
上传人:夏** 文档编号:548816031 上传时间:2022-09-28 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:37KB
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1、葫芦娃长大之后主持人:Hello, everyone!Welcome everyone to we the programchildhood classic bottle gourd child album today.大家好!欢迎大家来到我们今天的节目“童年经典之葫芦娃”专辑。主持人:时光匆匆,转眼年过去了,那么现在的葫芦娃们变成了什么样呢?The time turned an eye to pass by for 20 years in a hurry, what kind did so current bottle gourd the children become?让我们有请葫芦兄弟!

2、Let us have already invited bottle gourd brothers!大娃:大家好!我是葫大娃(红娃)大家还记得我么?我的本领是:大力士,变大,巨人。Hello, everyone!Is I it big Hu child(red child) everyone that still remember me?My skill is:The muscle man becomes big, giant.主持人:哦,是大娃。那大娃啊,这么多年来你们兄弟几个都在干什么啊?, Is a big child.That big child, so many in the las

3、t yearses your brothers how many all at dry what?大娃:唉,别提了。还能怎么样啊,长大了就失业了呗。去应聘电影版的葫芦娃人家说我们太老了,不要咱。It is alas, dont lift.Return ability how, grow up unemployed Bai.Accepting appointment bottle gourd childs somebody else of movie version says that we are too old, not we.主持人:什么?失业了?不能啊,你可是我们后心目中的英雄啊现在我还

4、会唱那个主题歌呢(唱:葫芦娃葫芦娃)What ? Be getting more unemployed ? Not ability, you are us 8090 empress hero within heart do I also sing that topic song now 主持人:别打岔!大娃啊,这个,你们下岗之后又发生了些什么事呢?Dont interrupt! Big child, this, after you are unemployeed took place again what matter?大娃:下岗后我们就搬家了,唉,这岁月不饶人,爷爷年纪大了我们几个年纪也大了

5、,娶媳妇的娶媳妇,上学的上学,生活让人亚历山大啊We moved house after being unemployeed, alas, this time and tide waits for no man, the grandpa is getting older. we a few ages also old, take a wife of take a wife, go to school of go to school, life let person, Alexander,.四娃:大哥,我来了!我来了!Eldest brother, I came!I came!(气喘吁吁)你怎么

6、不等我啊?How dont you wait me?主持人一:唉?这不是我们的四娃么?你这是?Is alas?Arent these our four children?You this BE?四娃:奥,那个啥你们不是请了我们兄弟俩么?路上出了点儿意外咳咳,就来晚了点。Ao, that what.you not is invited us brothers a pair?On of road point son accident cough, come right away night order.大娃:不是,四娃。别动别动,你脸上的伤是怎么回事?你和路上那家伙打架了?Be not, four

7、 children.Doing not move doesnt move, is the wound on your face what is the row?Did you fight with road that guy?主持人:打架?四娃:那混蛋说他叫黑猫,是干警察的,丫的,敢打老子,改天把兄弟们都叫上分个高下!That bastard says he calls black cat, is to do a police, Ya of, dare to beat Lao Tze, another day call the brotherses all last cent superior

8、ity!主持人:(看表)咳咳两位。其实我们今天还请了两位你们七兄弟的老朋友来到现场Cough 2.In fact we still pleased today two you the old friend of seven brotherses arrive at the spot大娃:老熟人?Old acquaintance?主持人:保持神秘感才Keep mysterious feeling just 四娃:我说:谁?(生气大吼):?(蛇精与蝎子精跳出来):哈哈,是我们啊。小娃娃!Ha ha, is us.Small doll!大娃四娃楞住:转身对两个主持人扳手指冷笑:四娃:丫丫个呸你什么意

9、思?老子今就给你点教训,让你知道花儿为什么这么红!Are you what mean?Lao Tze now order precept for you, let you know flower why so red!大娃:哼哼眼看动起手来,六娃突然跳到台上来大喊:别打了,爷爷手术失败病危了,快去看最后一眼吧Dont beat, the grandpa surgical operation failure was critically ill and saw the last eye quickly 大娃四娃惨叫一声:啊,爷爷!, Grandpa!(跳下台去)主持人面面相觑(无奈耸肩):主持人

10、:好吧,看来20年的时光让我们心目中的英雄们变化不小,亲爱的观众朋友们,由于额,嘉宾的提前离去,我们的节目就此结束。Is all right, see to let for 20 years the heros within our hearts variety not small, dear audience friends, because of sum, in advance leaving of the guest, our programs now end.主持人:好的,观众朋友们。我们下期节目再见。Okay, audience friends.We next period program again see.二娃(橙娃):千里眼,顺风耳,机灵鬼三娃(黄娃):铜头铁臂,钢筋铁骨,刀枪不入四娃(绿娃):火,霹雳五娃(青娃):吸水,吐水,霹雳六娃(蓝娃):隐身术,来无影去无踪,善于偷窃妖怪宝物七娃(紫娃):宝葫芦,可以吸妖怪芦兄弟的老大!



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