人教版英语必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela2单元训练及答案

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1、 精品资料Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero (2).短语填空escape from;feel good about oneself;beg for;come to power;come back to.;set up;release.from.;show. around.;for the first time;be sentenced to.1Since he_,the situation in the country has been greatly improved.2The thief_five months in prison because of

2、stealing things in the shop.3The poor man had no money so he had to_food in the street.4After he was_prison,he found a job and behaved well.5The policeman caught the robber,who was trying to_the police car.6Dont_;what you did is far from perfect.7In 2005 I went to Beijing_.8The visitors were_the par

3、k by the guide.9At the sight of the old photos my childhood_again.10After many failures,he finally_his own company.答案1.came to power2.was sentenced to3.beg for4.released from5.escape from6.feel good about yourself 7for the first time8.shown around9.came back to me10.set up.单项填空1It has been five year

4、s since he came to _.(2013莆田高一检测)Apower Bcontrol Cforce Dcharge答案A考查名词。come to power相当于come into power当权;上台。句意:他执政已经五年了。2Pollution must _ protect the environment.Abe prevented from Bbe helped toCbe stopped to Dbe supported to答案C句意:必须阻止污染来保护环境。由句意可知应选C,to protect作目的状语。3I did not do well in the exam.H

5、ow about you?I did _ you.Maybe even worse.(2013嘉兴高一检测)Anot better than Bno better thanCas well as Dnot worse than答案B4He was _ to six years in prison because of a car accident.Amade Bcaused Csentenced Dkilled答案C考查动词。句意:由于一场车祸,他被判处六年监禁。be sentenced to.“被判处”为固定搭配。5He was crossing the street when a car

6、was driving fast towards him and he narrowly escaped _.Akilling Bbeing killedCbe killed Dkill答案B句意:他在横穿街道时,一辆车快速向他开来,他差点丧生。escape后可接v.ing形式,又因为是“被杀”,所以答案为B。6He is well _,so he can do well in this kind of job.Aamused Beducated Cdirected Dconcerned答案B7We often see some poor people _ money in the marke

7、t.Aask for Bask toCbeg for Dbeg of答案C句意:我们经常看见一些可怜的人在市场上讨钱。beg for“请求,乞讨”。8The brave man received a _ for saving the drowning(溺水)man.Areward Bhonor Cpraise Dresult答案Areward“奖金”。B、C两项为不可数名词,result“结果”。结合句意及名词用法可知A项最佳。9A monument(纪念碑)was _ in honor of the heroes who gave up their lives for the country

8、.(2013厦门高一检测)Agot up Bset upCbuilt up Dturned up答案B10These football players were not specially _ until they joined our club.(2013大庆高一检测)Aeducated BexercisedCpracticed Dtrained答案D句意:这些足球运动员直到加入我们俱乐部才得到专门训练。educate教育;exercise锻炼;practice练习;train训练。11Safety in school has been of great concern(关注)because

9、 of recent reports about accidents _ students got injured or killed at school.Afor which BwhenCwhich Din which答案D12Encouraged by his friends,Jack didnt _ and kept on trying it.Alose face Blose heartCcome up Dcheer up答案B句意:受到朋友们的鼓励,杰克没有丧失信心,继续努力下去。lose face丢脸;lose heart灰心,泄气,丧失信心;come up走近,发生,被提出;che

10、er up高兴起来,使振作。13This is the first time that he _ the Great Wall.Ahas visited BvisitedChad visited Dwill visit答案A14The competition(竞争)among them is fierce(激烈的),and everyone has a _ of losing jobs.Aterror Bfear Chope Dhelp答案A句意:他们之间竞争激烈,每一个人都害怕失去工作。have a terror of doing sth害怕做某事。15_ my opinion,you sh

11、ouldnt go there by yourself.AOn BTo CIn DAt答案C句意:在我看来,你不应该独自去那里。in ones opinion在某人看来。.完成句子1He _(恳请她的原谅)2I send him a book _(报答他的帮助)3He _(被选为会长)of the club.4He was asked to _(给出他内心真实的看法)5No matter what you do,_(千万不可泄气)6The school has _(办了一个特别班)to help poor readers.7_(第一次)they visited the Science Muse

12、um,they showed great interest in everything they saw.8It was lucky that he _(差一点被敌人抓住)答案1.begged her for forgiveness2.in reward for his help3.was made president4.give his honest opinion 5never lose heart6.set up a special class7.The first time8.escaped being caught by the enemy.完形填空Martin Luther Kin

13、g was born in Georgia in 1929.When he was _1_ a boy,Dr. King learnt that his _2_,the black Americans,were _3_ treated differently from most of _4_ fellow Americans.Many could not attend good schools,_5_ good jobs,or live in nice houses because of the colour of their _6_.Dr. King knew that in a free country this was _7_.He wanted to help his black brothers,_8_ he decided to go to school and become _9_ minister.He became a pastor(牧师)in Montgomery,Alabam



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