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1、姓名:朱静单位:葫芦岛市化工第四小学课题:Book9 Unit 1 Lesson 4教材分析: 本课是快乐英语第九册第一单元第四课,本单元主要是围绕学生的行为习惯展开的一系列小故事,从学生自身的生活习惯、使用礼貌用语的习惯、乐于助人的高尚品质和环保意识几方面,既让学生学习相关的语言,又教会学生如何做人。在第二课中学生学习了否定祈使句,了解了生活常见的标识的英语表达,本课在此基础上让学生分清什么行为应该遭到反对,什么行为是好习惯,当看见不良行为我们应该如何做,如何用英语表达,从而培养学生爱护花草树木的好习惯。学情分析: 五年级的小学生已具备了一定的语言知识和语音基础,也具有了一定的自学能力和语言

2、组织能力,对英语学习也有一定的兴趣,但是他们在灵活应用上和单词量上还存在欠缺;这一年龄阶段的孩子好胜心强,有一定的主见和想法,因此在设计上应贴近学生的生活实际,采用任务型教学从听说入手,创设情境,让学生有想说的,有能说的,所设计的内容面向全体学生,由易到难,让学生在愉快的氛围得到不同程度的提升,都能有所收获,从而达到培养学生综合运用语言能力的目的,增强学习英语的自信心。教学目标: 1. Listen, read and use the words “bookshop, grass, stop, habit, take care of” and sentence “We must stop hi

3、m.” 2. Listen, read and act the dialogue in Learn to say. 3. Know the usage of “must” and “should”. 4. Students can take care of the grass and flowers in the daily life.教学准备: Recorder, word cards, PPT教学重难点: Read and use the words and sentence in Try to use. Use the sentence in correct situation.教学设计

4、: Step 1 Warm up1. Greeting2. On duty.T: Whos on duty today?S1: I am.T: What day is today? S1:Today is Tuesday.T: Whats the weather like today? S1: It is .T: What will you show?Step 2 Display and Presentation1. Show the new word“must ”T: How about them? Can you tell me? What does the story tell us?S

5、s think and try to answer: Dont shout or talk in the library.T: We shouldnt shout in the public. (show PPT)For example: We shouldnt shout in the corridor. Let Ss try to say other pictures. And think over what else?T: In these places we must be quiet. We should be quiet.Show the word “must” and “ sho

6、uld”. Let Ss listen carefully and try to spell. Practice reading the word “must”. And Ss know the difference between “must” and “should”.2. Show the word “ habit” .T: We must be quiet in the public. Its a good habit. Do you know the word “habit”? Early to bed, Early to rise. Its a good habit. We mus

7、t brush our teeth every day . Its a good habit.Let Ss understand the meaning .Practice reading and spelling.3. Show the title of the lesson. T: Today we will learn Lesson 4. About good habits. Would you like to learn it with me? (Explain the meaning of the sentence)4. Learn to say(1) (Show the pictu

8、re of the dialogue.)Let Ss describe it.T: What can you see?Show the word “grass” . Help Ss find the words with “ass”. Let Ss know the pronounce of “ass”. (2) T: The boy is playing on the grass. Is it a good habit? Ss: No.T: No. What must we do?Ss try to answer.(3)Listen to the tape carefully. And fi

9、nd what does Billy think about?Show the sentence “We must stop him.” Read and spell the word “stop”(4) Listen to the tape again and repeat. Think over: Where are they going?What does Bob talk to the boy? What will the boy do? Show the new words “bookshop, take care of” and difficult sentence “Ill ne

10、ver do that again.”Step 3 Consolidate1. Show good habit and bad habit.T: I will give you some pictures. Tell me. We should do it or We must stop it.(Show PPT)T: Are they good habits? Ss: No.T: We must stop it. Lets have a look. Whats good habit?( Show PPT)T: What must we do in our daily life?Student

11、s think and try to say with “We must ”2. Practice reading the dialogue. 3.Try to retell the dialogue with the teacher. Ss fill in the blank.Bob and Billy are going to the _. On the way, They can see a boy playing _. Billy says: We _. So he shouts at the boy: Dont _. Bob talks to the boy: We should _

12、.Its a good _. The boy feels sorry. He will never _.4. What does the story tell us? Discuss in groups. Let Ss try to say it first. Then show PPT and read after the teacher.T:We should take care of the grass. If we see someone playing on the grass, We must stop him.Step 4 Homework1. Write the words a

13、nd sentence five times.2. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue five times. Act this dialogue or make a new dialogue.板书: Lesson 4 bookshop We must stop him.Good habit Dont play on the grass. We should take care of the grass.教学反思:本课重点学生学习正确使用句型“We must .” 让学生能分清什么是我们必须做的,什么是我们应该阻止的,并能用英语正确表述出来,同时也


15、时刻有新鲜感,集中学生注意力,激发他们学习的热情。第三,创设情境,为学生提供说英语的机会和素材。我针对学生的年龄特点和他们自身生活实际,找了一些发生他们身上和身边的好习惯和坏习惯的图片,让他们运用今天所学的句子来分清哪些是必须做的,哪些是要阻止的,这对他们来说,都是容易分清的,不同程度的学生都能在几次的操练下会说: We should do it . We must stop it. 然后出示在生活中我们应该做的事情,为学生提供素材,让一些英语水平高的同学尝试说一说,这样,所有的学生都有了不同程度的提高。但是纵观全课,还存在许多的不足:第一,should 和must 的区别我讲解得不够清楚,只是使学生说出语气的强弱,没有在活动操练后做以强调,让学生意识到should 和must 都是情态动词的用法。第二,在呈现好习惯时,为学生提供的素材,由于时间的问题,没有让学生逐一地用英语表述,只是让学生看图片,最后有找几名学生用“We must”来说话,结果是许多图片都没有用英语表述出来,操练得不够多,这是一个遗憾。第三,我的语言不够简练,学生理解起来很难,有时不得已使用了汉语。这些都是我今后需改进的地方。



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