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1、最新最全2022年全国各地中考英语单项选择题分类汇总情态动词【2022北京】1. Can you ride a horse No. I_ .A. neednt B. may not C. cant D. mustnt【2022上海】2. You _ lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains at night.A. may B.need C.should D. ought to【2022重庆】3. Mr. Wang, can I finish my homework tomorrow Sorry, you_.A. cant B. dont

2、C. neednt D. wont【2022山西】4.The talented boy _ write lyrics when he was at the age of ten. A. may B. could C. must 【2022宁夏】5. Could I use your eraser for a while Yes, of course you _.A.could B. can C. will D. Should【2022河北】6. Youeat the soup if you dont like it.A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. cant

3、【2022河南】7. _ you wait a few more minutes Itll be your turn soon,A. Must B. Should C. CouldD. Might【2022山东】8.- Can I skate on the lake now - No, you _. Its dangerous.A. cantB. mustntC. needntD. wontA. cantB. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt【2022安徽】10. - May I go out now, Dad - No. You _ let your mother k

4、now first.A. can B. may C. need D. must【2022辽宁大连】11.Mr. Jackson, _ we go rock climbing Yes, but you must use ropes. A. must B. should C. need D. can.【2022江苏南通】12. For everyones safety, we _always remember the law against driving after drinking.A. could B. should C. might D. would【2011湖南张家界】13Whose n

5、otebook is this It _ be Nings. It has her name on it. A. can B. must C.might【2022湖南益阳】14Must I finish my math exercises after school No, you _. A. mustnt B. dont have to C. cant【2022云南八市】15You _drink wine before drinking, or the police will take your license away. A. dont have to B. neednt C. mustnt

6、 D. may not【2022连云港】16.Must we leave now No, we _.We still have two more hours.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt【2022山东淄博】17. As were students, we _ obey the school rules. A.can B. may C. must D.could【2022云南昆明】18. There are no customers in the hotel. It _ have the friendliest service.A. cant B

7、. must C. may D. neednt【2022海南三亚】19. -May we go home mow - No, you_. You_ to go home until 5 oclock.A. mustnt; are allowed B. dont have to; are supposedC. neednt; arent allowed D. cant; arent supposed【2022.广西北海】20. Whose schoolbag is this It _ be Marys. It has her name on it.A. can B. may C. will D.

8、 must【2022广西百色】21.Miss Li, must we hand in our homework right now No, you _.You can hand it in tomorrow.A. dont B. mustnt C. neednt D. may not【2022黑龙江绥化市】22. May we leave the classroom now No, you_. You shouldnt leave until the bell rings.A. may not B. cantC. needntA. can B. may C. should D. mustA.

9、can B. could C. may D. must【2022黑龙江哈尔滨】25. In order to speak English better, we _be afraid of losing face. Because the most important thing is to practice. Remember, practice makesperfect.A. should B. shouldntC. have toDont worry. It be him. Mr Smith is much taller.A. mustnt B. must C. cant【2022四川南充

10、】27. Another cup of tea No, thanks. I_ be off. Gina is waiting for me.A. can b.mustc.may【2022四川宜宾】28. _ I smoke here No. You are not allowed to smoke in public places.A. Could B. Must C. May D. Might2022四川资阳29.Hey, Ted! You _ never play in the street. Its not safe.Sorry, Mum. I wont again.A. need B.

11、 must C. can D. may【2022乌鲁木齐】30. Must I return the hook tomorrow morning No, you _ .You can keep it longer.A. mustnt B.cant C.neednt D.couldnt【2022广西柳州】31.How long may I keep the book You _ keep it for two weeks.A. may B. must C. will【2022湖南益阳】32. Susan, would you like to go hiking with us this afte

12、rnoon Id love to, but Istudy for a test.A. may B. have toC. can (2022贵州毕节)33May I smoke here,please I am afraid you This is a non-smoking areaAcan Bcant Cmay Dmay notYes, and I_sing it well.A. must B. can C. need【2022广东深圳】35Must I return the book this week No, you _. You can_it for 20 days.A. mustnt: keep B. neednt; borrowC. neednt; keep D. mustnt; borrow【2022广西南宁】36.Look at the sign! Oh,I see.We _ waste water. A.can B.must C.mustnt D.neednt【2022广西梧州】37. _ I use your eraser, Rose Sure. Here you are.A. MayB. Would C. Need D. Must【2022湖南湘西】38. Can I borrow your dictionary Yes, you _.



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