四年级下册 Unit 9 It looks fun教学设计.docx

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《四年级下册 Unit 9 It looks fun教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级下册 Unit 9 It looks fun教学设计.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、四年级下册 Unit 9 It looks fun教学设计设计者:广州市天河区东圃小学 廖彩花Module /Topic模块/话题Module 5 SportsTitle课题Unit 9 It looks funPeriod课时第1课时Type of lesson课型新授课Teaching Contents Analysis教材分析 本节课的话题是教科版四年级英语下册Module 5 Sports,教学内容为Unit 9 It looks fun的对话以及词条在主句型中的运用。重点词汇是basketball、football、kung fu、skate、chess、tennis、table t

2、ennis、the long jump、the high jump、think、try、fun等,重点句型是“What are the children doing? They are.”、“Some of the children are . , some of them are .” 讨论正在进行的运动以及“I want to go and try it with them.”,语法是现在进行时的特殊疑问句和回答,通过视频引入sports这个主题,教学运动单词和词组,在教学Lets talk的对话中,利用Picture asking发展学生提问的思维,通过Lets play和Read an

3、d order活跃气氛,借助思维导图Lets retell以及Lets talk more等环节逐步深入,掌握运用核心句型讨论正在进行的运动。Students Analysis学生分析 四年级学生对于Sports这个话题内容比较感兴趣,这些运动活动都跟学生的实际生活密切相关。学生在以前的学习已经接触了football、basketball,在Unit 8也学习了现在进行时的句型“What are you doing? I am ”,对学生而言,本课时的学习难点是“Some of the children are . , some of them are .”和“I want to go and

4、 try it with them.” 这两个句子以及用现在进行时的句子描述图片中孩子们正在进行的运动并写成小短文。Teaching Objectives教学目标1. Language knowledge语言知识:能听说读写以下单词或词汇:词汇:basketball、football、kung fu、skate、chess、tennis、table tennis、the long jump、the high jump、think、try、fun词组:play basketball、play football、play tennis、play table tennis、play chess、do

5、 kung fu、do the long jump、do the high jump能掌握以下句型:What are the children doing? They are.Some of the children are . , some of them are .I think they areI want to go and try it with them.2. Language skill语言技能:能在情境中正确运用运动的词汇和词组。感知、理解现在进行时复数的语言结构:“What are the . doing? They are.”、“Some of the children a

6、re . , some of them are .”并在情境中正确运用核心句型谈论正在进行的动作。能够在教师的引导下完成Lets talk的思维导图,培养思维能力。借助思维导图理清对话的细节信息并在理解对话的基础上能够准确流利地朗读对话。能借助关键词句或是思维导图复述对话。能活用语言,借助思维导图进行新的文本创编,培养创造性。3. Affect情感态度:感受运动的快乐,热爱运动。4. Learning strategies学习策略:能借助关键词句或是思维导图完成学习任务。通过两人小组互助合作开展学习。Teaching focus教学重点1. 能充分掌握关于运动的核心词组和核心句型。2. 能灵活

7、运用现在进行时复数的语言结构讨论正在进行的动作。Teaching difficulties教学难点1. 能活用语言,借助思维导图进行新的文本创编。2. 掌握“I want to go and try it with them.”这个句子。Teaching aids教具PPT、思维导图板书Teaching Process教学过程一、Warming up1. Free talkWhat day is it today?Whats your favourite school day? Why?What do you usually do on Saturday?2. Sharp eyesSay ou

8、t the verb phrases quickly and review the rules of The Present Continuous Tense.3. Say a chant.Say the chant and do the actions.4. Lets talkThe teacher will invite two pupils to use the sentences of Unit 8 to talk.A: What is the boy/girl doing? B: Hes / Shes .二、Presentation and practice1. Lets watch

9、 a video.Watch the video of sports and introduce the topic, after that, read the title.2. Lets learn the new words.Look at the picture of School Sports Day and answer the question”What are they doing?”, after that, learn the new words of sports and sentences by different ways.通过猜图片动作,引出并学习do the lon

10、g jump。通过揭开遮挡物,一点一点揭示图片,学习do the high jump。通过快速呈现并消失,学习play tennis。通过圆圈的快速滚动以及定位,学习play table tennis和play chess。3. Play a game.Team 1 and Team 2 are A, Team 3 and Team 4 are B, if A is faster, A will get one point, otherwise, B will get the point.在这个环节,学生快速说出的句子中会出现新词,在此会学习以下几个新词:basketball、football

11、、kung fu、skate。4. Lets talk.Look at the picture and ask some questions, then listen to the computer and answer the questions.教师提问”Are all the children playing football?”,学生回答”No, they arent.”,自然引出并学习”Some of the children are . , some of them are .”。5. Lets listen and imitate.Follow the video.6. Play

12、 a game.The teacher will read the sentences of dialogue, the pupils will repeat after the teacher if the teacher is right. But if the teacher is wrong, the pupils will stand up and say out the right sentences.7. Read and order. Two pupils in a group. Each group will get some sentences and a paper, t

13、hey read the sentences and order them correctly on the paper.8. Lets retell.Retell the dialogue by some pictures and mind map.三、Consolidation1. Lets talk more.Look at the picture of School Sports Day, the pupils talk with their partner and write a new passage.2. Watch the videoUnderstand the importa

14、nce of sports, choose one as favourite sport and keep fit.四、 Lets sum upLook at the mind map and review what we have learned.五、Homework1. Listen, read, recite and retell the new words and the dialogue.2. Share your writing to your friends.学生通过与其他学生Free talk对话热身,激活旧知。在游戏中复习旧知,为后面学习新的动词短语做准备,也活跃了课堂气氛。

15、学生在说唱中再次复习现在进行时的基本结构以及v-ing的三种构成。两人小组对话复习现在进行时的特殊疑问句以及回答。引出主题。通过多种方式引出新词的学习,使得学习变得丰富有趣。在这个过程中还学习了“I think they are/ he is .”和“It looks . I want to go and try it with them.”通过小组竞赛用现在进行时说句子的游戏活动,活跃课堂气氛,集中学生注意力,在“玩”中“学”。通过自主提问,提高学生提问的思维。在情景中学习”Some of the children are . , some of them are .”。跟读课文。在游戏中巩固学习Lets talk的对话,高度集中了学生的注意力。排序的过程就是对Lets talk的对话又一次内化学习的过程。通过借助插图、关键词句和思维导图重现对话。通过改编,举一反三,并在写中发展学生的多种能力。情感渗透。总结回顾所学。


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