Book 5 Challenging Yourself II.doc

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1、Book 5 Challenging Yourself II第一课时Passage 1: Antarctica(Reading and language points)教学目标:知识目标:1能熟练运用跳读技巧获取关键信息,判断正误。 2能熟练运用推理、概括等方法理解长难句,完成选项。 3能熟练运用略读技巧总结并 记忆文章信息的顺序。 情感目标:保持良好的英语学习兴趣和动机。认真交流,自由表达思想。学习策略:1利用小组合作解决学习中的问题。 2运用词缀构词法学习、记忆单词。 教学重点和难点:在阅读中根据需要提取所需信息的能力;在不同语境中恰当使用词汇的能力。教学过程:I. Reading1Lea

2、d in: 1) Show the student a video about the Antarctica to the students to arouse then students interest. 2) How much do you know about Antarctica? Discuss with your partner and complete the following passage.A continent is one of several major land masses on the earth. By most standards, there are s

3、even _-Africa, Antarctica, Asia, _, Europe, North America, and South America. Antarctica is the highest, driest, _ and _ continent on the Earth. It is a cold and lonely place, covered by an ice sheet up to 4.8 km _. Antarctica holds 90% of the worlds fresh water and only 0.4% of the surface of it is

4、 free of snow and ice. The lowest _ recorded there is -89C. The South Pole is 1,000 kilometers from the coast. Winds of 150 kilometers an hour _over it. On the coast is a big wall of ice. _ live near the water. They catch fish for their food. No land _ live in Antarctica. Flowers and _ do not grow t

5、here. Men go to Antarctica in ships and in airplanes. They study the _ and the penguins. In the spring, men leave their camp and travel across the snow. They study the rocks under the _and make maps of new places.2Scanning Scan the text and complete the following chart with the information you get.N

6、umberRelated information12 countries3,000 scientists140 million years ago90% ice15,000sq km10,000 tourists3. SkimmingDecide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (N). _1) Antarctica was first explored in the 17th and 18th centuries._2) Many countries operate year-

7、round research stations in Antarctica._3) Like the Arctic, Antarctica is just made of water and ice._4) Antarctica is a bit warmer than the Arctic._5) The ice in Antarctica is slowly melting, so the earth is gradually getting warmer._ 6) Scientists monitored ozone level and discovered the hole in th

8、e ozone layer above _ 7) Captain Cook was the first person to go around the continent in the 1770s._ 8) The tourists study the local bird life and can bring some birds back with them.4Complete each of the following sentences with the best choice according to the text.1) The sentence “Antarctica is o

9、ne of the last real wildernesses left on the earth.” means _. A. Antarctica is now the last place people can go B. Antarctica is now the only continent no single person has set foot on C. Antarctica is now one of the few places on the earth whose environment has not been totally changed by man D. hu

10、man beings have completely explored Antarctica2) The Antarctic Treaty signed in 1961 said that Antarctica was a _ place and could only be used for _purposes. A. nuclear; peaceful B. nuclear-free; war C. non-nuclear; peaceful D. nuclear; military3) The word “this” in the sentence “This means that the

11、 ice is slowly melting.” (Para. 4) means _.A. research has been done B. scientists discovered that all the ice has meltedC. the earth is gradually getting warmer D. the worlds ocean rises by 60 metres4) The sentence “Sometimes the scientists studying these changes get dangerously involved in their o

12、wn research.” (Para. 5) means _.A. sometimes scientists studying the changes are doing dangerous research in AntarcticaB. sometimes dangerous scientists are taking part in the research in AntarcticaC. sometimes it is dangerous for scientists studying the changes to do research in AntarcticaD. someti

13、mes scientists studying the changes are not dangerous at allA. sometimes scientists studying the changes are doing dangerous research in Antarctica5) The authors purpose in writing this article about the future of Antarctica is _.A. to express his anger B. to show his loveC. to show his concern D. t

14、o express his sympathy5. Read and answer the questions.1) What is the main idea of the Antarctic Treaty?2) How many more countries except the 12 countries have signed the treaty?3) Does the ice in Antarctica remain the same?4) Why has the map of Antarctica changed shape over the last decades?5) In recent years, which number is bigger on the Antarctica, the scientists or the tourists?6) What can the tourists do on the Antarctica?6Discussion1) What are the threats to Antarctica you can infer from the t


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