202 中考英语二轮复习情态动词can, could用法的教学课例分析 .docx

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1、情态动词can, could用法的教学课例分析在英语教学中,语法教学历来就是一个难点,如何把枯燥无味的语法课上得趣味横生。这就要求英语教师要钻研语法教材,精心设计语法教法,为学生营造一种轻松愉快的英语氛围,从而轻松习得语法知识。以下课例就是通过游戏,情景,归纳,练习,活动等愉快教学方法使学生掌握语法。课例分析Teaching Content: 7BUnit5 Grammar Using “can”/ “could” to talk about abilityTeaching Aims: 1. Use can to talk about the ability at present 2.Use

2、could to talk about ability in the past.Important and Difficult Points: how to use “can” and “could” to express ability in the present and past.Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Warming up.T: What can you do now?S1:I can sing.S2:I can draw. S3:I can dance.T:Can you ride a bike/swim/fly a kite/play footba

3、ll/play chess?Ss:Yes ,I can./ No,I cant.(Show them the actions on the screen.)本部分用来复习以前学过的情态动词can的用法,以及一些动词短语ride a bike ,fly a kite, play football等,自然的过渡到本课的语法, 用can谈论能力。Step2 Playing a game T: Now lets play a game. Five students come to the front and perform for the class according to my instructi

4、ons. The others answer my questions. T: What can she do? Ss: She can ride a bike /swim/ fly a kite/play Football /play chess T: Can she / he ride a bike /swim/ fly a kite/play football /play chess?Ss: Yes , she/he can. No, she/he cant. T: Say the whole sentences: He can ride a bike. He cant swim.Ste

5、p 3 Work in pairsT: Ask your partner more questions like above . 本部分通过做游戏,让五位同学表演,其余的学生猜, 这些同学在干什么,他们能干什么?学生便可轻松愉快的气氛中掌握了can的用法,再者,学生的参与率较高,积极性较高。 Step 4 Playing a guessing gameT: Now lets play a game .Please listen carefully and guess what it is.It can fly. It can sing. It can repeat the words you

6、say .what is it? Ss: It is a parrot.再次用游戏把气氛推向了高潮.学生异常兴奋.Step 5. Presentation.T: Can you ride a bike now?S1:Yes. I canT: Could you ride a bike five years ago ? (Help him answer: Yes, I could./ No, I couldnt) S1:Yes, I could./ No, I couldnt.T: we can use “could” to talk about the past .eg: I can play

7、 computer now .But, last year I couldnt play. T: Could you cook last year?S1:Yes I could . No, I couldnt.T: Could she/ he cook last year?( Ask other students) Ss: Yes she/ he could . No she/ he couldnt T: Yes , A could ride a bike five years ago. He couldnt swim five years ago. (Teach the students t

8、o say the whole sentences): A could ride a bike five years ago. He couldnt swim five years ago.) (Ask other students in the same ways)Step 6 Work in pairs T: Ask your partner more questions like above. Could he / she ? (Yes, he / she could./ No, he / she couldnt.) 通过现在推测过去的能力,自然过渡到下一个教学环节.Step 7 Wor

9、king out the rules T: Lets work out the rule. Positive: cancould Negative: cantcouldntQuestion: Can ?Could ? 水到渠成,总结规律,归纳can could 的肯定句,否定句,疑问句,Step 7. Practice.T:Please complete the sentences in PartA1Work alone.(Part A1) T: Lets check the answers together.T: Please talk about the tables freely wit

10、h your partners . eg. Can Sandy row a boat now? Could he do it last year? T: Please complete the conversation of Part A2. Step 8 Summing up:T:In this class we learnt the use of can and could about talking about abilities .Who knows the differences between “can” and “could” 让学生总结本课所学内容,巩固can ,could 的

11、用法.从而加深学生的印象。 Step 9.Exercises单项选择 ( )1.Can you write a letter in English? No, I . A. may not B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt( )2.He said that he swim when he was six.A. might B. could C. can D. would ( )3. I have some bottles of orange? A. DoB. Could C. Dont D. Would 用适当的情态动词填空1.It is hot summer in Lia

12、nyungang. We go swimming there.2.The library is closed now. We borrow many books today.3.Dainel is very clever. He solve the problem.4.Helen learn from books because she was blind when she was young.5.Mary ride a bicycle when she was six.句型转换1.Rose can swim in the big river.(改为否定句) 2.Sandy can dance

13、.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) 3.Simon could play tennis last year.( 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)4.Amy could climb trees and hills. (改为否定句) 翻译句子1.他们会跳舞。2.Neil过去会打篮球吗?是的,会。3.他去年不会划船。4.你明天可能去游泳吗?不,不可能。课时练习用来巩固所学知识。 Step 10. Homework:1.Memorize the phrases :row a boat fly a kite ride a bicycle etc.2.Revise the use of can and could 本节课符合新课表标的要求,算是一堂很成功的课。从教学步骤上看,教学环节衔接自然,环环相扣,逐层递进,一气呵成。从教学设计上看,设置了游戏,表演,总结,练习等方法新颖独到,不仅生动有趣的游戏, 调动了学生学习的主动性、积极性,而且适时的练习总结,巩固了所学知识。总之,本节课在老师的引导下, 一节课以快乐的“游戏复习”开始,在“游戏竞猜”的高潮中结束,让学生整节课中都感到轻松愉快.不知不觉中学会了can, could的用法。学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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