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1、教学内容Unit 2 Whats the matter , Mike一次备课主备人李世超教学目标1、能够简单表达自己或他人的健康状况,如:“I have a headache/cold/toothache/fever/flu. I feel sick. 2、能够简单表达感冒期间的注意事项,如:Take some medicine. Drink hot drinks” 等。3、能听、说、认读动词短语get/have the flu、see the doctor、take some medicine、drink hot drinks、stay in bed和get better soon。4、能听

2、、说、认读句子If you , you might . 5、引导学生在学习过程中注重合作学习,培养学生合作的意识教学重点重点是如何理解并正确朗读短文教学难点难点是理解条件状语从句和时间状语从句,并能用这两种从句简单问答。教学准备录音机, 单词卡片教学过程一次备课二次备课请注意:教学实录(详案)字体统一为Times New Roman 小四号字Greeting & Warm up:(选派一名学生带领全班做warm up)S1: Class begins! Good morning boys and girls.S: Good morning ,S1S1: Lets chant together.

3、S: Sing together.S1: Ok , Sit down ,please!S: Thank you.PreviewS1: Now , Lets read the words one by one , loudly and quickly.S: Read these words(S1抽出一张单词卡片,展示给同学。并选取一名或一排同学进行对话)S1: S2, whats your matter?(S2按着S1所示单词卡片进行回答)S2: I feel sick. I have a(S2 抽取一张卡片,选取一名或一排的同学进行进行对话,以此类推选出几组同学进行这样的练习)T: Do yo

4、u have a?S1: Yes/No.(根据老师展示的卡片单词与所闻是否相同做出回答)PresentationT: Good job. Now , look at this phrase: have the flu. 同时展出have a cold 这个短语并做出打喷嚏,咳嗽等表情帮助学生理解这个短语意思。(板书并讲解have the flu)T: When you have the flu, you must go to see a doctor or take some medicine.(板书medicine,take some medicine并讲解) T: If you have

5、the flu, the doctor might help you. Now first read Lets read by yourself. 让学生先略读。学生快速默读短文,圈出不懂部分,根据短文内容判断句子正误。T: 老师讲解学生画出的生词,让学生以小组为单位带着书中的两个问题在一次快速阅读,学生仔细默读短文,并且回答书上问题。(老师板书短语:sore throat,nose hurt, have a headache, have the flu, take some medicine, drink hot drinks, stay in bed)T:选取小组回答问题S: 先读出问题在

6、读出书中答案。T: listen to the tape.(老师播放录音,学生跟读)T: Try to recite the second paragraph.S:Practise to recite.T: 老师把最后一段抄写在黑板上,让同学先一起读一遍,随后擦去一些词,选取一名同学试着读下来;用丢词的方法,再擦去更多的词,直到全部擦掉来帮助学生背诵。T: Group work:Mike is sick, if you are a doctor , what you might tell him to do? 小组相互讨论,根据短文写出几条建议,选代表进行汇报。(选取几名学生汇报)T: Mak

7、e a conclusion about this class.Homeworkblackboard design Unit 2 Whats the matter , Mike have a cold=have the flu -whats the matter? -Do you have a.? -I have a -Yes/No have a headache take some medicinenose hurt have the flu drink hot drinks,sore throat stay in bed . /小学英语教案( 六)年下20122013学年度第二学期School _Shengshui primary shool Name _Lishichao_


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