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1、基于核心素养培育的高中化学必修教材“研究与实践”栏目的教学初探摘 要:目前,基础教育新课程改革已经启动,化学课程改革的目的是培养科学学习方法,提高学生核心素养。修订后的人教版普通高中教科书化学必修适应化学学科核心素养培育的需要,提供了丰富的教学素材和教学策略。教科书修订过程中对相关的栏目重新进行了设计,对原有栏目进行了重新设计和定位,如:改原“实践活动”栏目为“研究与实践”栏目。这些精心设计的栏目帮助学生以不同的学习策略进行学习。其中最具有代表性的栏目为“研究与实践”,并且该栏目的操作性很强,主要是着重于学生动手能力和探究方法的培养。为了探究该栏目具有怎样的教学功能以及教师和学生如何有效地使用

2、教材中设置的“研究与实践”栏目,因此有必要对“ 研究与实践”栏目的设计及其有效性展开研究。本论文首先通过文献分析法对选题背景及发展现状进行分析,确定具体研究内容、研究方法以及研究意义,初步拟定了研究思路。其次通过采用统计分类法对“研究与实践”栏目进行统计和整理,统计此栏目中的具体内容,分析栏目的设置特点,总结栏目的活动形式及目标要求。与原“实践活动”栏目从内容、编写体例两方面进行对比。就“栏目的组织实施”“栏目实施的有效性”两方面来探讨“研究与实践”栏目的实施策略。再次通过案例分析法,以“了解纯碱的生产历史”为案例,结合化学核心知识,以提高学生的化学学科核心素养为目的进行“教、学、评”一体化的

3、活动设计,希望为“研究与实践”栏目的二次开发及其在教学中的应用提供参考。最后得出“研究与实践”栏目具有激发学生兴趣、拓展学生的知识面、发展学生的核心素养等结论,期待“研究与实践”栏目以更加丰富的开展形式呈现在高中教学,更好地为化学教学辅助、服务。关键词:核心素养 高中化学 教材分析 研究与实践 教学设计A preliminary teaching study based on research and practice column in the senior high school chemistry compulsory textbook for cultivating the key c

4、ompetenciesAbstract: At present, the new curriculum reform of basic education has been launched. The purpose of chemistry curriculum reform is to cultivate scientific learning methods and improve students key competencies. The revised edition of ordinary high school textbook chemistry required provi

5、des us with rich teaching materials and strategies. In the course of textbook revision, relevant columns were redesigned and the original columns were redesigned and positioned, such as changing the column of practical activities to the column of research and practice. These well-designed programs h

6、elp students study using different studying strategies. The content of research and practice column is rich and representative, with strong operability. It pays attention to the cultivation of students practical ability and exploration methods. In order to explore the teaching function of this colum

7、n and how can teachers and students effectively use the research and practice section of the textbook, it is necessary to study the design and effectiveness of the research and practice column.This paper firstly analyzes the background and development status of the topic selection through literature

8、 analysis, determines the specific research content, research methods and research significance, and preliminarily formulates the research ideas. Secondly, the column of research and practice is counted and sorted out by using statistical classification, the specific contents of the column are count

9、ed, the features of the column are analyzed, and the activity forms and objectives of the column are summarized. And the original practice activities column is compared from the content, writing style of the two aspects. This paper discusses the implementation strategy of research and practice progr

10、am from the two aspects of program organization and implementation and effectiveness of program implementation. Again through the case analysis, in order to understanding of soda ash production history as a case, combined with chemical core knowledge, in order to improve the students chemistry subje

11、ct core literacy for the purpose of the activities of the integration of teaching, learning and assessment design, hope for research and practice of secondary development and its application in the teaching to provide the reference. Finally, it is concluded that the column of research and practice c

12、an stimulate students interest, expand students scope of knowledge, and develop students core qualities, etc. It is expected that the column of research and practice can be presented in a more diversified form in high school teaching, so as to better assist and serve chemistry teaching.Keywords: Key

13、 competency; High school chemistry; Research and Practice; Teaching Design目录摘 要IAbstractII1 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究现状11.3 研究目标、方法和意义21.4 研究思路32 相关理论基础42.1 科学探究42.2 建构主义理论52.3 认知结构理论53 对“研究与实践”栏目的分析和理解53.1“研究与实践”栏目的设计原则53.2“研究与实践”栏目的设置分析64“研究与实践”栏目的实施策略114.1“研究与实践”栏目的组织实施114.2“研究与实践”栏目实施的有效性评价134.3“研究与实践”

14、栏目的实施设计以“纯碱的生产历史”为例135 结论与展望165.1 结论165.2 不足与展望16参考文献17致 谢181 绪论1.1 研究背景为发展学生的核心素养,真正让核心素养培育实践在课堂上,作为新课程理念践行者的教师,其对核心素养内涵的理解水平以及自身在新课改背景下教学策略的选择直接决定着学生核心素养能力的发展,因此基于核心素养的教学设计研究是有重要意义的。核心素养的英文表述为Key Competencies,它能成为一个教育概念,且成为很多国家或国际组织教育政策的高频词,最早可以追溯到60年代美国教育改革时期。而为了迎接21世纪,一个以全球化、信息化为明显特征的时代,越来越多国家需要


16、念下课堂应该是在真实原生态的问题解决环境中践行的,学生依据某一主题或单元进行学习,学习过程中信息获取的方式由过去只能从课堂和书本中获取过渡到现在的网页搜索、文献查找、在线学习等手段,在主题式的学习过程中,学生可以从实际问题解决中习得认识思路,极大地体现学生的主体地位,转变学生的学习方式。1.2 研究现状追求教育进步不只是在西方世界展开,为构建我国信息时代的课程体系,我国普通高中课程标准的修订工作由教育部于2014年12月正式启动,本次修订工作旨在贯彻立德树人的根本任务,通过研制我国核心素养体系,将基于核心素养的学业质量标准融入课程标准,以指导和促进学习方法和教育模式的根本变化。本次深化基础教育课程改革,在我国



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