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1、河南城建学院 外语系 英语视听(二) 课程教案 授 课 教 案课程名称: 英语视听(二) 院 (系): 外 语 系 专 业: 英 语 授课班级: 1414111/1414112 教师姓名: 李 冰 授课时间2011-2012学年第二学期教材名称现代大学英语(听力 2)编 者金莉出版社外语教学与研究出版社总学时数38学时学时分配 2学时/周教学目标(1)能听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活和社会生活的谈话,以及中等难度(如 中的短文) 的听力材料。能理解大意,领会说话者的态度. 感情和真实意图。(2)能听懂相当于VOA正常速度和BBC新闻节目的主要内容。(3)能辨别各种英语变体(如美国英语。英国英语

2、澳大利亚英语等)。(4)培养学生获得口头信息的能力。课 程 内 容 提要Test For English Majors (Grade Four)Part II. DictationPart III listening comprehension: section A, section B, section C,共30题。Section A: Conversations本部分含有若干组对话,每组约200个单词。每组对话后有若干道题。本部分共有10 题。Section B:Passages本部分含有若干篇短文,每篇长度约为200 个单词。每篇后有若干题。本部分共有10题。Section C:New

3、s Broadcast本部分有若干段VOA或BBC新闻,每段新闻后有若干题。本部分共有10题。重点难点分析Part II 听写针对听写的考试现状,考生如何提高听写成绩:1 考前要充分了解听写形式,最好进行多次模拟实践,体会全过程。2 根据朗读方式,选用相应的书写技巧。如在听第一遍时,重点听主题思想,重点词,掌握全局概念,不要一听录音提笔就写。3 运用期待语法的作用。听之前,根据题目展开联想,集中大脑中储蓄的相关信息,同仔细理解第一句,因为首句是主题句,便于更快的进入听写状态。4 听写是一项综合性的语言技能,包含了诸如听,写,单词量语法结构,篇章理解,记忆力等各方面。因此,提高听力能力,关键就是

4、加强各种相关知识和技能的训练。主要参考书现代大学英语听力教师用书高校英语专业四级考试大纲 章 序名 称Unit 1 Social Customs教学目的要求1. Understand descriptions of various social customs.2. Learn to make comparisons.3. Understand discussions of advantages and disadvantages of customs.4. Understand cohesiveness of a passage in expressing similarities and

5、differences.教学重点及难点1. Develop the ability to make comparisons.2. Develop the ability to understand the implied meaning.教学内容提要I. New Words:1.booze-up 2.bowler hat 3.bride-to-be pact5.Czech 6.divorce 7.dreadful 8.expand9.folk dance 10.frown 11.hnmid 12.lent13.omelet 14.Osaka 15.spilt 16.square dance17

6、.Victorian 18.vows 19.widowII. Tasks : Task 1:A.Answer the following questions. B. Write down the poem “if all the Seas Were One Sea”.Task 2: A. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.B. Decide whether the statements are true or false according to the tape.Task 3:A. Answer t

7、he following questionsB. Decide whether the statements are true or false according to the tape.C. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.Task 4:A. Answer the following questions. Task 5:A. Decide whether the statements are true or false according to the tape. B.Write out a l

8、ist of the advantages and disadvantages of life in theVictorian times. Task 6:A. Choose the best answer to complete each of following sentences.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.C. Complete the defintions below according to what you hear on the tape.Task 7:A.Fill in

9、the following chart with a “” mark in corresponding columns according o the information given on the tape .B. Choose the best answer to complete each of following sentences.Task 8:A. Choose the best answer to complete each of following sentences. B. Decide whether the statements are true or false ac

10、cording to the tape.拓展学习Assign the students to listen the materials from VOA and BBC in order to practice the skills in the news broadcastAssign more materials to ask the students to listen after classes课程作业To do five dictations for each time after class and then hand in as an assignment.章 序名 称Unit

11、2 Environmental Protection教学目的要求1. Get familiar with the words and expressions on different weather conditions,their formations,influences and prediction.2. Understand explanations of weather conditions.3. Guess the meaning of the word from the context.4. Learn to get accurate information through li

12、stening.教学重点及难点1. Learn to grasp the main ideas and important supporting details.2. Locate the information provided in the listening material.教学内容提要I. New words:1.Alaska 2.altitude 3.Amarillo 4.amp 5.asphalt 6.aspire 7.avid 8.Belgium 9.bunion 10.burger 11.Celsius 12.centrifugal13.corn 14.devastation

13、 15.draughty 16.drive-in 17.drizzle18.float 19.foul 20.front 21.funnel 22.hazy 23.heiress 24.infamous25.Laredo 26.Lhasa 27.meteorologist 28.methame 29.Netherlands 30.notorious 31.particle 32.Pharisee 33.plummet 34.rotate 35.suspend 36.tonsillitis 37.tornado38.Wales 39.whirlII. Tasks: Task 1:A. Choos

14、e the best answer to complete each of following sentences. Task2: A. Decide whether the statements are true or false according to the tape.B Choose the best answer to complete each of following sentences. C.Fill in the blacks with what you hear on the tape.Task 3: A. . Complete the following summary of the passage.Task 4: A. Choose the best answer to complete each of following sent


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