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1、 沪江出品:大学英语词汇课堂口诀记忆法25口诀一:rim: 边缘brim: 边缘grim: 恐怖的trim: 修剪整齐prim: 呆板的prose: 单调、散文plight: 困境pray: 祈祷 只有rim是边缘,前面加b意义不变,前面加鬼(g)真恐怖,前面加t才修剪整齐,前面加p真呆板,扑(p)到玫瑰(rose)前真单调, 扑(p)灭灯光陷入困境,扑在光前来祈祷。扩展 看到g想成“鬼”,看到p想成“扑”口诀二:blemish:污点blot:肮脏,污点blight:枯萎blast:爆炸blame:责备布莱迷失是污点,虽然不多但也挺脏,见不到光就枯萎,不持续就爆炸,炸瘸了腿别怪我。解释 “布莱

2、”想成英国首相“布莱尔”扩展见到b想成“不”口诀三:lag:落后flag:旗帜lash:鞭打flash:闪电lame:瘸的flame:火焰are:是flare:熊熊燃烧,闪耀flip:轻击lip:嘴唇flight:飞行light:光落后的旗帜,鞭打着闪电,残废的火焰,是在熊熊燃烧,轻击着嘴唇,飞翔在光中。口诀四:(by 火舞)light 光delight 高兴slight 轻微的,苗条的alight 点亮的 blight 枯萎flight 飞行plight 困境depart 离开只有light才是光,light加s 是灯泡(light)前面加 a是点燃,前面加b是枯萎弟弟(de)见光真快乐,(

3、s)在光前真苗条口诀五:fledging:小鸟flake:雪花,薄片flair:本能flaunt:炫耀flock:(禽、畜等的)一群flout:蔑视flatter:溜须拍马,奉承flurry:困惑的,惶惶不安的flack:严厉批评飞在边缘是小鸟,飞入湖中是雪花,飞在空中是本能,飞来的姑姑在炫耀,锁到一起是一群,飞出去却遭到蔑视,后飞来的却在那溜须拍马,只是听起来真是很flurry,缺乏的却是严厉批评。解释1. -ing结尾的指“小的”,如yearling:一岁家畜。2.late:晚时间上的晚:late,later,latest;顺序上的晚:late,latter,last扩展见到fl想成“飞”

4、口诀六:oar:船桨soar:飞翔boar:野猪roar:喧闹,喊叫uproar:骚动桨在飞翔猪在叫,uproar骚动口诀七:gull:海鸥hull:硬壳lull:安静mull:沉思,思考bull:公牛dull:蠢笨的,迟钝的cull:屠宰,采摘前面唱歌(g)的是海鸥,海鸥喝水(h)用硬壳,拉(l)住海鸥快安静,飞到山(m)后去思考海鸥不(b)同意变公牛,打(d)它一下变白痴,前面加c去屠宰。口诀八:brief:简洁的grief:悲伤relief :缓解不(b)简洁,哥(g)悲伤,阿姨(re)说谎(lie)为缓解口诀九:abroad:到国外broad:宽敞的blackboard:黑板board

5、:木板aboard:登船,登飞机 离开公路到国外,马路不算宽,见到黑板想木板 一上木板就有上飞机感(aboard)故事记忆法911三步曲clash:撞击crash:(飞机)坠毁,(轮船)失事smash:粉碎,击碎ash:废墟,灰烬ashamed:羞愧的cash:现金恐怖分子驾驶飞机撞(clash)到世贸大楼, 飞机失事(crash) ,余波把大楼击碎(smash),整个世贸大楼变成 废墟(ash),小布什感到很 羞愧(ashamed),需要花很多 现金(cash)来恢复美国经济。法庭小故事罪犯(criminal)对他的辩护律师(defending lawyer)说我准备行贿法官(grease

6、ones hand),犯了一个行贿罪(bribe)。第二天在法庭(court)上,陪审团(Jury)一致 裁决(verdict) 说被告无罪(not guilty).法官宣判(sentence)当庭释放(release)。罪犯说我依然行贿了法官,律师说不可能(presumably)。罪犯说我是以对手的身份(identify)来行贿的。 狡猾的老俞conceive:设想 perceive:察觉 receive:接受老俞说明天是妈妈的受难日,(这是他设想conceive 的一个阴谋),聪明的新东方老师察觉perceive 出来了,第二天都送给老俞礼物,老俞很欣然的接受receive 了,阴谋得逞了

7、。由希腊神话中的神得到的单词 1.tantalus:致命的诱惑,生存本能的诱惑tantalize:逗弄 Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of LydiaSon of Zeus by a fairy maiden,he was greatly favored by the godsHe was invited to share wine and food with them at their banquets,and he was let into their secrets But ever the latter end of joy is woe

8、Either because he had stolen wine or gave away the secrets of Zeus,or because he had become so proud as to test the gods by serving up the flesh of his son Pelops to them,he incurred the wrath of Zeus and was hurled down to the everlasting darkness of tartarus There he was made to stand up to his ch

9、in in a little lake,with clusters of luscious fruits hanging over and around his headHe strove eternally to drink the ever-evading water and to clutch at the delicious fruits which were ever tossed out of his reach by blasts of windThus he was doomed to endure endless burning thirst and bitter hunge

10、r in the world of the shadesThe whole occurrence has given rise to the expression“tantalizing”,meaning something in plain view but unattainable 坦塔罗斯是罗底亚富有而又强大的国王。他是宙斯和一位仙女的儿子,深受众神喜爱。众神请他参加宴会,与他们共享美酒与美食,并且还让他了解他们的秘密。然而乐极生悲。或许是他偷了美酒、或者泄露了宙斯的秘密、或许是他太骄傲以至于献上自己儿子珀罗普斯的肉来检验神的智慧,他招致了宙斯的愤怒,被打入了永远黑暗的地狱中。在那里他被

11、迫站定于一小湖中,水没至下颌,无数甜美的水果悬于头顶和四周。他从不间歇地努力喝水,但水总是从嘴边流走;他试图抓住那些美味的水果,但总是被阵阵来风吹离,使他无法得到。因而他注定要在阴间遭受炙渴和难以忍受的饥饿。“tantalizing”一词即由此而来,意思是在眼前却无法得到的某个东西。2.echo:回声 ;narcissus:水仙 Narcissus was a handsome youthHis lovely face and graceful form were the admiration of all who looked upon himAnd he knew itHe was pro

12、ud that he thought no one but himself was worthy to see his youthful beautyThus given up tosweet thoughts of self,narcissus avoided all companyHeroamed the wooded little valleys every day,madly in love withhimselfWhen he was delightfully wandering through the woods oneday,a wood fairy maiden,echo by

13、 name,caught sight of himShe was excited at oncejoyfully coming down towards narcissus,she stretched out her loving armsTo her dismay,however,the young man roughly brushed her aside and went by without so much as a glance at herThe poor fairy maidens face turned red and quickly withdrew to a shady s

14、pot ,following the object of her love with her longing eyesPresently narcissus stopped to drink from a little streamKneeling down on the bank,he saw a lovely face in the clear waterhis heart gave a beatHe smiled and was smiled back toThinking that it must be a maiden in love with him,he bent down to

15、 kiss herAnd her lips also drew near hisBut as soon a she touched the clear surface the lovely face disappearedThe angry youth was now desperateNever had he been looked downupon like that beforeDay and night,he stayed at the stream without drinking and eatingBefore long he died,never suspecting that his maiden was just his own image in the streamthe gods took pity on the fair dead



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