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1、Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 2 I feel better now.Section A学习目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:be strict with, shy, send, e-card, take it easy2. Master adverbial clauses of reason:She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam.She feels very lonely because she has no friends

2、 to talk with.3. Learn and master the sentences about personal feelings and characters further:Shes so unhappy.Oh dear! Im sorry to hear that.She is quiet and shy.Im really worried about her.4. Share feelings with other people.课前预习一英汉互译1. do badly in 2. feel lonely 3. be lost 4. fall down 5. send st

3、h to sb 6. take it easy 7. 看起来很焦急 8. 对要求严格 9. 没有可谈心的朋友 10. 和交谈 二 根据汉语提示填空1. Mike fees very (孤独) .2. The students looked (疲惫) because they did too much homework.3. The little girl is always very (害羞的) .4. My parents are very (严格的) in my study.5. I (发送) an e-card to Beth to cheer her up.课堂环节1. 复习并学习新词

4、句 strict, be strict with 对严格要求2. 呈现1a, 再听1a,呈现听力任务3. 复习巩固1a,并完成1b4. 完成2和3,练习本课的重点词句, because引导的原因状语从句5. 小组活动和课后作业综合检测一用所给单词的正确形式填空1. What (seem) to be the problem?2. She seems so sad and (happy).3. He is (surprise) at the result.4. Maria is anxious about (wait) in line for a long time.5. Jane is ang

5、ry at (other) mistakes.6. She is afraid of (speak) in front of many people.二 按要求完成句子1. She looks happy because she did well in her exam. (对划线部分提问) She happy?2. We need to do exercise for an hour every day. (改为一般疑问句) You to do exercise for an hour every day?3. miss Wang is talking to Helen. (同义句转换) M

6、iss Wang is Helen .4. She seems quiet. (同义句转换) She seems quiet. She is quiet.5. You talk to others. You will be happy again. (用if连成一句) 课后作业根据句意及中文提示完成句子1. My father (对感到满意) my good results at school.2. She is worried. I think I should (谈话) with her.3. We should help others (需要) .4. The students (对感到

7、厌倦) Mr. Lees class.5. Our math teacher is very patient and explains things to us (一次又一次) .6. She seems so (伤心的) and unhappy.7. Mr. Cheng is v (耐心).8. its really a (出人意料的) thing.9. kangkang got (对发狂) the shouting outside.10. Helen is (害羞的). She is afraid of speaking in front of many people.Unit 5 Fee

8、ling HappyTopic 2 I feel better now.Section B学习目标1. Learn some new words: feeling, fail, experience, suggestion, normal, soft, nervous2. Learn some sentences of reassuring others: Dont worry. There, there! Itll be OK.3. Learn how to give advice to people in bad moods.4. Learn to deal with unhappy fe

9、elings课前预习一 英汉互译1. at ones age 2. make friends with sb 3. tell jokes 4. take part in 5. in public 6. in class 7. 英语考试不及格 8. 使某人大笑 9. 和某人交流有困难 10. 和某人打架 二 根据首字母提示填空1. Tom f the math exam again.2. Very few people have such an e .3. When you have bad f , you should talk to others.4. Sometimes we should

10、 follow our parents s .5. Its n to feel tired after such a long trip.课堂环节1. 复习并导入1a。2. 呈现1a,提出问题,让学生自读1a,然后师生对话,使学生更好地理解课文。3巩固1a,整合Section A与Section B中的1a。完成1b4. 呈现2a。师生对话,继续谈论同学们的不同经历,引出2a中的目标语言,学习并掌握生词:experience, normal, soft。5. 整合1c和2b,让学生学会给别人建议和安慰6. 课后作业综合检测一 单项选择1. Kangkang failed last math e

11、xam because he was careless. A. pass B. to pass C. finish D. to finish 2. -I did badly again in English exam. English is too hard! - I can help you. A. glad to hear that. B. good luck. C. dont worry. D. sounds great.3. -I feel sad because Mr. lee is angry with me . -Go and tell him the truth. Hell understand you. A. Im glad to hear that. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. thats too bad. D. there, there! Itll be ok.4. -Im afraid English in public. -Dont be shy. Ju


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