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1、2014学年第一学期八年级英语导学案 编号:06 杏坛镇初二英语备课组 主备人:许慧明 审核:Module6 Animals in danger Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them. 班级:_姓名:_学号:_组别号:_课型:听说课,新授课 课时:2课时授课人:_备课时间:2014-10-7一【学习目标】 1知识目标:能掌握动词不定式作宾补、目的状语等的用法。 2能力目标:能听懂关于保护动物的对话,并获取对话中的细节信息。3. 情感目标:增强保护环境和进行环保宣传的责任感。二、【教学重难点】1A friend in need is a fr

2、iend indeed. 患难见真情。 Module6 Unit1 1 重点短语:1) 濒危动物 animals in danger2) 处于危险中in danger3) 最后,终于at last / in the end4) 对某事感兴趣be interested to do sth.5) 允许某人(不)做某事 allow sb. (not) to do sth.6) 接近close to7) 想到,想出think of8) 需要做某事need to do sth.9) 一个居住的地方a place to live10) 扩张,变大grow bigger11) 夺去,拿走take away

3、12) 足够清洁的水enough clean water13) 帮助某人做某事help sb. to do sth14) 和平地,平静地in peace15) 照顾,照管look after16) 募捐raise money17) 发现,查明,弄清楚find out18) 还有什么what else19) 尽可能多as many as possible2. 重点句型:1. It allows people to get closer to them. 2. Its sad to think of pandas and other animals in danger.3. We need to

4、protect them better.4. Many wild animals dont have a safe place to live.5. We need to help animals live in peace.6. We want to save animals in danger.7. We can give money to help protect the animals.三【学习过程】一预习导学1. 预习Module6的单词,试拼读并掌握释义。根据中文意思写单词。1. 蛇2. 薄的,细长的3. 危险4. 处于危险5. 终于,最后6. 感兴趣的7. 允许,准许8 保护9.

5、 想到,想出10. 野生的11. 变得,生长12. 过去式13. 夺去,拿去14. 足够的15. 肮脏的16. 和平,太平17. 和平地18. 为了19. 照顾20. 筹集 2. 预习课本42页第3部分课文,翻译下列词组:1) 濒危动物 _2) 处于危险中_3) 最后,终于_4) 对某事感兴趣_5) 允许某人(不)做某事_6) 接近_7) 想到,想出_8) 需要做某事_9) 一个居住的地方_10) 扩张,变大_11) 夺去,拿走_12) 足够清洁的水_13) 帮助某人做某事_14) 和平地,平静地_15) 照顾,照管_16) 募捐_17) 发现,查明,弄清楚_18) 还有什么_19) 尽可能多

6、 _3. 阅读并完成同步导学第37-38页中“自主预习”以及“名师导学”的题目。二课堂活动Step1. Lead-in1) 检查词汇预习。教学新单词,并请同学们大声朗读单词。2) 展示新句型:3) 引出动词不定式。Step2. Listening and vocabulary1. Look at the pictures and do the quiz. Use the words in the box to help you. (Activity 1)2. Listen and answer the answers. (Activity 2)1 ) What is this weeks An

7、imal World about?This weeks Animal World is about _.2) Which animals are in danger?Animals such as _, _, _ and _ are in danger.3. Listen and fill in the blanks. (Activity 3) 1I am more interested _ the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve, because it allows people _ closer to them.2Its sad _ the panda

8、s and other animals in danger.3We need _ them better.4Many wild animals dont have a safe place _.5I think we all need _ animals live in peace.6“We want _ animals in danger and we need your help.”7“Your money pays _ the animals.”4. Now listen and read. And then complete the the table. (Activity 3) Th

9、en act out the dialogue. 6. Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box. (Activity 4) Step3. In-calss exercise1. 根据unit 1的对话内容和首字母提示,完成下面短文。 Lingling and Betty went to visit a zoo. Now they are talking sometihing about animals. Betty is more (1) i_ to see the pandas in the Wolong P

10、anda Reserve. Villages and farms are (2) g_ and talking away the animals land and forests. There isnt often (3) e_ clean water. So many animals are in (4) d_. What can we do to (5) p_ the animals? We can raise money and give money to protect the animals. We should protect the land and the forests.2. 完成句子:1. 托尼刚刚拿走了我的字典。 Tony _ my dictionary just now.2. 我有许多家务活要做。 I have got lots of housework _.3. 这位老人没地方住。 The old man has _.4. 老师已查明原因了。 The teacher has _ the reasons.三【课后反思】本节课我学习了:单词:_词组:_语法:_



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