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1、 天津职业技术师范大学Tianjin University of Technology and Education毕 业 论 文专 业: 英 语 班级学号: 1003 09 学生姓名: 马玉慧 指导教师: 高莉莉 副教授 二一四年六月天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业论文体态语在跨文化交际中的意义差异Semantic Difference of Body Language in Cross-culture Communication 专业班级:英语1003 学生姓名:马玉慧指导教师:高莉莉 副教授 学 院:外国语学院2014年6月Statement of Originality I declare

2、 that the work presented in this thesis is to the best of my knowledge and belief, original except as acknowledged in the text, and that the material has not been submitted in whole or part for a degree at this or any other university. _ (Signature)ContentsAbstract in English.iiAbstract in Chinese.i

3、iiI. Introduction .1II.Functions and Characteristics of Body Language2 2.1 Functions of Body Language.2 2.2 Characteristics of Body Language.3III.Types of Body Language3 3.1 Distance between conversationalists.4 3.2 Facial expression.5 3.3 Eye contact.6 3.4 Physical contact.7 3.4.1 Handshake.7 3.4.2

4、 Hug and kiss.7 3.5 Gesture.7IV.The Relationship between Body Language and Culture .8 4.1 Cultural influence on body language.8 4.2 Comparison of Chinese Culture and American Culture10 4.2.1The core factors of Chinese culture.10 4.2.2The core factors of American culture.11 4.3 Comparison of body lan

5、guage in Chinese and American Culture.11 4.3.1 Posture.12 4.3.2 Gesture.12 4.3.3 Touch.13 4.3.4 Eye contact.14 4.3.5 Facial expression.15V. Conclusion.16Notes.18Bibliography.19Acknowledgments.20iiAbstractThe fast development of science, technology and economy brings about more international contact

6、and exchanges. The communication between people from different cultures and countries is also increasing, not only of language communication but also of nonverbal communication. People often express the thoughts with body language for more sooth communication. Body language is strongly connected wit

7、h the culture and it plays a very important role in nonverbal communication. In intercultural communication, the same body language may mean different things. Under the different cultural backgrounds, the significance of the body language is not the same. In order to avoid misunderstandings in cross

8、-cultural communication, we should know the body language of each culture. Thispaperdeals with exploring the similarities and differences of body language from different cultures, especially through comparing of Chinese body language and American body language, from which we can know the cultural di

9、fferences better and avoid misunderstanding and embarrassment in cross-culture communication.Key words: nonverbal communication;body language;cross-culture communication 摘 要 随着科学技术和经济的快速发展,人们有了越来越多的机会能和来自不同背景的人沟通和交流。这种跨文化跨区域的交流日益频繁。我们彼此之间不仅可以通过语言也可以通过非语言进行沟通。借助肢体语言,人们能够在流畅的交谈中更好的表达思想。肢体语言作为一种文化纽带是非语

10、言交际的重要组成部分。在跨文化交际中,同样的身体语言所表达的意义也可能大相径庭。不同的文化背景下,身体语言的意思也存在差异。为了避免在跨文化交际中的误解,我们应该对不同文化中的肢体语言有所了解。本文通过比较研究中国和美国的身势语差异来阐述肢体语言在跨文化交际中的重要性。如果我们知道这些文化差异,才能及时避免这些不必要的尴尬。 关键词:非言语交际;肢体语言;跨文化交际iiiii Thesis, 2014, Tianjin University of Technology & Education I. IntroductionWith the quick development on scienc

11、e, technology and economy,there are more and more chances for people from different cultural backgrounds to contact each other. For the reason that the world is becoming smaller and smaller, it has been called global village. It is obvious that people from various countries and cultures communicate

12、with each other more frequently. People communicate through a variety of channels. Interpersonal communication can be carried out not only through verbal communication but also through nonverbal communication, for example, body language. However, in our daily life, nonverbal communication is used quite frequently. In modern society, people have to communicate with each o



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