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1、Unit8 How are you? (英语 四下)丹阳市麦溪中心小学 张侃 212300一、教材简介本单元主要功能项目为“关心问候”, 涉及到的日常交际用语为How are you ? This is * speaking. Whats the matter? I have a cold/ cough/ fever/ headache. 教师可结合三年级的二、目标预设1. 知识目标:(1)学生能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:This is. speaking. How are you? Whats the matter? Take care.(2)学生能听懂、会说和会读词汇:a cold/

2、headache/ fever/ cough2.能力目标:(1)学生学会运用所学内容流利地畅谈病症和建议;(2)学生学会复述,以及利用图表归纳语言。3.情感目标:教师引导学生学会用英语描述自己的状态,如何询问关心别人,培养学生相互关心相互体谅的情感。三、教学重点、难点1.教学重点:(1)重点句型:This is speaking. Whats the matter? Im sorry to hear that.(2)重点词汇:a cold/ fever/ headache/ cough的读音和拼写2.教学难点:学生能熟练地运用电话用语,会运用所学句型,进行有指向性的运用和表演。四、设计理念以新

3、课标为导向,教师指导学生发现问题并学习新课标倡导注重素质、关注差异、强调过程、优化评价等以生为本的教学理念;对小学英语课程教学提出了语言知识、语言技能、文化意识以及其他如情感态度与学习策略等方面的具体要求。鉴于学习对象为刚进入四年级的学生,认知结构还在起步不成熟阶段,需要引发他们发现问题的意识;需要学生自我发现,自主学习。因此以“教师指导学生发现问题并学习”为设计理念,以培养学生初步的自主学习能力,即形成学习者由情感态度、学习能力、自我评价和学习策略等因素综合而成的一条主导学习的内在机制。五、 设计思路本课时侧重于教师对学生学习方法的指导,提出“发现讨论学习评价”学习指导策略。“发现”指激发学

4、生的学习动机,发现自己不明白的点;“讨论”指教师在互动交流和意义建构中指导学生认知策略,让小组活动真正有其意义,;“评价”指教师指导学生学会自我监控和评价。教师通过几种场景展示,突出问题的设疑,当好朋友来时,你问什么?当身边家人朋友生病的场景时,你想到什么,说什么和做什么,充分利用chant、PPT、插画、简笔画、教育短片、现场采访等教学手段,层层递进,使孩子们在能够真正把所学运用到实际生活中。教学过程活 动 内 容 学生活动Step 1Warm up温故而知新1.自由交流Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Im your new teacher.

5、Im Miss Zhang. I like Whats your name?Nice to see you. How are you? Good morning/afternoon, Miss Zhang.S1: Im *.Nice to see you.Im fine. Thank you. And you?阶段目标:抓住学生对新教师好奇的心理,询问教师相关情况,导出课题:How are you?其中歌唱拉近师生距离,活跃课堂氛围,并导出第一个问题,当老师生病时,你该说什么,做什么。设计意图: 因师生初次见面,自然交流形成学生的熟悉感;通过Free talk复习与新知识有密切联系的旧知识,自

6、然地引入新知识,使学生能立刻参与到英语会话课堂这个情境中来,为进一步探究新知凝聚了动力。Step2Presentation导出目标,生成结构1.引入新知:Im not OK. You can ask me: Whats the matter?Im ill. Today, we will learn Unit 8 How are you? 板书揭题S1:Whats the matter?S2:Whats the matter? All:Whats the matter?Unit 8 How are you?S1-S2 S3-S4T在free talk基础上问How are you?问两组学生,引

7、出How are you? Im fine, thank you.师生、生生互动板书,复习旧知。继续追问与回答,引导学生用句型练习。随之生生对答,师评价。2.学习:“This is .speaking.”通过一段教师与天天的对话,让学生初步了解电话用语。T:There are some children here, look, who are they?T: Yes. They are calling.(PPT电话铃响起)T: Hello, this is speaking. May I speak to Tian Tian?T:Hello, this is Miss Zhang speaki

8、ng. Tian:Hello, Miss Zhang. This is Tian Tian.T:How are you?Tian:Im fine, thank you.(PPT介绍)电话用语:“This is. ”或“This is speaking. ” 意思是“我是”,用来自报家门。May I speak to?我可以和某某通话吗?They are Tian Tian、 Cindy、Kimi.跟读模仿T-S,S1-S2,S2-S3选择:电话用语:( )我是某某。A.This is .speaking.B.Im .3.让学生用This is . speaking.句型进行操练。A: Hell

9、o. This is .speaking.B: May I speak to .?A: This is . speaking.Pair work.4. 学习“Im sorry to hear that.”展示第二段与Cindy的对话T:Hello, this is speaking. May I speak to Cindy? C:Hi,this is Cindy speaking.T: How are you, Cindy ?C; Im ill.T: Im sorry to hear that.Take care and drink some water.C; Thank you.学习:Im

10、 sorry to hear that.Take care and drink some water.学习:Im sorry to hear that. Take care and drink some water. Go to bed.S1-S2 S3-S45.与同桌对话交流A:Hello, this is speaking. May I speak to ?B:Hello,this is (speaking).A:How are you?B:Im fine, thank you. Im ill/hungry/ thirsty/hotA:Im sorry to hear that. You

11、can drink some water. You can eat an ice cream. You can have a pie. You can buy a jacket. Take care.让学生自选合适的建议,进行对话训练 You can drink some water. You can eat an ice cream. You can have a pie. You can buy a jacket. Take care.阶段目标:用生动的电话场景,引发学生对几个新朋友的好奇,让他们自由思考对这几个新朋友的问题,然后进行训练,结合学生的回答教学生词,更迎合学生的知识生长点,便

12、于学生理解和系统掌握,为学生表述病症作好词汇方面的铺垫。设计意图:通过与两位小朋友的对话,让学生体验电话的真实情境,并从中理解新句型,并参与其中。老师与学生,学生与学生的口头操练就能够使得学生理解,电话用语里我是某某用May I speak to.? This is.speaking.Step3 New teaching进入课文,初步理解新知1.Watch and choose:(出示杨玲生病图片)T:Were all fine today. But how about Yang Ling? Is she fine? T:Where is she? How is she? Can you gu

13、ess? 引导学生用Maybe she is.回答。Watch and choose:How is Yang Ling?A. She has a cough.B. She has a headache.C. She has a cold and a fever.Ss: No. At home.Ss: She is illMaybe she is .Maybe she is.Watch and choose教读学习:a cough/ headache/ fever/ cold出示图片帮助理解。2. 学习a cough/ headache/ fever/ cold通过开火车读a cough/ he

14、adache/ fever/ cold,通过遮图猜测复习,通过问答来反馈。My head is heavy. Im hot. fever.My nose is red. I often 阿嚏.coldThere is fire in my mouth. coughIm faint. My head is turn round and round. headache开火车读a cough/ headache/ fever/ cold遮图猜词,根据描述猜词进一步巩固。FeverColdCoughHeadache 3.Read and answer:Can you read by yourselves and try to answer them.(1)Can Yang Ling come to school today? (2)What does Miss Li say when she knows?(当Miss Li知道杨玲生病后说了什么?)(3)How to take care of Yang Ling?Underline the key sentences and discuss in pairs.区分:go to school 去上学 come to school 来上学学习关心话语:



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