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1、Module 2 Unit 4 Wildlife ProtectionPeriod 1 Reading: How Daisy Learned To Help WildlifeClass: Name: Group: No: Learning Objectives:1. Learn the useful new words and expressions.2. Improve reading skills and learn about endangered animals and wildlife situation and protection.Learning Key Points:Get

2、students to learn different reading skills.Learning Difficult Points:Develop Ss reading ability.Learning Procedures:I. 【Pre-class homework】 Assessment: A. Skimming: skim the whole text and find out the answers to the following questions.1. What places did Daisy go in her dream?_2. How did she travel

3、 and what animals did she meet?_B. Finish the true( T ) or false ( F ) questions, and try to correct the false.1. Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet. ( )2. Daisys sweater was made of sheep wool. ( )3. The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe. ( )4. The farmers in Zimbabwe get much money fro

4、m the elephants and rhinos now. ( )5. This is a real story in Daisys life. ( )C. Match the paragraphs with their main ideas.a.Daisy came to Zimbabwe where animals were being killed. (Para_) b.Daisy returned home learning so much wildlife. (Para_) c. Daisy visited Tibet where antelopes have been over

5、hunted. (Para_)d. Daisy arrived in a rainforest which needs to be protected. (Para_)II. 【While-class】Assessment: Step1. Lead-in Step2. Group discussion Ss discuss their pre-class homework in groupStep3.Consolidation: Reading comprehension A. Answer the following questions.1. Antelope in Tibet become

6、 endangered because _A. they are killed by other animals for food. B. The environment is badly polluted. C. People kill them to use their fur.D. their food chain (食物链) is cut off. 2. The farmers hunted the Zimbabwe elephants without mercy because_A. they wanted to sell the elephants for money B. the

7、ir families were attacked with no compensations received. C. the number of elephants was so large that they eat too much food. D. Their farm were destroyed but they didnt get any money from tourists.3. It can be learned from the text that _A. the Zimbabwe government did a good job in saving the elep

8、hants. B. the rainforest produces drugs that are good for millipede insects C. the farmers also got some money from tourists after the WWF helped. D. mosquitos help protect moneys from millipede insects. 4. It can be inferred from the text that next Daisy would _A. go and buy a flying carpet B. work

9、 with WWF to help wildlifeC. laugh over what she had experiencedD. cry because she could not make her new drug. B. Detailed reading: read the whole text carefully again and find some more details.The first stopPurpose: to see some _ Place: _ Animal: _Situation: being killed for the wool beneath its

10、stomach and numbers are _ rapidlyQuestions: 1. How did the antelope feel?_2. Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes?_The second stopPurpose: to go to a place with wildlife _Place: ZimbabweAnimal: African _Situation: used to be hunted while now being protected by farmers making mone

11、y from _Question:3. How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe?_The third stopPurpose: to go to a place where the WWF is involved Place: _ Animal: monkey Situation: The monkey can use the millipede insect to _ itself from _.Questions:4. Why can the millipede affect mosquitoes?_C. Blanking fill

12、ing Daisy desired to help endangered species of wildlife because a large number of animals 1._ (die) out. One day, a flying carpet took her to a 2._ (distance) land, Tibet, 3. _ Daisy saw 4. _antelope with a sad face looking at her, 5._ (tell) her that they were killed 6. _the wool to make sweaters.

13、 Then she met an elephant in Zimbabwe and was told that elephants used to be endangered there 7. _ they were considered to have destroyed the farms and farmers used to hunt them 8. _ large number. 9. _ (late), the government tried to help the farmers earn more money. Now people come to realize 10. _

14、 important to protect wild animals.Step4PresentationStep5SummaryIII.【Post-class】Self- reflectionI enjoyed learning aboutI found these words useful:I found these expressions useful: I have learned aboutSome examples: Keys: 【Pre-class homework】A. Skimming: skim the whole text and find out the answers to the following questions:


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