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1、名校讲坛I. watch TV看电视2 . n ewspapern .意为“报纸”,可数名 词,有单复数形式。read a n ewspaper/ newspapers 看报纸【拓展】paper (1) nc.意为“报 纸”,相当于 newspaper;还有“试卷”的意思; (2)nu.意为 “纸”, a piece of paper 一 张纸3 . talk on the phone 在 电话中交谈on the phone = over the phone = by phone 通过电话4 . liste n to a CD听唱片5 . make soup 煲汤6 . wash v .洗wa

2、sh clothes 洗衣服wash the dishe s = do the dishes洗餐具do some/the washi ng 洗衣 服7 . go to the movie = see a film = go to the cin ema 去 看电影8 . That sounds good. 那 听起来不错。sou nd为系动词,后接形容 词作表语,意为“听起 来”。eg:Your idea sounds great.你的主意听起来不错。9 . join sb. 加入某人当中 join sb.in sth. 加入某人当中参加某活动10 . eat out 出去吃;下馆 子II.

3、That sounds good. 那 听起来不错。sou nd在句中是连系动词, 意为“听起来”,后接形容词作 表语。Unit 6 rm watchi ng TV.第一课时 Section A (1a2d) 当堂训练I. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. Mr. Wang is reading a( 报纸).2. Can you make(汤)?3. My mother( 洗)clothes every day.4. Lets go to the( 电影)this evening.5. Hes( 只是)doing his homework.n.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. What

4、is your gra ndfather doing?He(drink) tea.7. Look! She(make) soup.8. Rata likes(read) very much.9. Li Ming(not speak) English.10. they(work) at the office now?川.单项选择。( )11. ?Hes swimmi ng at the poo l.A. What does Tom do B . Is Tom swimmingC. What is Tom doing D . When is Tom swimming()12. What is he

5、 doi ng?Hehis MP4.A. is listening B . is listening toC. listening D . listening to()13.(重庆中考)Where is your father?Hethe World Cup in the livi ng room.A. is watching B . watchesC. watched D . will watch()14. Linda and her mother are talking.A. on phone B . by the phone C . on the phone D . in phone (

6、)15. What is your sister doi ng?A. She goes to the movies B . She ofte n washes the dishesC. She exercises D . She is wash ing the dishes根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16 .简在看报吗?Is Jane?17 .我的妈妈在厨房做汤。My mother isin the kitche n.18 . 一些女士在锻炼。Some wome n.19 .杰克在干吗?WhatJack ?20 .他们正在听音乐。They aremusic.Unit 6 rm watchi ng TV.第一课时Section A (1a2d)I .1.newspaper 2.soup 3.washes 4.movies 5.justn .6.is drinking7.is making 8.reading9.doesnt speak1O.Are ; working川.11 15 CBACDIV .16.reading a newspaper17.making soup18.are exercising19.is ; doing20 listening to#



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