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1、 What s He Wearing?EEC五年级上 Unit 7 绘本故事听力课教案哈尔滨市香安小学 樊永华教学目标:任务目标:1 能听懂、理解故事大意和细节;并能听懂、理 解询问和描述着装的词句。 2 能模仿录音说话。体验目标:1 了解在公共场所如商场找不到同伴时的求助方 式。 2 体会故事中的孩子们在父母及亲戚生日前购 买和计划礼物所表达的对亲人的关爱之情。教学重点:帮助学生理解故事和新语言的意义。教学难点: 对句型:What a beautiful hairpin!How about making a birthday card for him?的理解Teaching procedur

2、e教学过程:Part 1: Warm up 热身准备T: Hey, boys and girl.Do you remember me? Whats my name?Im so glad to hear this , Lets start our English class ,OK?Stand up ,please. lets sing a song first.S: Sing a song: whats he wearing?T: Good job. Sit down, please. Do you like this song? I like it very much. Its funny

3、and its about the clothes we wear, today lets learn a story unit 7 “Whats He wearing?”(运用简单的对话,拉近师生的距离,缓和学生的紧张情绪,并通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,引入今天的话题。)Part 2:Revision 复习导入Show students pictures. Have them answer some questions.T: Now, lets review the story we have learned.Pic.1(第五课第8幅图) Look, Who are they? Where are

4、 they going? S: Sandy, Billy , Dongdong and Tino. They are going to the gift shop.T:Pic2 (第五课第2幅图和6、幅图组合)What do they want to buy there? S:T: Pic3(第6课第2幅图)Where are Sandy,Dongdong and Billy now?S:T:What does Billy want to buy? Do you remember? S:T:Pic4 (第六课第4和第6幅图组合)What kind of shirt does he want ?

5、 What color and what style?S:T: Does he buy the shirt at last? Why? What will he do then?S:(以旧带新,通过看图回答问题的形式,简要回顾教材中与新故事相关的故事情节,让故事具备连贯性和完整性,为接下来的新故事学习做好铺垫。)Part3:故事学习Step1 整体理解故事Pre-listening看图预测故事大意。T: Now, lets learn the new story. Look at the pictures carefully and think about my questions.Pic1

6、Who are they? Can you see Billy in this picture? Where is he? Who is the man? What does he do here?Pic2 Whom are they talking about? What are they talking about?Pic3 What are they talking about in this picture?Pic 4 Whom does the man point ?Pic5 What are they talking about? Whats in Sandys hand?Pic6

7、 Whats in Dongdongs hand?Pic 7 How about Billy? Is he happy?Pic8 Is Billy happy in this picture? Why? T: Lets listen and check.(引导学生逐图观察并思考以上问题,猜测故事大意,对故事大意有一个初步的认知和理解。)While-listening.听音配图理解(全篇)Listen to the whole story. Post-listeningT: Do you understand the story? You can talk about them with you

8、r partners.( 听后,通过讨论再次回答听前的框架预测性问题,检查、验证学生的听音效果;同时,也是为故事的详学打下基础。)Step 2. 分节学习(设计理念:听前,观察图片,具体猜测故事中人物、情节、语言,并在小组内讨论;听后检测,并进一步理解故事情节和语言使用的情境。)Picture1: A. Have students look at the picture carefully and talk about it.Who are talking? How do you know he is a policeman? What does he do here?B. Listen on

9、ce to the first picture and check.C. Listen and answer “What do they say?” T:The kids are worried and nervous , the policeman can help them. How can he find Billy? Does he know him?S:Picture 2A:look and guess. What are they doing? Whats the policemans question? B. Listen and answer the questions.Lis

10、ten again for “Whats he wearing?”And ask them “Who is wearing a jacket/pants/boots,today?Have them know the difference between pants and jeans, boots and shoes.Picture 3A. look and guess, What does he ask in this picture?B. Listen and answer the questions.c. Listen again for “Does he wear glasses?”

11、and ask them “Do you wear glasses”? Who wears glasses, Please stand up? Take good care of eyes.T: Now,The policeman knows Billy is wearing a red jacket, blue pants and yellow boots and he doesnt wear glasses. Can he find him?Picture 4: A: Look and answer : Does the policeman find Billy? How do you k

12、now? What does he point and say?B: Listen and get the answer.C: Is Sandy happy? What does she say to the police? What is “Thanks a lot.” Can you explain it in English?D: Listen and check. Then what does the policeman say to her?Listen and check.T: They find Billy. What are they going to do?Picture5A

13、: Look and say: Where are they? What are they talking about? What did Sandy buy?B: Listen and get the answerC:What is a fountain pen? Do you have a fountain pen? Show me please. Picture6A: Look and say: What did Dongdong buy?B: Listen and get the answer.C: What is a hairpin? Have a look together. Wh

14、o is wearing a hairpin today? Please stand up. Do you like the hairpin? Does Sandy like the hairpin? What does she say?Listen and check. Picture7A: Look and say: What did Billy buy?Why?B: Listen and get the answer. T: So Is he happy?C: Pic 5.6 8Look and guess: Who is not happy,either?Why? Look at hi

15、m. He sits there. He wants to go. Look at this picture , He goes home by himself. Do you like shopping?Picture 8:A: Look and say: Is Billy happy or not? Why ?B: Listen and check.C: Listen again and think: “What Sandys idea?” D: Listen and check . Does Billy like this idea? What does he say?This is our story, Do you like it?Part4: 回顾故事,听音模仿Listen and repeat. 听录音,抓音模仿跟读。( Pay attention to the pronunciation.)(在故事回顾的同时进行听音模仿练习,不仅让孩子们再次整体的感知整个故事,留下更为深刻的印象,同时也在为孩子们在情景下进行语言交际搭建平台。在这个情景中学生们更能够关注故



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