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1、Unit 4,Book5 Making the News 学生导学案Name _ Class_一、Word-formation1. 1. forget vt.&vi. 忘记 _ (adj.) 健忘的 _ (反义词) 难以忘怀的 2. guilt n.内疚,悔恨, 有罪 _ (adj.) 内疚的,有罪的 3. assign (vt.)分派,布置 _ (n.)4. gift (n.) _(adj.)有天赋的 5. appoint (vt.)任命 _ (n.)6. assist (vt.&vi.)帮助 _ (n.) 帮助 _ (n.)助手, 助理; 7. profession (n.)职业 _ (a

2、dj.)8. admirable 令人钦佩的 _(v.)钦佩 _ (n.) 钦佩者 _ (n.) 钦佩 9. inform (vt.) 告知;通知 _ (n.) 信息;消息;情报 10. interview (n./v.) 采访,面试 ., _ (n.) 接受采访者 _ (n.) 采访者 11. approve (vt.)批准;认可 _ (n.)赞成;同意 _(vt.)不赞成 12. concentrate ( vt. )集中 _ (n.) Practice: Grammatical filling. 1.we have earned the_ (approve) from the gover

3、nment to build a new science lab.2.He is an _ to the manager in the company, but when he meets difficulties, the manager always comes to his _(assist).3.For further _ (inform), please ask at Reception.4.She has a _ for music and people think she is likely to be a _ musician in the future. (gift)5.He

4、 was _as head of department yesterday, so he was very happy to have an _ with his wife. (appoint)6. Two years ago when he graduated from the university, he was an _ here. But now he is a manager and acts as an_ (interview).7.YaoMing is a_ basketball player. (profession)8. She had a _ (guilt) express

5、ion on her usually cheerful face.9. He was filled with _ (guilty) at having failed his parents.10. She was sent abroad on a difficult _ (assign).11.We keep the boy _ (inform) of it.12.There is an increasing_ of power in central government. (concentrate)词组:1.渴望干 _ 2.注意力集中于_3.对非常敏感的嗅觉 _ 4.告诉某人某事_5.记住;

6、把记心里_ 6.控告 _7.应该做某事 _ 8.阻止某人做某事_9.期望;期盼 _ 10.开始工作 _11.期待某人做_ 12.批准;赞成_13.否认做_ 14.因.内疚_完成句子1.约翰在专心做练习,与此同时杰克却在看小说.John was _ _ doing the exercises.2.如果你渴望经营好一家餐馆,就必须懂得这行的诀窍.If you _ _ _ run a restaurant well, you must know the tricks of the trade.3.在那件案子里,他被指控故意输掉比赛.He _ _ _ losing the game _ in that

7、 case.4 They _ (应该)to be here an hour ago.5 We are so much _ (期待)seeing you again.6 We say a good journalist must _(对非常敏感的嗅觉)a story.7 They must use research to _ themselves _(通知)the missing parts of the story.8 He _ (否定)taking money but we were sceptical.9 Those telephone numbers should be _.(记住)10

8、 What do you _(因.内疚)Warmingup:(Bytalkingaboutnews.)1.Wherecanwegettheinformation?Newspaper,Internet_,radio,magazine,TV.2.Doyouwanttoworkforanewspaper?_3.IfyouareofferedachanceforajobatChinaDaily,youwillneedtofindoutwhatkindofjobstheyhave:_4.Whowritesnewsstories?_Reporters._5.Whotakesphotosofimportan





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