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1、 Unit2 How often do you exercise?备课时间:9.17.2013 主备人:王 姣 班级_ 学生姓名_ Period 1 Section A 1a-2c学习目标:New words:exercise,skateboard,hardly,ever,once,twice,time,surf,Internet, programKey phrases:how often,go skateboarding,hardly ever,on weekends,once a week,twice a month,surf the InternetKey sentences: (1)W

2、hat do they usually do on weekends? They usually go to the movies.(2)How often do you exercise? I exercise four times a week.(3)How often does Chen watch TV? He watches TV twice a week.学习重难点: 1.频率词汇及询问活动频率。2.一般现在时态的熟练运用。一、自主学习: A: How often do you watch TV? B: Twice a week.这是询问别人做某事_的句型,常用于一般疑问句中。答语

3、用频率副词表示频率的短语来回答。如:-_ _ does he play basketball? - Once a week.A: What do you usually do on weekends? B: I often go to the movies.A: What does he usually do on weekends? B: He often goes skateboarding.这是一句用来询问和回答人们日常生活中经常从事什么活动的交际用语。如:-_ does your mother usually do on Sundays?-She often does housewor

4、k.注意:以What 和how often等疑问词开头的疑问句,是本单元重要句型。基本句式是:_+助动词+_+谓语动词+其他?区别下列有关how的短语how many _ how much _ how often _ how old _ how long_ how far _二、展示交流:1.写出下列频率副词(100%)_(80%)_(30-50%)_(20%)_ (5%)_ (0%)_ 2.英汉互译go to the movies 看电视 _ _ 锻炼 surf the Internet 踢足球 做作业 do some reading do some shopping 打扫 go shopp

5、ing 去滑板 每周一次hardly ever 每月两次 每天three times a year 在周末 Animal World your favorite program 三、合作探究:Task 1 Matching Task 2 Listening Task 3 Pair work四、浏览巩固:1、How often do you exercise?exercise 动词 锻炼运动 可数名词 体操练习 do morning exercises, do eye exercises不可数名词 锻炼运动 take enough/more exercise1. He hardly takes

6、_, so the doctor asks him to do some running and morning _.2 .My father _ every day. 3 .Lucy is doing eye _.4 .People usually take _ in the morning2、How often do you watch TV? Twice a week.How often 表频率,多久一次,对every day, always, usually, sometimes, often once a week 等表示频率的副词或短语提问。How often 多久一次,指动作频率

7、 how soon多久,一般用于一般将来时,回答“in”短语。How long 多长时间 回答for或since短语。 how far 多远 用于对距离提问。1. _ _ does she go to the movies? Once a month.2. _ _ will you get back home? In two months.3. _ _ did he stay here? For two months.4. _ _ does Mary live from the library? Two miles.5. I wonder_ youll water this kind of t

8、ree. Once a week.A how often B how long C how soon D how much五、达标检测:I、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、They go to the movies (one) a week. 2、My cousin (watch) TV twice a week.3、My friends like different weekend (activity).4、Here (be) some students homework. 5、She likes (surf) the Internet a lot.II、根据提示完成句子。1. -_ _(多久一

9、次)do you exercise? -Every day.2. He often _ _ (去玩滑板)on weekends.3. She _ _ (几乎从没有)plays computer games.4. Her mother goes shopping _ _ _(一周两次).5. Kates mother _ _ (看电视) every night.教学反思Period 2 Section A 2d-3c备课时间:9.17.2013 主备人:王 姣 班级_ 学生姓名_学习目标:1. 熟练掌握本课的单词和短语2. 熟练掌握本课句型。 重点、难点:能够运用所学句型进行交流对话一、自主学习

10、。A.翻译短语every day_, once a week_, twice a week_, three times a week_, once a month_, twice a month_, watch TV_, surf the Internet_, read English books_, go to the movies_B.自我预习自主尝试完成3a.三、导学施教Step 1 Check their homework Step 2 Revisions.What do you usually do on weekends?What does he/she usually do on

11、 weekends?How often do you do that?Step 3 2d1. Ask Ss to read the conversation with the following questions:a) What lessons does Claire have? b) How often does Claire have piano lessons?2. Ask some one to read and translate grammar focus.Step 4 3aAsk Ss to share their answers about 3a and then role

12、play the conversations.Step 5 3bThe teacher gives an example:T: How often do you help with housework?S: I help with housework twice a week.Let students finish 3b and then report it.Step 6 Interview (3c)- What can you do to improve your English? - We can read English books, sing English songs, and watch English movies.- Great! No interview three in your group. Find out the best English student. Then give a report to the class.E.g. A: Peter, how often do you read English books?B: I read English books every day. Report: In our group, Peter reads English books every day I think he is the best


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