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1、Unit Travel jorn 单词语境记忆The Smitsare ondftrvellng. Teyveeen mny lces in the worleernce th got aried. Ths umr, as sal, they pla t travelara. Thir son, Tom,who ha tgrduated froniriy, mke uphis id t jon them ths ti. However, thehave dffren atide war the ransorta schulo the jorne. The cople prefes to tra

2、elb train hicthey thik is hea an elible althgiteavesatidniht. WhleTom, ho res muh abou he halth f s arnts, isf takng the pane, wch is quick nd onvenet ini eye. He esall ossibl ens persad hi pants to changirmids Aftrda effrs, the couple inally gves n. Thy le To oanze the wole joureyAna the yug man pm

3、ie,the jrny pvs be pleasati te end.热点词汇学习 refer:vt.更喜欢,选择某事物prefesth./sb.更喜欢efr(s.) o do sh.更喜欢某人做prer A to 更喜欢A赛过preferong Ato doing B 宁愿做不肯做pefr tdorather than o宁可也不prefe hat更喜欢【that从句中常用shuld+动词原形】I prefe ffe toea. 我更喜欢咖啡赛过茶。 prefe to g to t movies. 我更想去看电影。I prefer lving abroad stayig athme. 我宁愿

4、去国外生活也不肯呆在家中。Iprf to ton yown rat thank for hep.我宁愿自己独立完毕也不想祈求协助。 wouldpreer that youwil notmetio my ne我但愿你不要说出我的名字。ay uverity stuntspree _ the countride rther than _ i a big city.A. work; sy B. wking; o stayC. wki; sty D towor;tayig Preference U偏爱,爱好,爱慕It s a matr ofrsonal reference.这是个人喜好问题。prefer

5、en for sbsh.May people exresd a srongprefeence forthe original pla诸多人强烈表达喜欢原筹划。gi () preferecto sb/sh.给以优惠,优待reeene ill e iven radatfrmthisnivesiy.这所大学的毕业生会获得优先考虑。psade: vt.劝告,说服peuade sb(no)to dst pesuade s itoing sth 劝告某人做某事Iprsudehe int entein tecmpettion.我劝她参与比赛。T o euade hm o come尽量劝她来。esuae和ad

6、vice在含义上的区别在于ersude表达说给出了建议并一定被采纳了,强调已经说服。 Hav you _hi to gieup e job?-Yes, have. heoent lsn tm. persuaed B. ved 此外,advice既可接ing形式做宾语,又可接that引导的宾语从句(必须用虚拟语调,hld动词原形,shud可省略),而persuad不能。pesuasive: adj 有说服力的,令人信服的。 Wil shoping, ol cnt hel _ io buyin smehing heont rell ned.A.topersuae B prsuain C. bing

7、ersuad D. prsuadnist: 坚持要,坚决规定,一定要;坚持觉得,坚持说,iistosthSeinste or innoece. 她坚称她自己是无辜的。niton(on)oing sh执意继续做, 坚持做某事They nst on layng their music te at night.她们执意地演奏她们的音乐直到深夜。I nsiste on thei arrving her aha of tie我坚持要她们提前赶到那儿。nit +hat-从句 从句常用虚拟语调(shud+动词原形);从句表达客观事实时,用陈述语调。he inss that e cou om.她执意要她来。h

8、e boy insie thate hant broen tegass 那男孩坚持说她没有打破玻璃杯 heyong mn insisted h hey(shoul) bet to the fot. 那些年轻人坚持规定被派往前线去。He nsied that he_othng wrong ad _.sould o;ould st fre B o;besetreeC.hddne; bese f D ad done;wulb se freedetemine t.坚决拟定;(使)下定决心Hi aice detrmnedmeto layno r她得劝告使我决定不再迟延。Deermne n.ron.决(确

9、)定etermion/pon sthI hv tined po/on goingtothe oryside aftergraduaion.我已经决定毕业后到农村去。dtermine todosth.决定做某事(表达动作,非延续性动词短语)determne sb.todo sth.使某人决定做某事deermin sb gains sh.使某人决定不再做某事be dterminedt o sth决心做某事(表达状态,可与表达时间段的状语连用) a eernd o n out ho i ressile for his.我决定要弄清晰谁该对此事负责。eerine j坚决的;有决心的determinai

10、on n. 决心_to givitizens a appy an peacfllif, t gvnment of honqingontnues ang crackdwn. A. etermni B. Dteine CTo deermine . Deteried juey:长途旅行,特指旅行自身。make a oue; go na journeyisua pleast journey! 祝你一路顺风!ou:为公务,娱乐,教育等参与多处名胜的旅行。n tur:巡回表演。travel: n.泛指一切旅行。Trip:短途旅行。tak go n tri.ive no sb./th. 屈服,认输hy rg

11、d aan nd aan ntil finaly ack gve i.她们反复争论,直到杰克最后让步为止。givup:放弃做某事 ie wa:分发;赠送ieoff:发出;散发出(气味,光等) give bak:归还ve wayto:给让路;对让步 iv ot:分发;用完;耗尽Hegaveameemounfmony o chari她向慈善机构捐赠了大量资金。Afer mn heir food supesgave ou.一种月后她们的食物储藏消耗殆尽了。vie .风景;视野;观点;见解vt观看;注视;考虑hi roo has a fe viewofthuntans.(n风景,景色)What is our ewon choo uishnt?(n观点,见解)Theris nthng n ve excetthwit sn.(n.视野,视线)hese popl weevewed as their mo angrous rvals.(v看待,考虑)Peple rom al orhwrld o view herwork.(t.观看)in oevw:在某人看来 ce intew:进入视野,看得见i ful vie of s/st.完全看得见 in view s.鉴于,考虑到,由于with vie to sth./to din sth为了,指望n viw the wthe, wwi cancel e



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