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1、七年级英语 2013.1 知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. There is a factory near the farm. Many people work in _ factory. A. the B. a C. an 17. Why are you so happy, Betty?Because grandpa is making a snowman with _ .A. I B. my C. me18. Wheres the tea, Mum?Its _ the bottle. Jus

2、t take the bottle away and you can find it.A. behind B. in C. in front of 19. Hey, Tom. A new _ has opened in this street. Great! We can have dinner there this Sunday.A. theatre B. restaurant C. park20. There are _ new words in the story. But its not hard to understand them. A. few B. a few C. a lit

3、tle21. Wow! There are so many different _ in your shop.Yes. And each of them has a long history.A. dress B. watches C. furniture22. What time is it, Daming? Its _ .A. eleven twenty-five B. twenty-five past ten C. twenty-five to eleven23. My sister is only 5 years old, but she can _ Chinese very well

4、. A. talk B. say C. speak24. _ does Wu Meis mother work? In a big shop in Wangfujing Street.A. What B. When C. Where25. Jenny, is there anything special in the blue box?No, there _ just a photo and three books.A. is B. are C. isnt26. Would you like _ football with us?Sure. I like _ football very muc

5、h.A. to play; playing B. playing; play C. to play; play27. Hi, David! _ you got _ postcards of Europe?Yes, I have.A. Do; any B. Has; some C. Have; any28. _ John always _ to school.? No, he often goes to school by bus.A. Does; walks B. Do; walks C. Does; walk29. Tom and Betty _ things away at the mom

6、ent. A. put B. are putting C. puts30. Jim, shall we watch The Voice of China this evening? _ .A. Thats a good idea B. Thanks a lot C. Thats right五、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。“Are you listening, Simon?” Simons teacher asks.Simon smiles and shakes his head. He doesnt

7、often listen or try hard in class. _31_ is so much better. He wants to be heard. That evening, Simon starts to feel a little bit sick. By bedtime, his throat feels really bad. He has ice cream and hot chocolate to make his throat feel better, but he isnt sure itll _32_.The next _33_. When he opens h

8、is mouth to say, “Good morning,” nothing comes out but a “Guh”.When he gets to school, Mrs.jacobs says ”hello” to him, and he just nods. When his friends start to ask him what TV shows he watches, he just cant say anything. By the time they start _34_, almost everyone is looking at him as if hes got

9、 a third eye.Simon sits in class, bored _35_ he cant talk to his classmates. He watches them talk to each other, but he cant even do that.You know what? It isnt that bad. He can really do his _36_ that night. It gives _37_ more TV and game time because his work is all done.The next day, his voice is

10、 _38_ back, but he stays quiet again. The third day, he can talk _39_, but he doesnt talk. He listens and puts up his _40_ to speak.What a difference that one day makes!1. shake 摇晃 2. throat 咽喉 3. nod 点头 4. bored 无聊的 5. quiet 安静的31. A. Standing B. Sitting C. Talking D. Listening32. A. work B. study

11、C. go D. use33. A. evening B. morning C. week D. time34. A. work B. class C. school D. game35. A. so B. after C. but D. because36. A. homework B. housework C. writing D. reading37. A. her B. him C. it D. them38. A. coming B. going C. turning D. giving39. A. alone B. hard C. back D. fine40. A. car B.

12、 head C. hand D. arm阅读理解(共25分)六、阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。ALondon, Saturday, 3:00p.m. Lily is working today. Right now shes listening to her message.Saturday, 10:20 a.m. Hi, its Bill, Jack and I are at the beach in Hawaii. Come and join us! Dont worry. Were not swimming. Its quite cool! See you.Saturday, 11:15 a.m. Hey, Lily. This is Peter. Im in Los Angeles with Helen and Bob. Theyre playing tennis, and Im watching. Its nice and sunny here. I hope its not raining there. Call me! Bye.Saturday, 8:45


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