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1、2018-2019学年第二学期风采杯课教案设计课 题:Unit2 Can I help you ? Lesson 12学 科英语班级五(5)执教老师陈佳雪三维目标:知识与技能:To learn the new words: try,shortpantstrouserscoat,clothesLearn to make dialogues by using the following sentences:CanItrythemon?Ofcourse,/Sure.过程与方法:引导学生观察物品的单复数,在语境中正确的运用 Howmuchare they ?Theyresixty-fiveyuan.进

2、行问答练习。 情感态度价值观:Learn to treat other people politely. 学习重点:重点是运用 Howmuchare they ?Theyresixty-fiveyuan.句型进行问答学习难点:运用Howmuchisit?How much are they ?句型进行问答学具准备:Cards、recorder课 时:One period.学 习 过 程课时目标o learn the new words: try,shortpantstrouserscoat,clothesLearn to make dialogues by using the following

3、 sentences:CanItrythemon?Ofcourse,/Sure.环节学 案批注热身Warm-up: 导入新知T:I have a clothes shop. Who want to buy some clothes for yourself. Lets go shopping together. (出示购物商场的图片)There are so many clothes in the shop. Do you know them?(出示服装图片) What do you want to wear? What do you need ?And do you have to buy

4、anything ?2The teacher says, Dear children, look at my clothes and shoes .I will wear them on thatday. Are they nice ? The students answer, you cant wear the suit and those shoes on that day .Youd better wear T-shirt, jeans, sunglasses3.Show some pictures to teach the new words:short pants ,coat, cl

5、othes, trousers ,try4.Listen to the tape and answer the questions:What does Peter want to buy ? A pair of short pants.Are they nice for Peter ?No, theyre too big for him.What does he say ?Would you show me that pair of short pants ?Teach this sentences and write it down on the blackboard.Review the

6、words about clothes in groups.提示一条短裤的表达法a pair of short pants 自主探究How much are they? 的单数形式。they的宾格是them展示交流The teacher shows a model dialogue. Let the students work in groups to act out the dialogue .Then invite several groups to show their dialogues.总结与评价1. Evaluate the performance of the students .2. Have a summary of the key points we have learned in class.板书设计Lesson 12Would you show me that pair of short pants ?How much ?教学反思


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