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1、关于四级翻译的学习题 关于四级翻译的学习题 四级翻译8.28 1._(证据肯定早已被破坏了) completely before the police arrived. 2.Such practice of _(考试前熬夜学习)will not necessarily work for every student. 3.George arrived at the office ahead of time _(只为了给老板留下好印象). 4.The resolution that _(他调到总部)was approved by General Manager. 5.He didnt like t

2、his job _(无论条件比之前的好). 答案解析: 1.The evidence must have already been destroyed 考查被动语态:“证据是“被破坏,必需要用被动语态。情态动词:must表示肯定的推测,且“证据被破坏先于the police arrived发生,所以用情态动词的完成时。“证据的表达为evidence。 2.staying up studying before an examination “熬夜的表达为stay up,“熬夜学习就是stay up studying。考查动名词用法:空前出现的of是介词,跟在其后的动词词组“熬夜学习要变成动名词的

3、形式,修饰名词practice。 3.only to make a good impression on his/the boss “给留下印象译作make an impression on。“印象之前的修饰语good在翻译时不能遗漏。考查目的状语:“只为了的表达为only to,其结构为only to do sth.表示目的。 4.he (should)be transferred to headquarter 考查虚拟语气:某些表示建议,请求,命令,主张以及“重要性,“紧迫性等概念的名词充当主语时,其后的同位语从句必需要用虚拟语气。具体结构为should+动词原形。这样的名词有:deman

4、d,desire,requirement,advice,recommendation,suggestion,order,proposal和resolution等。“调任表达为transfer;“总部表达为headquarter。考查被动语态:他是“被调任,必需要用被动语态。 5.though the condition was better than the previous one 考查让步状语从句:在句子中所以用though。考查比较级:“比好 用be better than。考查one的用法:句子前面已经提到了job,为了避免重复,用one代替。 四级翻译8.27 1._(无论他已力倦神

5、疲),he still kept on running. 2.Many people believe that international tourism _(对经济发展有积极作用).so local government should be encouraged to promote it. 3.On my way to the important interview,_(他所做的就是祝我好运). 4.Due to the unexpected changes,_(这个计划必需要修改). 5._(遇难者能否在灾难中生还)depends on many uncertain factors. 答

6、案解析: 考查让步状语从句:用Although或Though表示“虽然,无论的意思。“力倦神疲的表达为be exhausted。 2.plays an active role in economic growth/development / has positive effects on economic growth/development “有作用的表达常用play a role或have an effect on 结构。“积极的常用active和positive,“发展可用growth或development。 3.what he did was to wish me good luck

7、/what he did was wishing me good luck 考查主语从句:用what引导主语从句。主语的表达:可用不定式或动名词作表语。“祝好运表达为wish sb good luck. 4.this plan has to be revised/modified 考查被动语态:“计划与“修改是被动关系,用be done的被动结构。修改的常用表达为revise或modify。 5.Whether the victims can survive the disaster 考查主语从句:所必需翻译的句子为该句的主语,“能否提示从句用Whether引导,注意在主语从句中只能用whet

8、her,不能用if。表示“存活,活下来,幸免于难,用survive,后直接跟宾语,注意此处不能加介词from。只有在表示习惯,习俗,礼仪等沿袭时才用survive from。 四级翻译8.26 1. Many college graduates find it difficult to get an ideal job today _(即使他们有学士学位). 2._(与你对公司的贡献相比),what I have done was unworthy of mentioning. 3.Some experts recommend that_(不应太强调语法的重要性)at the early st

9、age of childrens language learning. 4.After supper she would sit down by the fire,_(有时长达一小时). 5.With a lot of assignments in hand,you _(不该出席昨晚的闭幕式). 答案解析: 1.even if/though they get Bachelors degree 考查even if/though 引导的让步状语从句。学士学位的固定表达:Bachelors degree。 2.Compared with your contribution to the compan

10、y/In comparison with your contribution to the company 与相比,可以翻译为 Compared with或In comparison wih,对的贡献译作contribution to。 3.importance shouldnt be attached to grammar too much recommend表建议,其后面的宾语从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,其形式为(should)+动词原形。“强调的重要性表达为attach importance to。“语法是强调的动作承受者,必需要用被动结构。 4.sometimes for as long

11、 as an hour 时间上“长达,用as long as 结构。表示时间段用介词for。 情态动词+have+过去分词结构表示对过去状况的推测。待译部分隐含“不该做但已经做了的意味,用shouldnt/oughtnt to have + 过去分词表示。闭幕式用the closing ceremony表达;出席:attend。 四级翻译8.25 1. Althrough her life, this woman applies herself to_(帮助她女儿康复). 2. It needs the whole teams efforts_(按原计划实施这项工程). 3.Last week

12、 in his class,Professor Lee said that _(月亮绕着地球转). 4._(每次他错过火车),he would go to the nearby bar for beer. 5.She realized her dream of becoming a writer eventually _(在历尽艰辛之后). 答案解析: 1.helping her daughter(to) recover. 专心做某事“的固定搭配是apply oneself to, to是介词,后面要跟名词性成分,故用名词或动名词。“康复的表达为recover(from)。帮助某人做某事的表达

13、为help sb. (to) do sth或help sb. with sth. 。 2.to implement this project as planned 名词性从句在表达客观规律时,应用一般现在时,此时不要求与主句时态保持一致。“实施的表达为implement, 也可用carry out.“按原定计划的表达是as planned. 3.the moon revolves the earth 名词性从句在表达客观规律时,应用一般现在时,此时不要求与主句时态保持一致。旋转的表达为revolve。自然界独一无二事物的名词前面用定冠词修饰,如the earth,the moon。 4.Eve

14、ry time he missed the train 一些表示时间的名词词组,如the moment,last time,next time,every time等可用来引导时间状语从句。错过的表达为miss。从句的动作先于主句,主句用了过去将来时,故从句用一般过去时。 5.after she went through many hardships after引导的时间状语从句。历尽艰辛,用go through many hardships表达;也可以用endure many hardships。 四级翻译8.24 1.Anything that goes against the interest of people _ (注定以失败告终). 2. If he had not turned a deaf ear to the doctor, _ (伤早就治愈了). 3. The popular artist said she_(喜爱古典音乐胜过流行音乐). 4. The market share of DDF Co



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