Book5 Unit3 Dates Story 教学设计

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《Book5 Unit3 Dates Story 教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Book5 Unit3 Dates Story 教学设计(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Book5 Unit3 Dates Story 教学设计台山市台城第二小学 容艳琼教学内容:Story 课时:Lesson2教材分析: 本课是第五册第3单元第二课时,本课时主要学习用Whats the date today? Its 和 Whens your birthday? Its来询问或回答日期或生日。学情分析: 本课的教育对象是五年级的学生,他们经过两年的英语学习,具有一定的英语基础,能所学用英语简单进行交流.本班学生活泼有余,定力不足,对自己不够自信,不敢大胆表达自己的意见。教学目标: (一)语言能力1、 能用来Whats the date today? 和 Whens your b

2、irthday? 询问。2、就别人的询问作出相应得回答(二)学习能力1. 能意识到在真实生活中运用英语表达自我想法的英语学习观,进而激发英语学习兴趣。2. 通过了解并获取相应的生日信息为亲人和朋友送上祝福或礼物。(三)思维品质1. 通过思维导图的方式,激发学生的发散性思维,发展学生的预测能力。2. 通过了解不同的人的生日和参加生日会等,能让学生联系生活实际情况,对自己的生日和亲人朋友的生日做出合理的庆祝安排。(四)文化意识学生能在参加生日party中,激发学生爱亲人、爱朋友;爱家,爱国的意识。教学重点和难点:1、用what 、when来询问日期和别人的生日;对别人的询问做出相应的回应。2、培养

3、学生的语言交际能力。教学设计思路:围绕本课时的教学内容,以故事为主线,通过有趣的活动、游戏和说唱,来学习、掌握和运用所学句型,从而发展学生的语言交际能力、合作精神和健康活泼的个性品质,培养学生自主学习的能力。教学过程:Step 1 Warm up & Review1、 Greeting. 2、Free talk.(look at a calendar) T: What day is it today? Whats the date today? Is today your birthday? 3、Review.复习月份和序数词(快闪的形式来复习):What month is it?(设计意图:

4、通过复习巩固学过的词汇和句型,为新课做铺垫。)4、Chant Activities. Whens your birthday?(设计意图:利用chant营造轻松的学习氛围,活跃课堂气氛,引入话题,为新课做准备。) Whens your birthday? April 4th , my bithday is April 4th.Whens yor birthday?May 15th, my birthday is May 15th.Step 2 Presentation:(以chant中的歌词:Whens your birthday? xxx. My birthday is xxx. 创设情境引

5、入新课教学)1 、Today is October26th. Its Peppas bithdy. Now she is having a birthday party.Lets join her party.2.T: Peppas birthday is October 26th. Do you want to know Tonys , Jennys and Gogos birthdays?(设计意图:根据话题创设情境,自然导入story的教学。)??Whens their birthdays? Ok. Lets watch the videoHere are questions for t

6、he students:Where are they? Whats the date today?(设计意图:让学生带着问题来听看video,培养学生良好的阅读习惯和开发学生的思维能力。)Oct.20thAug.7th?3. Imitate the story,then ask and answer S1- Whens your birthday, xx? S2-Its (设计意图:通过学生的imitate,培养学生的自学能力,同时让学生根据story的内容进行问答,活学活用,让学生感受成功的喜悦。)4、Lets think. Is today real Gogos birthday? Why

7、 does Gogo say so? What do you think of Gogo?(设计意图:通过三个问题的设问,引导学生进一步思考,从而发散学生的思维,培养学生独立思考的能力。)5、Read and act the story.(设计意图:通过故事的表演,让学生感知语音、语调和句型的交际作用,同时, 培养学生的小组合作能力。)6、Retell the story. Today is _ 4th. Grandma, Tony, Jenny and Gogo are in the _.Some children are having a _ party there. Jenns birt

8、hday is _ _. Tonys birthday is _ _.Is today Gogos birthday? No, I dont think so. Gogo just(只是) wants to have a _ (设计意图:通过retell, 培养学生的总结归纳的能力。)Step3 Practice & ConsolidationAsk and answer one by oneT:My birthday is October 30th. Whens your birthday,?S1:My birthday is .Whens your/her/his birthday,?S2

9、:. (设计意图:让学生进一步运用所学句子进行对话,巩固学习效果。)Step 4 Products1. Lets do a survey, then have a report.Make a birthday survey in groups of four. Then have a report. Namebirthday What to do? Model: Hello! My name is . My birthday is . This is my friend,xx. Her birtady is .(设计意图:通过做调查和报告,让学生灵活运动所学的语言知识,培养学生的综合语言交际能

10、力。)2. 为十月份生日的同学举行生日会。(设计意图:通过现场的生日会,让学生学会分享快乐事,情感得到交流,学会关心身边的人。)3. Talk about your families birthday。Step 5 Good to know & Summary1、Good to know Share happiness with your families and friends. Love your families and friends. October 1st is the birthday of China. Its our National Day. We love China.(

11、设计意图:通过情感教育,引导学生爱亲人、爱朋友;爱家,爱国的意识,让情感进一步得到升华。)2、Summary : When is birthday? Its (设计意图:引导学生自行归纳总结,以培养学生的总结归纳能力)Step 6 Homework1、 Make birthday cards for your families or friends.2、Read the story to your families.Board design Unit 3 DatesStory Where are they ? They in the garden.Whats the date today? Its March 4th.Whens _s birthday? Its _.NameBirthdayAugust 7thOctober 20th ?


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