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1、常用英语课堂热身教学游戏1. 大风吹: T:big wind blows, big wind blows S: blows what? T:blows all the girls(means all the girls have to stand up and change their sits quickly,所有女孩子要赶紧交换位置,老师抢占一个位置,这样有一名学生将会没有椅子坐,被淘汰 ),老师的口令可以根据学生的服饰来进行,如:blows glasses, sports shoes等。 如教师够大,也可以让学生围成圆圈进行2. 抢椅子(music chair)摆好五张椅子放在空地,分别

2、从AB组各请出3个学生并让学生随着音乐围着椅子转,播放快的音乐时学生要快速走或者慢跑,慢速音乐学生则相应慢走。游戏中老师可自由切换音乐或者带着S一起唱(除了参加游戏的学生),当音乐停时,S应该立即停止转动并且抢座位,最终胜出的学生所在组可加分 3. 数字游戏(过3游戏)让孩子按照顺序来报数,当报到3或是3的倍数时不能报数,只能拍手4. Simon says (老师说动作词组,如brush your teeth, fly, eat, jump等学生做相应的动作)但学生需要听到simon says才能做,如未听到simon says做动作了要被淘汰。老师可以把simon says改成自己的名字,如

3、connie says 5. Wolf wolf what time is it? (学生排在老师身后就像老鹰捉小鸡一样的,S一起问T,S:wolf wolf ,what time is it ? T: it is one / two/three/fouroclock,学生根据老师回答的数字相应的往前走几步,但老师需要设定一个its dinner time,当老师回答its dinner time的时候,就扮成大灰狼要吃人的样子,学生此时要快速回到自己的座位上,最慢的一个被老师抓住吃掉)。 请大家一定要注意安全规则的强调,不许跑动,只能快步走回到自己的座位上,否侧犯规淘汰)6. Fingers

4、 chant 学生起立进行这个chantone finger, one finger, turn turn turn, turn to what? Turn to a brush,shua shua shua ,two finges, two fingers, turn turn turn,turn to what? Turn to a rabbit,jump jump jumpthree finges,three fingers,turn turn turn,turn to what? Turn to a cat,miao,miao,miaofour fingers four fingers

5、,turn turn turn,turn to what?Turn to a dog,wang wang wangfive fingers five fingers,turn turn turn,turn to what? Turn to a tiger, ao(老师就做吃人状,学生要马上坐下,最慢的一个被老师吃掉)7. 萝卜蹲 (以5名学生为例;让学生站成一排,给每位学生命名,S1白萝卜,S2红萝卜,S3紫萝卜,S4绿萝卜,S5黑萝卜。从S1开始,S1说白萝卜蹲,白萝卜蹲,白萝卜蹲完黑萝卜蹲,S5要说黑萝卜蹲,黑萝卜蹲,黑萝卜蹲完。蹲),学生慢慢淘汰8. Happy fax(A组学生排成一竖

6、对除了S1面对老师,其他学生全部背对学生,T悄悄给S1一个单词如brush your teeth,S1用动作传给S2,S2传给S3,最后一名学生说出这个单词)。A,B两组在固定的时间内PK,看哪组猜对的多,哪组为胜。9. How many birds can you see? (S: how many birds can you see? T: I can see two birds. 2名学生抱团,学生根据老师回答的数字来抱团,three就3名学生在一起,four就4名学生在一起。老师也可把birds换成rabbit, giraffe等)10. 木头人 (S站在自己所坐的位置为控制纪律不能让

7、学生离开座位,脚也不可以动,要求学生只能活动身体 当做robot,当T说wooden man时,学生就要保持自己正在进行的动作,不可以动,老师可以去做鬼脸或其他的方式让学生动,学生就被淘汰了)11. Simon says(西门说)If the students hear the teacher says “Simon says” before a command, they should do and say the command. But if they dont hear “Simon says” before a command, they mustnt do or say the c

8、ommand. The one who makes mistake will sit down and be eliminated off the game.如果学生听见老师在说一个指令之前加上“Simon says”,他们就应该做或者说这个指令。假如他们在指令之前没有听见“Simon says”的,就不能做或者说。谁犯了错误的就只能坐在位置上,被淘汰出游戏。12. Action rhyme (律动游戏)Lets do the action together when we say the chant or the poem . Shake your body with the rhythm

9、(读韵律诗或歌谣,跟随节奏做动作)Four games about action rhyme:a. Days of a weekMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday .b. Happy birthdayStamp your feet and clap your hands,Snap your fingers, turn around.Hip, hip, hooray, Maria.Hip, hip, hooray, Maria.Happy, happy, happy, happy,Happy, happy,

10、 happy, birthday.Happy, happy, happy, happy,Happy, happy, happy, birthday.c. Three little teddy bearsThree little teddy bears jumped on the bed.One felt off and bumped his head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more bears jump on the bed!”Two little teddy bears jumped on the bed.One fel

11、t off and bumped his head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said“No more bears jump on the bed!”One little teddy bear jumped on the bed.He felt off and bumped his head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said“No any bears jump on the bed.”d. Up and DownStand up, sit down and show us one.Look

12、 up, look down and show us two.Reach up, Reach down and show us three.Jump up, jump down and show us four.Point up, point down and show us five13. Boys and Girls. (男女生大赛) Draw a brief boy and a brief girl on the blackboard. (be careful keep their whole body organ).Then boys and girls will have a com

13、petition. Such as “pointing competition”, “ask and answer”,“sing songs” and so on.The winner will keep their whole body. In the contrary, the loser will be rub off one of their organs.在黑板上画一个简单的男生和女生图(注意保持身体器官的完整)。然后分男生和女生两方进行比赛,如“指物大赛”、“问问答答”、“唱歌比赛”等等。赢的一方能够保持身体器官的完整,反之,输的一方每次将会被擦掉一样身体器官。14. Nose t

14、o nose.(鼻子对鼻子)Play the games in pairs. Listen to the command and do the action. Such as listen to “hand to head”,they must put their hand to The partners head. Keep this motion and continue to do the next one.两个人结队对玩游戏,听指令做动作。如听到“手对头”那么双方应该把自己的手放到对方的头上,保持这个姿势继续听指令做下一个动作。15. Go and Stop.(走走停停)The stu

15、dents will drop their heads and walk arbitrary when they hear the order “Go!”. And stop when they hear the order “Stop!”. When they stop they must looking for the student who is nearby and talk with him/her. (They can ask and answer questions, greeting or make a dialogue and so on.)当听到指令“Go!”的时候,学生就低下头在教室里面随意的走动。当听到指令“Stop!”的时候,他们就停下来,找到离自己最近的一个同学进行交谈。(交谈可以是问答问题,相互问候或者课文对话等等。也可以说老师指定的内容)16. Listen and Do (听指令做动作)Listen to the command and do the action. Be careful to finish the command correctly and quickly. The last one who finish the command or make mistakes


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