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1、 . 毕业设计说明书市星河饭店给水排水设计毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作与取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得与其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了意。作 者 签 名:日 期:指导教师签名: 日期:使用授权说明本人完全了解大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业

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5、饭店给水排水设计摘 要本设计为市一幢20层的综合楼,建筑总高度为73.8m。地上20层,地下1层。地下一层为设备层,地上13层为底商,417层为宾馆客房,1820层为公寓式办公室。本设计包括:给水系统、排水系统、热水系统、消火栓给水系统、自动喷水灭火系统。给水系统:本建筑采用分区给水方式。因地下室无用水器具,故不对其供水。13层为低区,由市政管网直接供水,选择下行上给式;412层为中区,由中区变频调速泵供水,下行上给式;1320层为高区,由高区水泵和屋顶水箱联合供水,采用上行下给式。排水系统:420层的室排水采用污、废分流排水体制,并采用直接伸顶通气和三立管排水系统的管道布置型式。13层为污废


7、3套报警阀组,2套水泵接合器。报警阀组前供水管道采用环状布置,报警阀组后各层供水分干管起端设1个水流指示器。关键词:给水系统;排水系统;热水系统;消火栓给水系统;自动喷水灭火系统Water Supplyand DrainageEngineering Designof Xinghe HotelinJinanABSTRACTThis design is for a 20 floors integrative building in Jinan with a total height of 73.8m in which 20 floors is above the ground and one is

8、 basement. The basement is used for equipment with a height of 4.25m in which from the first floor to the third floor is shopping malls, 4th to17th floors is hotel rooms of 3.6 meters heights; 18th to 20th floors is used for apartment-style office. This design includes the water supply system design

9、, the drainage system design, the hot-water system design, the hydrant water supply system design and the sprinkler system design.Water supply systems: the water supply model of this building is zoned water supply. There is no water apparatus in basement where do not need water supply. In this build

10、ing, 1st3rd floor is lower zone, which is down-feed mode directly supplied by the municipal water supply network; 4th12th floor is the central zone which is down-feed mode supplied by frequency conversion governor pump; 13th20th floor is high zone which is uplink and down water-supply mode supplied

11、by water pumps and roof tanks.Drainage system: the drainage system of 4th-20th floor is separate mode for feces wastewater and other wastewater, including three standpipes and stack vent. The drainage system of 1st-3rd floor is combined system which is drained to the outside drainage system.Hot wate

12、r system: This building uses a centralized hot-water supply system which consistent with water supply systems. 4th-12th floor is central zone and 13th-20th floor is high zone. As the points of distribution in 1st-3rd floor are less, there is not a hot water supply system there. Hot-water system in e

13、ach zone is independent, using volume mode water heaters and concentrated layer equipment installed in the basement of the building, in which the main pipe cycle use pump to circling.Hydrant water supply systems: The building height is over 50 meters which is the first class of high-rise buildings,

14、in which indoor hydrant system is separated from domestic water supply system. The hydrant water supply system hasnt been zoned. The entire system is a circle mode with 3 sets of water pump adapters.Sprinkler system: Since the risk level of the building is first class dangerous level, the sprinkler

15、system is wet auto sprinkler system which is supplied from the pumps in basement and roof water tanks. There are 3 sets of alarm valve group and 2 sets of pump adapters. Behind the alarm valve group, there is a water flow indicator at the initial section of water supply sub-main pipe.Keyword: Water supply system; Drainage system; Hot-water system;Hydrant water supply system;Sprinkler system目 录第1章 设计任务书11.1设计题目11.2设计任务与容11.3 设计原始资料11. 3. 1 建筑设计资料11. 3. 2 城市给水排水资料11.4 设计成果2第2章设计说明书32.1 给水系统的设


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