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1、2009年12月四级听力原文(2010-05-26 18:01:38) Short conversation11. M: Excuse me, do you have change for a ten-dollar note? I need to pay the parking meter.W: Im sorry, but I think you can get it through the money changer in the shopping center across the street.Q: What is the man trying to do?12. M: Can you

2、recommend something that a school boy of 7 or 8 will really like?W: Id suggest this toy train, sir. Its an excellent brand. Very popular all over the world these days.Q: What is the man doing?13. W: Do you let people know when youre taking pictures of them?M: I try not to. You know any picture of a

3、person who poses for the camera would look dull and unnatural.Q: What are the speakers talking about?14. W: I need to talk to someone who knows Baltimore well. Im told you lived there.M: Oh, but I was really young at the timeQ: What does the man mean?15. W: Arent you disappointed that you didnt get

4、the promotion?M: Maybe a little, but I know I need more experience before Im ready for that kind of responsibility.Q: What do we learn about the man from this conversation?16. W: Ive been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape.M: You look terrific. It seems that your effort has

5、paid off.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?17. W: Professor Clark suggested I get a tutor for advanced physics.M: Well, that might help. Advanced physics is a pretty difficult course.Q: What does the man mean?18. W: Bill, have you heard the latest news? It appears we two wont be laid off af

6、ter all.M: Oh, Im somewhat tired of working here. Ive been wondering whether I should resign. Anyway, the news seems to be good for you.Q: How does the man feel about the news?2009年12月四级长对话-1Now you hear the two long conversationsConversation 1W: Hello, Cartson College, may I help you?M: Yes. Im loo

7、king for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fall semester.W: Do you want a day or evening course?M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.W: Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing?M: No.W: Oh! Well, data processing is

8、 a course you have to take before you can take computer programming.M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it is not on Thursdays.W: Well, theres a class that meets on Monday evenings at 7.M: Just once a week?W: Yes. But thats almost 3 hours from 7 to 9:45.M: Oh! Well, thats all right, I could

9、 manage that. How many weeks does the course last?W: Mm, let me see. 12 weeks. You start the first weekends September and finishOh. just before Christmas, December 21st.M: And how much is the course?W: Thats 300 dollars including the necessary computer time.M: Ah-hum. Okay, Eh, where do I go to regi

10、ster?W: Registration is on the second and third of September between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall.M: Is that the round building behind the parking lot?W: Yes, thats the one.来源:(http:/ - 2009年12月四级听力原文_henryzhou_新浪博客 M: Oh, I know how to get there. Is there anything that I should bring with me?W: No, just y

11、our check book.M: Well, thank you so much.W: Youre very welcome. Bye!M: Bye!Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Q19: Why does the man choose to take an evening course?Q20: What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming?Q21: What do we l

12、earn about the schedule of evening course?Q22: What does the man want to know at the end of the conversation?2009年12月四级听力长对话-2LC twoW: So, why exactly does your job have reputation for being stressful?M: Stress is generally driven by the feeling of being out of control of a situation and the feeling

13、 of a situation controlling you. Trading in financial markets combines both.W: How do you relax in the evening?M: I very rarely do anything work-related so its easy to escape the markets. I generally go to the gym or go for a run, especially if I had a bad day. I always cook a meal rather than have

14、a take-away. To do something my brain will regard as creative.W: Do you think what you do to relax is an effective way to beat stress?M: I dont think there is a specific rule about how to beat stress. I generally find out what I do is effective for me.W: Would you consider changing your job because

15、of the high stress factor?M: I have considered leaving my job due to stress-related factors. However, I do think that an element of stress is a good thing. And if used the right way can actually be a positive thing.W: What do you enjoy about the stressful aspects of your job?M: Having said all that, I do actually enjoy an element of uncertainty. I enjoy mental challenge. Trading generates a wide range of emotions second by second. How you deal with and manage those emotions dictates short medium and long term trading performance and success.Q23-25Q23. What is the mans job?


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