make much. Its not the best job, but there are times when its worth it. For example, a few weeks ago, when the store was 10_ and I was bored, looking out of the window, I noticed an o

9、ld man sitting outside. He had been there before. As a matter of fact, he 11_ came in to buy anything because he didnt have any money. I took up a cup of coffee, walked outside, and handed it to him. The smile on his face made my day, and as I walked back into the store, I put my own money into the

10、drawer. Then I knew how the members of the Youth Group feel every time they help someone. Knowing that you can help is 12_ the greatest feeling in the world.1. A. startsB. stopsC. lastsD. fails2. A. shopB. churchC. countryD. hospital3. A. afterB. untilC. thoughD. before4. A. expectedB. discoveredC.

11、touchedD. offered5. A. writeB. experienceC. voice D. discuss6. A. teachB. encourageC. moveD. feed7. A. decision B. successC. dreamD. difference8. A. take outB. pick out C. hand out D. point out9. A. inB. onC. throughD. by10. A. emptyB. freeC. busyD. crowded11. A. evenB. usually C. neverD. often12. A

12、. helpfulB. wonderfulC. hopefulD. usefulBIt was a cold afternoon in winter. My oldest son, Stephen, was at school, and Reed, my husband, at work. My 1_ little ones were sitting around the kitchen table. Tom was perfecting a paper plane, while Sam was 2_ on an oil painting.But Laura, our only daughte

13、r, sat quietly and was 3_ in her project. Every once in a while she would ask how to 4_ the name of someone in our family, then carefully form the letters one by one. Next, she would add flowers with small items. She finished off each with a sun in the upper right hand corner. Holding them at eye le

14、vel, she let out a long sigh (叹息) of 5_.“What are you doing, Honey?” I asked. She looked quickly at her brother before looking back at me. “Its a 6_.” she said, covering up her work with her hands.Next, she put her work into a box. When she had finished, she disappeared up the stairs.It wasnt until later that evening that I 7_ a “mailbox” taped onto the doors to each of our bedrooms. There were little notes saying that she loved all of us. She hadnt 8_ Sam or baby Paul. They are pages of colored scenes including flowers with happy faces. “He cant read yet,” she whispered (


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