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1、Unit 9 Happy New Year! (第二课时)教学内容牛津小学英语1A第九单元,第二课时(revision &sing a song)教学目标1. 能正确地演唱出本单元的歌曲Happy New Year2. 能在情境中熟练运用本单元的单词和句型,语音语调正确。教学重点1. 理解歌词,演唱歌曲。2. 能正确的运用日常交际用语:Happy New Year! Thank you!教学难点1.能在情境中熟练运用本单元的单词和句型,语音语调正确。2会唱歌曲Happy New Year!课前准备1.教具准备a.动物头饰 b.文具、水果及B部分实物 c.录音机 d.磁带 e.学生自带一些礼物2

2、.板书准备 预先写好课题Unit 9 Happy New Year! 简笔画创设新年聚会的情境教学过程Step 1.Warm up(课前)录音机播放歌曲Happy New Year,创设新年情境Step 2 Revision 1. Magic eyes(快速反应)T: (快速出示B部分单词,包括水果,文具等)Whats this?S: Its a 2. touch and guessT: Card, doll and red packet, they are New Years Presents, there are more presents here, please touch and g

3、uess. You can guess: Is this a ?(教师出示装有礼物的袋子,包括水果,文具以及B部分实物)S: Is this a. card?T: No, it isnt. S: Is this a .?(将学生猜对的物品拿出,放在讲台上)T:(教师戴上老虎头饰,模仿老虎声音)Happy New Year! Boys and girls, Im Mr tiger, look, There are many presents here,.Do you like them? Do you want to get them?(手势辅助)S:(纷纷举手)Yes.T: Please sa

4、y it loudly!(拿出贺卡)S: Card, card, I love youT:Good, you are loudly and clearly, so one for XXX, one for XXX, Happy New Year, Happy New Year!S1: Thank you ,thank you!S2: Thank you, thank you!T: Who wants to be Mr tiger?(请学生上台扮演Mr tiger分发礼物,模仿对话)3.(桌上剩余部分礼物)T: Boys and girls, now, show me your presents

5、, please.(教师观察还有谁没有拿到礼物,有目的的将礼物送给还没拿到的同学)T: XXX, Happy New Year! Happy New Year to you!S: Thank you!T: Can you say Happy New Year to you?S:(read two times)T:Please say it to your partnerSs同桌操练T: You did a good job. But Im not happy ,because nobody say Miss XXX, Happy New Year to you,(动作辅助)Ss:(引导学生对老

6、师说)Miss XXX, Happy New Year to you!T: Thank you Happy New Year to you , Happy New Year to you, Happy New Year to you, Happy New Year to you all.(教师动作辅助,引导学生理解句意)Step 3 presentation 1. T: Look! Other animal friends are coming ,too.(教师呈现动物头饰)T: a cat, a dog, a cow, a pig, a duck.(边说,边将头饰戴到学生头上)T: Are

7、you happy?Ss: Yes.T: Im happy too, lets sing and dance。2. 教师播放歌曲Happy New Year!,学生边听歌曲,边跟老师做动作。3. 用儿歌的形式朗读歌词,教师领读并示范。4. 以各种形式演唱歌曲a. 全班齐唱歌曲Happy New Year,并加以动作 b. 分小组演唱并表演歌曲。c.男女生竞赛演唱表演歌曲。Step 4. consolidation 1. 多媒体播放新年钟声T: Listen, New Year is coming, You can send your present to your good friend or your teacher.Im be the first. Hello, XXX, this is a. Happy New Year!Ss: Thank you!2. 学生活动,互赠礼物!Step5 Assign homework (约2分钟) 1. 把歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听。2. 运用所学句型赠送家人礼物。



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