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1、必修四练习 单元知识与高考链接Module 1 将来进行时1. Im afraid I wont be available. I_ a friend off at 8 oclock this afternoon. A see B. am seeing C. will see D. will be seeing2. Next Friday I will go to another concert .They _some thing by Mozart at that time A. play B. will be playing C. are going to play D. are to pl

2、ay.3- What are you doing , Jack?” -“Make a model plane . I _it in the science class at 10 oclock tomorrow morning.” A. will be showing B. am going to show C. show D. showed4. I_ a meeting at 4oclock tomorrow afternoon. A. will be having B. am having C. am going to have D. have5.What do you think you

3、 _at this time next year? A .will do B. will be doing C. are going to do D .do 6.-.”What will you do tomorrow evening?”- “I _my favourite program at eight oclock tomorrow evening.” A. will watch B. am going to watch C. will be watching D. am watching7. I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow mornin

4、g I to Shanghai.A. will be flying B. will fly C. have been flying D. have flown8. If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you fresh watermelon in the fall.A. eat B. will eat C. have eaten D. will be eating9. - Guess what? Weve got a visa for a short-term visit to the UK this summer. -How nice!

5、You a different culture then.A. will be experiencing B. have experienced C. have been experiencing D. will have experienced 10. -Can you attend the party tonitht? - No, the boss about something urgent.A. I see B. I shall have seen C. I ll be seeing D. I can see11. I my grandmother at three this afte

6、rnoon.A. shall be visiting B. shall have visited C. should visit D. will visit12. Joe the piano in a few minutes.A. shall be played B. will have been playing C. shall be playing D. will have played13. The plane at the present speed until it crosses the mountain at about ten tonight.A.would go B. wen

7、t C. will be going D.goes14. Mr. Smith will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because _ then.A.he must have a class B.he will be teaching a classC.he teaches a class D.he will have been teaching a class15. I wont be able to watch the concert on TV tonight because I homework at that time.A. s

8、hall have done B. shall be doing C. shall do D. have been doing16. You cant miss Frank. He_ a dark green suit and a yellow tie waiting for you.A. is wearing B. will wear C. wears D. will be wearing17. -Could you give these books to Mr. Black? -Absolutely, _him at five oclock this afternoon.A.I will

9、have a talk B. I have a talk withC.I can have a talk with D.I will be having a talk with18. Im afraid I wont be available then. I _ a friend off at three this afternoon.A. see B. am seeing C. will see D. will be seeing19. We _ a debate on some environmental issues all afternoon tomorrow. A. will be

10、having B. am having C. am going to have D. have20. -What will you do tomorrow evening? -I _my favorite program between 8 and 11, then I will go out to drink in my usual bar. A. will watch B. am about to watch C. will be watchingD. am watchingModule 2 祈使句1. Entering the room, the headmaster said, “Ev

11、eryone _ quiet, please.”A. keep B. keeps C. is keeping D. to keep2.-Alice,youfeedthebirdtoday,_?-ButIfedityesterday.(NMET1999年)A.doyou B.willyou C.didntyou D.dontyou3.Dontsmokeinthemeeting-room,_?(NMET1991A.doyou B.willyou C.canyou D.couldyou4.Mary,_hereeverybodyelse,staywhereyouare.(2006年全国卷I)A.com

12、e B.comes C.tocome D.coming5. -Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. No,_.(NMET1994)A. I dont B. I wont C. I cant D. I havent6.ThereareeighttipsinDr.Rogerslectureonsleep,andoneofthemis:_tobedearlyunlessyouthinkitnecessary.(2004年重庆卷)A.doesntgo B.nottogo C.notgoing D.dontgo7.Ifyouwant toh

13、elpmoneyoranything,letmeknow,_you?A.dont B.will C.shall D.do8.Its a fine day. Lets go fishing,_?(MET1990)A. wont we B. will we C. dont we D. shall we9.Besuretowritetous,_?A.willyou B.arentyou C.canyou D.mustntyou10.Standoverthere_youllbeabletoseeitbetter.A.or B.while C.but D.and11.Startoutrightaway,_youllmissthefirsttrain.A.and B.but C.or


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