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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上初中英语话题作文复习课教案 潞城四中 李海芳复习目标能运用常用词汇、基本句式和语法结构,按要求写出规范的句子,表达自己的思想。复习重点和难点重点:如何自如表达自己的思想和想法。难点:基础知识转化为言语技能,并发展为运用英语进行交际。复习方法和策略 小组合作、自主探究、合作探究教学程序Step 1导入课题采用展示图片的方式导入课题,活跃课堂气氛。教师问:what can you see in the pictures?学生答:WechatStep 2 师生互动、归纳整理老师问:what do you do with your Wechat?用图片呈现各种微信的功能:交友

2、、学知识、位置共享、和朋友分享等。让学生用英语说出这些短语。_friends_vedios_pictures_in a group_gamess_English_people where I amWechat_people around you_news_what I do with friendsStep 3 讨论总结 师生互动学生通过讨论,写出使用微信的有点和缺点。Discuss in groups and write down the simple sentences.Should Students Use Wechat?WhoIdeasStudentsAdvantagesWe can

3、make more _ .It can provide a platform to _with our friends.We can learn more _ by Wechat.StudentsDisadvantagesWechat will influence students_if they spend too much time using it.They may be tricked by strange _.Its bad for their _to use Wechat for a long time .Step 4直击中考、题目练习下周,你们班将举行一场“初中生使用微信的利与弊

4、”的主题班会,请你以“ The opinion of Using Wechat” 为题写一篇英语短文谈谈自己的看法,内容包括:1. 初中生使用微信的利弊及原因2. 建议初中学生如何对待微信(至少2点)Task 1 思路点拨主要人称:_ 主要时态:_一、Beginning:下周举行主题班会二、Body:微信的利弊及原因三、Ending:呼吁中学生正确使用微信Task 2 重点短语Important phrases and sentencesadvantages make more friends learn more knowledge by Wechat. provide a platform

5、 to communicate with friends. disadvantages influence students study be tricked by strange net friends be bad for ones eyesopinions not use Wechat for too long make sure that dont use it when .not add strangers casually (随便)Task 3 写作练习Next week,we will have a discussion about _. Wechat is a very use

6、ful tool. It can _。Besides, we can _ and _ by Wechat. However, Wechat will influence _. And we may _.Last but not least, it will also _. In my opinion, we shouldnt _(长时间使用微信) and make sure that dont use it _(当我们学习时) .Besides, we shouldnt add strangers casually or _(见网友)without our parents permission

7、.Step 5纠错评分档次和要求:第一档:12-15分 内容涵盖所有的要点,表达清楚,几乎没有语言错误。第二档:11-12分 内容涵盖所有的要点,表达清楚,但有少量语言错误。 第三档:8-10分 内容涵盖大部分要点,表达尚清楚 ,但有一些语言错误。第四档:4-7分 内容涵盖部分要点,写出少量句子,但表达不连贯,语言错误较多。 第五档:0-3分 只写出个别单词,不成句子,表达不清楚。学生活动: 1.自我欣赏与修正; 2.同伴互赏;3.佳作展示。The opinion of using wechat Next week,we will have a discussion about using W

8、echat. Wechat is a very useful tool. It can provide a platform to communicate with our friends. Besides, we can make more friends and learn more knowledge by Wechat. However, Wechat will influence our study if we spend too much time using it. And we may be tricked by strange net friends.Last but not

9、 least, it will also be bad for our eyesight to use Wechat for a long time. In my opinion, we shouldnt use Wechat for too long and make sure that dont use it when we are studying .Besides, we shouldnt add strangers casually or meet net friends without our parents permission.好词好句Good words and phrases from the passage Good sentences from the passage Step 6 HomeworkRewrite your article and hand it in tomorrow.专心-专注-专业


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