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1、Unit 14Felicity幸福. The word means happiness. For the actress Felicity Huffman, it would seem to be the perfect name right now. She has a hit TV show, Desperate Housewives.绝望的主妇 And she stars in a new movie that is generating Oscar talk in which she plays a man determined to be a woman她扮演一位决心成为女人的男人.

2、 But, like most actors, Felicity Huffman remembers the unfelicitous years of struggle and unemployment. And she tells 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl she is amazed at how things have changed.像其他的演员一样,他也还记得那些失意的岁月。他自己也对这些变化感到惊奇Until recently, Huffman says she wasnt recognized as a television st

3、ar, but that has changed. The last month people have recognized me, month and a half, Huffman says.直到最近我才被认为是一个电视明星,就在上个月Does she like it? It doesnt happen that often, she says. When asked if she can still do an every-day task like grocery shopping, she says Oh, God, totally.这并不常发生。当问到他是否每天去完成像去杂货店买

4、东西这样的事At the same time, I was in Barneys and someone came and tapped me on the shoulder and I was like, Here it comes. And I turned around. She goes, Could you tell me where the gloves and scarves are, please? Huffman recalls, laughing. And I thought, At least I look like I work at Barneys. Im looki

5、n good.At 43, Felicity Huffman finds her career finally looking good. She won an Emmy for Desperate Housewives last September. She also garnered two Golden Globe nominations last month: one for Housewives and one for her movie Transamerica.43岁的Huffman事业有所进展,他在9月赢得了艾米奖,因为绝望的主妇。上个月还获得了金像奖提名。Its the st

6、ory of a man, Stanley, whos in the process of becoming a woman, Bree, through a sex change operation.故事讲述一个男人通过变性手术变成一个女人的过程Its a role Huffman tackles with great humanity. She studied for the part by going to conventions of trans-gendered people. And, as they often do, she took voice lessons.Huffman

7、要处理很多人道问题,她向变形人学习。就像他们常常所做的那样,她要学习发声。The hormones dont change your voice, Huffman explains. When you take estrogen it doesnt raise your voice. I mean, you can look like Kate Moss and sound like James Earl Jones.荷尔蒙不会改变你的声音。She learned everything she could about the sex change process.她学习变性过程全部要学习的东西

8、I learned femininity like a foreign language. You know, its not this, its not this kind of walk, she says, demonstrating how a guy walks.And how does a guy learn to walk like a woman?一个男人学习怎么像女人那样走路You learn, well, what should I do with my shoulders? Well, hold them back. What do I with my arms? Wel

9、l, suck them in so they dont look big. And, so, you walk like that, Huffman says, showing how her character, Bree, walks.All the praise she has been getting for Transamerica is sweet vindication for someone who spent a long time as a desperate actress.她所得到的赞扬是那些正处在长期绝望的演员的最好的证明In the years before De

10、sperate Housewives, Huffman was in a lot of TV shows, that she says died young.Great shows that we shot and never went anywhere. So I thought that that was sort of, that I was the that I was the cursed one, she says.我们拍的东西没有走出去,那时我以为我是被诅咒的人She starred in Sports Night, a great show that never found a

11、 big audience. Over the years she had cameo roles on, among others, Law & Order, and Frasier.他在Sports Night,中担任主角却没有什么观众,这些年她一直担任一些小配角。She was never out of work for long, but she was never quite a star, either until Housewives came along.他没有放弃工作,也没有成为明星,直到绝望的主妇开播Huffman admits she was insecure about

12、 the show. I thought I was going to get fired. I really did.Huffman承认他不安的认为自己要被开除了But from the very first episode, Huffmans character Lynette Scavo with her painful authenticity touched a nerve with desperate housewives around the country. Her character is at her wits end dealing with bratty kids an

13、d a horny husband.他的角色要处理一个讨厌的孩子和一个淫荡的丈夫。Lynettes defining moment came when she waded into the pool at a memorial service, no less to get the kids out.I think Lynettes experience of motherhood parallels my experience of motherhood, says Huffman.那个角色和我很像In real life, she admits she is a harried mothe

14、r.在现实生活中,她承认他是个受尽折磨的妈妈Oh, yeah, Im out of control. I spent yesterday out of control. I spent last night out of control, she says.Showing 60 Minutes around Wisteria Lane, she may have looked as sunny as her California sundress but the day before had been a long one on the set, followed by a restless

15、night with two cranky kids.他现在看起来就像他的sundress一样,但在不久之前他和两个调皮的小孩度过了漫长的一天。I have to talk to you today, and Im gonna be stupid and tired, she says, laughing. And look old!我不得不说我看起来像个傻瓜,有很疲惫。看着很老。Talking about insecurity, Huffman says she doesnt think she is beautiful. Im not sorta, going, you know, Poor me, or being self-deprecating. I think my face is fine, she says. I mean I like my face and its done me well, so far, my face. But, you know, Im not a beauty.说到不安全感,他说他自己不漂亮。我只觉得我的脸还不错。我喜欢我的脸。但是我不漂亮。Of course, the bars pretty high when you work an eyelash away from the likes of Teri Hatch


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