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1、第1次课教案授课章节Unit4 Moneyvtext A授课时数2教材名称当代高职高专英语(第二册)主编盛跃东出版社 及版本浙大,2006课型精读主要教学方法讲授、演示、提问、练习授课班级授课时间月 日授课班级授课时间月 日授课班级授课 时间月 日授课班级授课时间月 日教1 掌握生词的读音、释义和拼写;学2 熟悉重要单词的用法;目3 熟悉短语的用法;的4了解背景知识。重点掌握生词的读音、释义和拼写;熟悉重要单词短语的用法难点同上教学过程时间 分配I.组织教学4mII.导入新课3mUnit4 Moneyvtext AIII.朗读生词10m【提冋儿个学生,要求学生朗读生词,以检查其预习程度和发音情

2、况】【教师带读生词,以校正学生的发音】IV.讲解生词【教师从语音、构词法及用法的角度逐个分析讲解生词,对于核心单词,重点举例说明其用法】20m1. argue 2. marry3. sen sible 4 bet5. joint6. statement 7.coin8. priorityV课文分析1. 【热身练习,导入课文】2. 【初步介绍课文的内容】3. 【提问学生,朗读课文段落,检查学生预习情况】4. 【找主题句,了解文章大致内容】5. 【列举并讲解文中语言点】VI.课堂总结与练习【教师总结所授内容,指导学生当堂完成指定练习,进一步巩固本次课所学知识】1. Read ing compreh

3、e nsion (1-8)2. Word match ingVII .布置作业1. Review the words and phrases learned.2. Preview the Text B before class.35m5m5m10m15m15m3m课后小结:参考资料:1. Teacher s Book ( Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press)2. Lon gma n Dictio nary3. I nternetI. 组织教学II. 导入新课Unit 4 Animals ( I )Text A Do Animals Have Fe

4、elings?III. 朗读生词 【提问几个学生,要求学生朗读生词,以检查其预习程度和发音情况】 【教师带读生词,以校正学生的发音】IV. 讲解生词 【教师从语音、构词法及用法的角度逐个分析讲解生词,对于核心单词,重点举例说明 其用法】1. argue 争论,辩论 教师解释词义,并分析用法特点】argue with sbargue about sth 提问学生,口译例句,进一步练习用法;教师修正并板书】 eg. Im not going to argue with you , but I think youre wrong.我不想和你争辩了, 但是我认为你是错的。They were argui

5、ng about how to spend the money. 他们在争论如何花钱。2. marry【教师解释词义 , 提问学生,口译例句,进一步练习用法;教师修正并板书】1) 用作及物动词,直接跟宾语 eg. She married a doctor.2) 假如没有直接宾语,常用 get married. Eg. John and Lisa got married last week.3. save 【板书,说明其词性、词义】 【提问学生,口译例句,进一步练习用法;教师修正并板书】1) 节省(时间,金钱,精力) modern energy-saving devices 现代节能装置2)挽救

6、eg. He saved his friend from drowing.4. bet 打赌 v 【板书,说明其词性、词义和相关短语】 bet (sb) thatSean bet that I wouldnt pass my exam 肖恩打赌说我考试不会及格。 bet (sth) onShe bet all her money on a horse that came last. 她把赌注全部压在跑在最后的那匹马上。5. goal 目的,目标 【提问学生,口译例句,进一步练习用法;教师修正并板书】 eg. long-term goal 长期目标 short-term goal 短期目标6.

7、Joint 共同的【口授例句 , 学生翻译 , 教师板书修正】 joint first prize 并列第一 joint effort 共同努力 joint venture 合资企业7. statement 结单,报告书,称述 【板书,说明其词性、词义和用法】issue/make a stateme n发表声明eg. The Congressman issued/made a statement to the press. 这位国会议员向新闻界发表了一项声明 .8. coin 硬币 【介绍关于该词的相关习语】1) every coin have 2 sides.每件事都有正反两面2) pay

8、sb back in their own coin 以其人之道还制其人之身 ,以牙还牙3) toss/ flip a coin 抛硬币选择 (决定)eg. Letstoss a coin to see who goes first.9. priority 优先 ,优先权【教师解释词性以及词义,说明用法】 【提问学生,口译例句,进一步练习用法;教师修正并板书】have/take/get prioritybe given priority 享有优先权eg. If medical supplied are short, children will be given roiority.如果医疗供应品短

9、缺的话 ,儿童将得到优先考虑 .V. 课文分析1. 【热身练习,导入课文】 Lead-in Question :Sample1I usually spend less than 400 yuan every month. I am very thrifty. I spend less than 15 yuan each day on food because food in the canteen here is really cheap. I don stpend money on other things except food. I am now having a part-time j

10、ob. I am a tutor of a middle school student. I can earn 20 yuan for each hour.2 I spend about 800 yuan every month. I like to eat delicious food, so I spend about 25yuan each day on food. Besides, I will buy snacks now and then. I also like to eat in a restaurant once a month. As a result, most of m

11、y money is spent on food. I don t havpart-time job because my parents ask me to study hard and not to care about money.2. 【提问学生,朗读课文段落,检查学生预习情况】3. 【找主题句,了解文章大致内容】4. 【列举并讲解文中语言点】1Money mattered a great deal to Patsy and Sam, but it meant something different toeach of them.(Para. 1)matter在该句中是动词,表示“有关

12、系,要紧”的意思。Eg. Will it matter if Im a little late?我迟到一点有关系吗?All that matters is that youre safe.要紧的是你的安全。2That was why they argued.(Para. 1)疑问副词why引导的句子经常用于“ That s why”句型, 表示“这就是为什么”的意思。eg. Simon loves you that s why he wanotsbte with you. 西蒙喜欢你,这就是他为什么想跟你在一起的原因。He is a selfish man. That s whybweceoc

13、mane frientds. 他是个自私的人,这就是为什么我们不会成为朋友的原因。3. They worked out how much each of them would have to save every month so that in two years time they d have the deupsoes.i(tPoanra. h2o) so that 引导的是目的状语从句。 如果主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时或现在完 成时,那么从句中一般用 can, may, will 和 shall 等这些情态动词。如果主句 中的谓语动词是过去时,那么从句中的情态动词一般用 could,

14、 might, would 和 should 等。例如: She s study ing En glish at ni ght school so that she can go to uni versity.她在夜校学习英语,以便能进大学。 He lowered his voice so that Doris couldn t hear.他压低了声音,免得多丽丝听到。in two years 表示从现在算起两年。类似的例子还有: He has an appointment with the doctor in two days time.两天后,他和医生有个约会。 In two hours time, we ll be in Paris.两小时后,我们将到达巴黎。4But things didn t turn out just as they pla(nPnaerad. 2)as在这里引导方式状语从句,修饰动作或状态,表示“如同,按照样子 的意思,通常位于主句之后。例如: He did not n eed to keep moving house, as h


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