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1、Braun的设计原则来源:个人博客 作者: 发布时间: 2009-02-04 15:54:36我们对于Braun(博朗)的认识大多停留的普通的家用电器,但是对于德国来说Braun是设计的代名词,在战后德国作为经典设计的代表Braun和乌尔姆设计学院在六七十年代引领德国设计在国际获得极高荣誉。对于Braun和乌尔姆设计学院这对德国设计界的奇葩,很难说是谁成就了谁,首先看张图,之后Braun的地位就不言自明了;这些图网上早已广泛传播了,以下是Braun的一段简单介绍:我们对于Braun(博朗)的认识大多停留的普通的家用电器,但是对于德国来说Braun是设计的代名词,在战后德国作为经典设计的代表Br

2、aun和乌尔姆设计学院在六七十年代引领德国设计在国际获得极高荣誉。对于Braun和乌尔姆设计学院这对德国设计界的奇葩,很难说是谁成就了谁,但是无可置疑的是设计成就的Braun。记得有一次在上设计历史课,教授一一展示那些叹为观止的Braun经典作品,当一张Braun收音机的照片出现的时候,一个德国同学大声惊呼“ipod”,这种惊呼是有道理的,追求功能和美学统一结合Braun很多经典作品现在看都不落伍,后来在spiekermann博客上也看到了关于Braun和Apple的血脉关系。现在我们只要谈起Apple设计就肯定要说到Jonathan Ive,那么Braun的背后也有一位设计大师,那就是Die

3、ter Rams。博朗的设计理念源于1955年,经过几十年的发展完善,这一特点鲜明、注重功能的设计风格被设计大师迪特拉姆斯(Dieter Rams)概括总结为产品设计的十原则: 1、出色的设计是需要创新的。它既不重复大家熟悉的形式,但也不会为了新奇而刻意出新。 2、出色的设计创造有价值的产品。因此,设计的第一要务是让产品尽可能地实用。不论是产品的主要功能和辅助功能,都有一个特定及明确的用途。 3、出色的设计是具有美学价值的。产品的美感以及它营造的魅力体验是产品实用性不可分割的一部分。我们每天使用的产品都会影响着我们的个人环境,也关乎我们的幸福。 4、出色的设计让产品简单明了,让产品的功能一目了

4、然。如果能让产品不言自明、一望而知,那就是优秀的设计作品。 5、出色的设计不是触目、突兀和炫耀的。产品不是装饰物,也不是艺术品。产品的设计应该是自然的、内敛的、为使用者提供自我表达的空间。 6、出色的设计是历久弥新的。设计不需要稍纵即逝的时髦。在人们习惯于喜新厌旧、习惯于抛弃的今天,优秀的设计要能在众多产品中脱颖而出,让人珍视。 7、出色的设计贯穿每个细节。决不心存侥幸、留下任何漏洞。设计过程中的精益求精体现了对使用者的尊重。 8、出色的设计应该兼顾环保,致力于维持稳定的环境,合理利用原材料。当然,设计不应仅仅局限于防止对环境的污染和破坏,也应注意不让人们的视觉产生任何不协调的感觉。 9、出色

5、的设计越简单越好。 10、设计应当只专注于产品的关键部分,而不应使产品看起来纷乱无章。简单而纯粹的设计才是最优秀的! 以下为原文:Dieter Rams: I have distilled the essentials of my design philosophy into ten points. But these points cannot be set in stone because just as technology and culture are constantly developing, so are ideas about good design. 1. Good des

6、ign is innovative. Technological development is always offering new opportunities for innovative design. But innovative design always develops in tandem with innovative technology and can never be an end in itself. When designing the shelving system, I had the idea that it should be like a good Engl

7、ish butler. It should be there when you need it but be in the background when you dont. 2. Good design makes a product useful. A product is bought to be used. It has to satisfy certain criteria, not only functional but also psychological and aesthetic. Good design emphasizes the usefulness of the pr

8、oduct while disregarding anything that could possibly detract from it. 3. Good design is aesthetic. The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products we use every day affect our well-being. But only well-executed objects can be beautiful. 4. Good design makes a produc

9、t understandable. It clarifies the products structure. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory. 5. Good design is honest. It does not make a product more innovative, powerful, or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promi

10、ses that cannot be kept. 6. Good design is unobtrusive. Products fulfilling a purpose are like tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained, to leave room for the users self-expression. 7. Good design is long-lasting. It av

11、oids being fashionable, and therefore never appears antiquated. Unlike fashionable design, it lasts many years-even in todays throwaway society. I live with the shelving system. Its the only way I can improve it. Im proud when I get letters from users who say they bought system in 1962 and were able

12、 to add elements to it as their needs grew and changed. 8. Good design is thorough down to the last detail. Nothing must be arbitrary. Care and accuracy in the design process shows respect toward the consumer. 9. Good design is environmentally friendly. Design makes an important contribution to the

13、preservation of the environment. It conserves resources and minimizes physical and visual pollution throughout the life cycle of the product. A few years ago I had the crazy idea that gas stations should not only be places to buy gas but locations where you could return goods for recycling. Companie

14、s have the technology; the problem is finding ways for users to be able to return a product at the end of its life. (To learn more about Ramss views on environmental sustainability and designers responsibility to the earth, read our Web-exclusive essays The Art of Living Better and The Future of Design.) 10. Good design is as little design as possible. Less but better-because it concentrates on the essential aspects, and the products are not burdened with inessentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity!我想说的是,最近我在看撬开苹果,书中论述的乔布斯对设计的要求,以及在乔布斯的要求下苹果产品表现出的特征,同以上设计原则如出一辙。


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