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1、 Room Service 客房送餐服务 -现代酒店英语口语实用教程第8课R:Good morning, Room Service, may I help you?早上好,客房效劳部。有什么能为您效劳吗?G:Id like to have a meal in my room.我想在房间用早餐。R:Certainly, sir. We offer two types of breakfast. American and continental. Which one would you prefer?好的,先生。我们供应美式和欧式两种早餐,您喜爱哪种?G:What does a continent

2、al breakfast have?欧式早餐有什么呢?R:Chilled orange juice, toast with butter, coffee or tea.有冰冻橙汁、黄油吐司、咖啡或茶。G:Thatll be fine . Ill take it. Id like a white coffee with two sugars, please.好吧,我就要这个。我的咖啡要加奶精和两块糖。R:I see. May I have your name and room number ,please?明白了。能告知我您的姓名和房间号吗?G:Sure. Its Jefferson Black

3、 in Room 1506.好的,是 1506 房的杰斐逊.布莱克。R:Let me confirm your order. Mr. Jefferson Black in Room 1506,continental breakfast, white coffee with two sugars. Is that right?让我确认一下您的订单:1506 房的杰斐逊.布莱克先生,要一份欧式早餐,要加奶精和两块糖的咖啡,是这样的吗?G:exactly对。R:Your order will be ready soon, thank you for calling.您的早餐很快就好,感谢您的来电。

4、常用句型百宝箱 1. 订餐效劳说明 1) Breakfast is served from 7:30 to 10:00 a.m.; lunch and dinner served from 11:00 a.m. to11:00 p.m. .早餐是从上午 7:30 到 10:00,午餐和晚餐是从上午 11:00 到晚上 11:00.2) Room service is available 24 hours a day.客房送餐效劳 24 小时都供应。3) You may dial 6 , then ask for Room Service.请您先拨 6,然后告知客房效劳台。4) If you l

5、ike ,we can make a note of your list and sent it to them. What would you like us to do ?假如您情愿,我们可以替您登记来,在转告他们。您盼望我们怎么做呢?5) There is an extra charge of 15% for room service.客房送餐效劳要加收 15的效劳费。 2. 询问客人的喜好 1) Which kind of juice would you prefer, grapefruit or orange?您喜好哪种果汁,是西柚汁还是橙汁?2) How would you like your eggs/steak?您点的蛋/牛扒要怎样做呢?3) Would you like ham or bacon with your eggs?您喜爱火腿还是咸肉夹蛋呢?4) Would you prefer rolls or toast?您想要早餐包还是烤面包呢?


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