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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目 : The Conflict of Chinese and Western Culture and Cross-Cultural Communication 姓 名 : 0000 班级、学号: 00000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000 开题时间: 2008-4-10 完成时间: 2009-11-10 2009年11月10日18目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-20答辩委员会表决意见21答辩过程记录表22课 题 The Conflict of Chinese and

2、Western Culture and Cross-Cultural Communication 一、 课题(论文)提纲0引言1中西方文化交际中常出现的文化冲突 1.1寒暄语方面的冲突1.2会话主题方面的冲突1.3礼貌用语方面的冲突1.4时间观方面的冲突1.5饮食习惯方面的冲突2. 造成文化冲突的原因2.1思维方式不同2.2行为规范不同2.3价值观不同2.4语用迁移的影响 3.在英语教学中应怎样培养跨文化交际能力来避免文化冲突3.1改进现有的教学方法3.2教师要转变教学观念3.3重视非语言交际能力的培养3.4 扩大西方文化信息吸纳量3.5引导学生广泛接触西方文化材料4.总结 二、内容摘要当今世

3、界经济全球化的趋势日益加强,国与国之间的交往与联系日益密切。随着我国改革开放的不断深入,我国与世界各国的联系也将越来越密切。由于各国的价值观念、伦理道德观念、民族习惯等差异,发生文化冲突的事例屡见不鲜,并且时常会闹出很多笑话,出现很多让人难堪的尴尬境地。这严重影响了双方交往的顺利进行和国家与国家之间的友谊。因此正确认识中西方文化差异就显得越来越重要了,只有正确认识中西方文化冲突才能更好的培养跨文化交际的能力,采取适当的措施来避免文化冲突,让各国之间的交际交流变得轻松自如而不再是恐惧。三、 参考文献1 刘立娥. 关于中西方隐私观差异研究J.国市场,2008年39期. 2 樊云. 中西饮食文化差异

4、及中餐菜名英译初探J.宿州教育学院学报, 2008年 04期3 赵燕霞. 透视中西方价值观的差异J.山西高等学校社会科学学报,2008年 11期4 王丽慧. 非语言交际在英语教学中的应用J.内江科技,2008年 08期 5余丹略. 论跨文化交际能力培养与英语教学J.科教文汇(上旬刊),2008年6月文汇(上旬刊)6 王宏跨. 文化交际与中西方文化冲突商情J.财经研究,2008年3月7 周舵. 浅论中西方文化冲突与跨文化交际J.商业文化学术版,2008年6月8黄志芳. 如何解决跨文化交际中的文化冲突问题科技信息J.科学教研 ,2007年32期The Conflict of Chinese and

5、 Western Culture and Cross-cultural Communication00000Abstract:In recent years, the trend of economic globalization increases day by day,and exchanges are closing between countries. Our country will have a closer communication with other countries. Because of the differences in values, ethics and mo

6、ral values, ethnic habits, cultural conflicts occur frequently, causing a lot of jokes and peoples embarrassment. This has seriously affected the smooth progress of communication and friendship between countries. Therefore, having a good knowledge of the differences between Chinese and Western cultu

7、resbecomes more and more important. In order to develop the intercultural communication ability of people, we mustunderstand theconflicts of Chinese and Western cultural. At thesame time we should take some measures to avoid the cultural conflict,to allow the exchange of communication between nation

8、s, let the cross-cultural communication become enjoyment to everyone rather than merely fear.Keywords:intercultural communication; culture conflict; the difference of Chinese-Western culture.0. IntroductionWith the increasing of economic globalization of world, our country has a deeper contact with

9、otherWestern countries. On this circumstance, the cross-domain, cross-ethnic, cross-cultural economic and social exchanges will be increased, and provide us with many contacts and exchanges with the Western countries, but this is not a easy thing .Because we come from unfamiliar cultures and countri

10、es, having different ways of thinking and living habits, there will be a phenomenon of cultural conflict when communicating with Westerns, So we should use more time to learn how to develop the ability of cross-cultural communication.1. Western cross-cultural communication that often appear in a cla

11、sh of cultures There are many kindsof culture conflict between China and the west in the cross-cultural communication,we have listed a few of the uncommon points as follows: 1.1 Greetings Chinese people always like to say, Where are you going Long time no see, and you are on weight. Youre too thin,

12、and you should pay attention to the body, How old are you? Are you married yet? These seems to be polite in China, and they use them express greetings with each other, which often leads to unhappiness for foreign friends, Westerner pay attention to personal privacy, many people do not like mention t

13、heir own affairs and let others to interfere. Because the different standards between Chinese and the West, especially in the English-speaking countries, they are respect for individual freedoms, rights and personal independence, these are considered polite. The westerns greet the most frequent topi

14、c is on the weather, hobbies and tourism topics. For example: It is fine today, isnt it? Or Its raining hard, isnt it? And so on.1.2The topics Communication in daily life, due to the different culture, the Westerns and Chinese peoples conversation topics may different. Some topics for instance, age, money, marriage and so on. In view of Chinese people, they think it represent them friendly. But in Western eyes, it will be regarded as taboo. They believe that in their daily life inquire


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