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1、l Unit 1 Nouns and Noun Phrasesl 1.1 kinds of nounsl word formation构词法: Simple简单名词, compound复合名词 and derivative nouns派生名词 l lexical meaning词汇意义: Proper专有名词 and common nouns普通名词 Proper nouns专有名词: France, Madrid, Tom Common nouns普通名词分为四大类: l 1. collective noun 集体名词:表示一群人或一些事物的总称。 eg: family, team, cat

2、tle, policel 2. individual noun 个体名词:表示单个的人或事物。 eg. boy, house, tiger, insectl 3. abstract nouns 抽象名词:表示抽象的概念。 eg: glory, honesty, failure, education l 4. material noun 物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质。 eg: water, air, bread, ricel and grammatical form语法意义: Countable nouns, uncountable nouns and nouns that can be c

3、ountable and uncountablel 1.2 function of nouns l 1. The subject of verb: Tom arrived.l 2. 作补语 The complement of the subject be, become, seem: Tom is an actor. The complement of the object call: We call her Miss Wangl 3. 作宾语 The object of a verb: I saw Tom. The object of a preposition :I spoke to To

4、m.l 4. 作同位语: The small desks and chairs are for us students.l 5. A noun can also be in the possessive case: Toms books.l 6. 称呼语 Helen, open the door.l 7. 作副词 She was late three times this week.l 2. Number of Nouns (名词的数)l 英语可数名词有单数(singular)和复数(plural)两种形式, 表示一个人或事物用单数形式, 表示一个以上的人或事物用复数形式。 名词的单数形式就是

5、词典上所出现的形式,没有变化, 如: a pen, a bed, a room, an English book。 l 名词复数形式有着规则的(Regular plurals)与不规则的(Irregular plurals)变化形式,以及复合名词(compound nouns) 特殊的变化形式。l 2.1 Regular pluralsl 1.The plural of a noun usually by adding s to the singular: day-days, dog-dogs, house-houses “ -s” is pronounced /s/ after a p, k

6、 or f sound. Otherwise it is pronounced /z/. When -s is placed after -ce, -ge,-se,or -ze an extra syllable(/IZ/) is added to the spoken word. l 2.Nouns ending in o, s, -ch, -sh, -ss, or -x form their plural by adding -es: tomato-tomatoes, brush-brushes, box-boxes, church-churches, class-classesl whe

7、n es is placed after -ch, -sh, -ss or -x an extra syllable(/IZ/)is added to the spoken word. And after o, -es is pronounced /Z/.l Notes:l 1. 如果词尾的ch发k音,要加-s, e.g. monarch君主, stomach, patriarch族长, epochl 2. 但是有些以字母o结尾的外来词或缩写词的复数形式只加-s,如果o前面的是元音字母,也只加-s。e.g.: alto男高音, folio对开纸, cuckoo, radio, bambool

8、3. Nouns ending in y following a consonant(辅音) form their plural by dropping the -y and adding -ies: baby-babies, country-countries, lady-ladies, fly-flies (例外: stand-bys)l Nouns ending in y following a vowel(元音) form their plural by adding s: boy-boys, daydays, donkey-donkeys(词尾为quy时,变y为i再加-es,如sol

9、iloquy, colloquyl 4. 14 nouns ending in f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. These nouns are calf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, shelf, thief, wife, wolf, elf, housewife loaf-loaves, wife-wives, wolf-wolves etc. scarf, wharf, staff, dwarf, handkerchief, hoof, 可以加-s或-ves. Other words ending i

10、n f or fe add s in the ordinary way: cliff-cliffs, safe-safes l 2.2 Irregular pluralsl 1. A few nouns form their plural by a vowel change改变元音: foot-feet, mouse-mice, woman-women, goose-geese, man-men, tooth-teeth The plurals of child and ox are children, oxen.l 2. Some nouns do not change in the plu

11、ral: deer-deer, sheep-sheep, Chinese-Chinese, 直接从汉语译音的名词一般无复数,但要用斜体,e.g.: li, dan, mu, renminbi, yuan, liang l 3. Certain words are always plural: clothes, trousers, barracks, series, species, etc.l 4. Collective nouns ,crew, family, team, etc., can take a singular or plural verb; singular if we con

12、sider the word to mean a single group or unit: Our team is the best. or plural if we take it to mean a number of individuals: Our team are wearing their new jerseys(运动衫).l 5. crisis类,将-sis换成-ses,如thesis, analysis, diagnosis; l datum类,将-tum换成-ta ,如stratum, medium; l criterion类,将-on换成-a ,如 phenomenon;

13、 l plateau类,将-u换成-ux,如adieu; l nucleus类,将-us换成-i ,如cactus, focus, fungus l 2.3 Compound nounsl 1. Normally the last word is made plural: boy-friends, break-ins, travel agents But where man and woman is prefixed both parts are made plural: men drivers, women doctorsl 2. The first word is made plural

14、with compounds formed of verb+ er nouns + adverbs: hangers-on(奉迎者), lookers-on, runners-up(亚军队) and with compounds composed of noun + preposition + noun: ladies-in-waiting(侍女), sisters-in-law, l 2.4 Nouns that can be countable and uncountablel advice(劝告)-advices(通知)l green(绿色)-greens(青菜)l air(空气)-ai

15、rs(神气)l good(好事)-goods(货物)l arm(手臂)-arms(武器)l iron(铁)-irons(镣铐)l brain(脑)-brains(智力)l look(看)-looks(外表)l Authority(权威)-authorities(当局)l pain(疼痛)-pains(努力) l cloth(布)-clothes(衣服) l paper(纸)-papers(文件)l condition(情况)-conditions(条件)l regard(尊敬)-regards(问候)l content(内容)-contents(目录)l time(时间)-times(时代)l custom(风俗)-customs(海关)l water(水)-waters(水域)l force(力量)-forces(军队)l work(工作)-works(作品)l glass(玻璃)-glasses(眼镜) l 2.5 Number forms of proper nounsl Proper nouns are unique in reference and therefore have no plural forms, except for



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