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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑违反的英语短语:英语词组和短语的区别 违反,指行为或思想意识不符合制度、规律、法律等的要求。下面就由我为大家带来关于违反的英语短语集锦,盼望大家能有所收获。 关于违反的相关短语 违反 contrary to 违反 go against 违反保证 breach of warranty; 违反舵限保证 breach of trading warranty; 违反合同 contravention to treaty; breach of contract; 违反合同条件 breach of condition; 违反合约 contravention to trea

2、ty; 违反协定行为 malpractice; 违反信托 breach of trust; 违反行车规章 driving offence 关于违反的相关短句 breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law; 违反法律 breach of contract; 违反合同 violate traffic regulations; 违反交通规章 be contrary to the spirit of the resolution; 违反决议的精神 run counter to the trend of history; 违反历史潮流 breach o

3、f discipline of dealings with foreigners; 违反外事纪律 violate labour discipline; 违反劳动纪律 break a promise; 违反诺言 go against the laws of social development; 违反.进展规律 offend against custom; 违反习惯 fly in the face of facts; 违反事实 transgress a treaty; 违反条约 go against the objective laws; act in a way contrary to the

4、 objective laws; upset the objective proportions of; 违反客观规律 commit a criminal offense; 违反刑法 The students were told not to break any of the rules of the school. 同学们受到告诫, 不要违反校规。 关于违反的相关例句 1. The requirement for work permits violates the spirit of the 1950 treaty. 对工作许可证的要求违反了1950年条约的精神。 2. Mr. Helm p

5、lans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment. 赫尔姆先生准备声明该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。 3. The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy. 该报违反了爱护隐私的行为准则。 4. He tacitly admitted that the government had breached regulations. 他默认政府违反了规定。 5. The country appears to be violating several articles of the

6、 convention. 这个国家看起来违反了公约中的好几项条款。 6. Infringement of the regulation is punishable by a fine. 违反规章应处以罚款。 7. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional. 联邦最高法院全都裁定学校实行的种族隔离措施违反宪法。 8. A congressional report charges that federal safety laws were recklessl

7、y violated. 一份国会报告指责联邦平安法被公然违反。 9. The peace plan as it stands violates basic human rights. 该和平方案本身违反了基本人权。 10. Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence. 未经患者同意而对其进行检查被视为违反职业操守并触犯法律。 11. The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules. 这位议员被控违

8、反了保密规定。 12. The company has consistently denied it had knowingly broken arms embargoes. 这家公司始终否认自己是有意违反武器禁运规定。 13. There might have been an infringement of the rules. 可能存在违反规章制度的现象。 14. The newspaper broke a written agreement not to sell certain photographs. 这家报纸违反了不出售某些摄影作品的书面协议。 15. The jury ruled

9、 that he had infringed no rules. 陪审团裁决他没有违反任何规定。 关于违反的双语例句 那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct. 破坏,违犯,不履行破坏或违反一法规、法律责任或一誓言 A violation or infraction, as of a law, a legal obligation, or a promise. 违反一项合同;侵害专利权 Infringe a contract; infringe a patent. 撒谎违反我做人的原则。 Lying

10、 goes against my principles. 我有义务不违反规定。 Im committed not to violate the rules. 司机立即收到违反通知。 The driver is then issued with the infringement notice. 违反潮流,极其不利。 It is striving against the stream. 我拥有该动物作宠物不会违反这份协议。 Owning a pet will not be in violation of rental or lease agreements. 学校要求同学不要违反任何规章制度。 The students are told not to break any of the rules of the schools. 你没有座你答应的工作,你已违反了我们之间的协议。 You have broken our agreement by not doing the work you promised.第 1 页 共 1 页



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