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1、最牛英语语口语学学习法:躺在家家里练口口语,全全程外教教一对一一,三个个月畅谈谈无阻!太平洋英英语,在在线免费费体验336门外外教一对对一课程程:n职场达人人必备:每天必必做的十十件事Likee thhe oold sayyingg, Todday is thee fiirstt daay oof tthe resst oof yyourr liife, iitss neeverr a badd tiime to staart movvingg yoour carreerr inn a bettterr diirecctioon.就像谚语语中说的的那样“每每一天都都是余生生的第一一天”。好好的

2、职场场规划是是必需的的。1. PPay Atttenttionn inn Cllasss 投入入精力Treaat eeverry wworkkdayy liike a sschoool dayy. BBe ssuree yoou llearrn ssomeethiing andd usse iit tto mmakee yooursselff mooreprooducctivve. It doeesnt hhavee too reelatte tto yyourr skkillls sset. Itt maay bbe aas ssimpple as unddersstanndinng hho

3、w to worrk wwithh sppeciificc peeerss orr emmotiionaal iinteelliigennce. Taake menntall nootess. DDontsleeepwwalkkthrrouggh tthe dayy.将每一个个工作日日都当成成一个学学习日。每每一天你你都需要要吸收新新的东西西,让你你自己更更有竞争争力,不不一定都都得是硬硬本领,也也可以是是与同事事相处,控控制自己己的情绪绪等等。不不要浪费费时间。2. LLookk foor tthe Nexxt RRungg 找升升职的机机会You neeed ttoexccelat you

4、ur jjob. Thhis is howw yoou ggainncreedibbiliity. Buut uundeersttanddingg yoour nexxt sstepp iss keey tto ccareeer happpinnesss. CCareeer patthinng iis ccritticaal tto rremaainiing enggageed oon tthe jobb. SScheedulle ddisccusssionns wwithh yoour mannageer tto ggetclaarittyon thee neext chaalleengee

5、. IIf yyou donnt gett itt onn yoour teaam oor iin yyourr coompaany, itt maay bbe ttimee too loook elssewhheree.你需要将将自己的的工作做做的很优优秀,这这样你就就可以获获得信任任,但是是记住升升职是你你工作中中真正需需要的。这这样你才才有可能能进一步步在自己己的职业业道路上上发展,抑抑或者是是你并不不适合自自己的领领域。3. UUndeersttandd Coompaany Goaals 清楚公公司的发发展方向向Makee suure youu unnderrstaand howw y

6、oour jobb coontrribuutess too yoour commpannyss buusinnesss obbjecctivves. Arre yyou in arevvenuuegenneraatinng rrolee? AA brrandd-awwareenesss rrolee? IIs yyourr miissiion to dellighht tthe cusstommer? Knnowiing howw yoour jobb fii tss innto thee biig ppictturee wiill givve yyou insspirratiion andd

7、 a sennse of acccompplisshmeent aand willl hhelpp yoou uundeersttandd yoour jobbs imppactt.弄清楚你你现在所所做的工工作在你你的公司司中出于于怎样的的地位,你你是否让让公司增增值了?还是与与客户打打交道?4. BBe EEthiicall 诚实实可靠Brinnginttegrrityyto youur jjob. Whhethher youuree ruunniing thee coompaany or cleeaniing itss baathrroomms, be honnestt inn alll

8、yyou do. Doontt caall in sicck jjustt too geet aa daay ooff tthatts steealiing. Puut iin aan hhoneest dayys worrk. Be acccounntabble. Iff yoourre wworkkingg reemottelyy, bbe ssuree yoou aare. Doo whhat youu saay yyoure goiing to do. Hoonessty anddrelliabbiliitymeaan aa loot tto yyourr maanagger.全身心投

9、投入自己己的工作作,不论论你是公公司的经经营者,或或者只是是一个清清洁工作作者,务务必做好好你自己己的工作作,不要要谎称生生病,诚诚实面对对自己,面面对你的的工作。5. SStayy Fiit 注注意身体体Try to breeak a ssweaat ffor 20 minnutees, thrree dayys aa weeek. Goo foor aa waalk at lunnch. Jooin a ggym. Liift weiightts. A hheallthyy boody makkes a hheallthyy miind. Exxerccisiing inccreaases

10、s blloodd fllow to thee brrainn annd ggivees yyou ideeas. Yooulll bbe mmoree prroduuctiive at worrk, andd beest of alll, yyoull feeel bbettter.每天花220分钟钟锻炼,或或者在午午餐时间间走走,最最好办一一张健身身卡,锻锻炼可以以加速你你的血液液循环,让让你更好好地投入入自己的的工作。6. SStreetchh Yoour Rolle 关关注自己己分外的的事Occaasioonallly thiink howw yoou ccan go aboove a

11、ndd beeyonnd. Aree thheree prrojeectss ouutsiide youur ddefiinedd roole youu coouldd heelp witth? Beprooacttivee; aask to joiin. Comme uup wwithh yoour ownn iddeass, aand worrk wwithh yoour mannageer ttoimpplemmentttheem. If youuree ahammsteer, steep ooff thee whheell annd ppokee yoour heaad oout of

12、 thee caage. Sttrettch a llitttle. Thhis wonnt go unnnotiicedd.偶尔想想想自己除除了现在在的事,还还可以做做些什么么,是不不是有些些不是你你岗内的的事,要要有提前前意识,积积极争取取。7. MManaage Up 和上司司保持一一致Makee suure youu annd yyourr maanagger aree inn fiirm agrreemmentt onn whhat youuree dooingg. BBe pproaactiive andd geet oon hhis callenddar to enssuree

13、yoourre mmeettingg orr exxceeedinng eexpeectaatioons. Doontt asssumme hhess paayinng cclosse aatteentiion. Thheree arre bbad mannageers. Iff thherees a ddiscconnnectt beetweeen whaat yyoure doiing andd whhat youur mmanaagerr waantss, yyoure parrtlyy too bllamee. DDont wwaitt unntill reevieew ttimee.

14、要确保自自己和管管理者在在你的工工作上达达成了一一致,知知道他心心里的最最后期限限,最好好能提前前完成他他的要求求。如果果你做的的和你的的上司想想的不一一样,你你很可能能被批评评。8. MManaage Acrrosss 和同同事保持持一致Evenn iff yoou wworkk prrimaarilly aalonne, be surre tto mmakee tiime to unddersstannd yyourr peeerss rrolees aand howw thhey go aboout theeir jobbs. Shoow aan iinteeresst. Donnt j

15、usst cchooose a ffew friiendds aand beccomee paart of acliiquee. HHighh scchoool iis ooverr. YYou nevver knoow wwhenn yoou mmay neeed ppeopple oor bbe rrepoortiing to theem.就算是一一个你一一人承担担的工作作,弄清清楚其他他同事的的角色,他他们都在在做些什什么。9. CCommmuniicatte 交交流Dont lleavve ppeopple waiitinng ffor ansswerrs. If youuree inn ann e-maiil eenviironnmennt, repply e-mmaillsprrompptlyy. LLet peooplee knnow whaat yyoure doiing. Iff yoourre


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