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1、Unit 1 Public signsThe First PeriodObjectives1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldnt, litter, park, cycle.2.能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:public, a sign, grass, quiet, touch, keep off.3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it mean? It means you shouldnt .Emphases1.能正确听说读会写句型:What does it mean? It means you shouldnt .

2、2.能正确听说读写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldnt, litter, park, cycle.Teaching procedures:Task A Everyday EnglishHow are you?Pass the ball to .Give the pen to .Wheres .Whats the score?Task B Presentation and practice1. T: Lets go the park.(多媒体展示公园情景,出现许多公共标志牌)T: Whats this? Its a public sign.Learn: public

3、 signs.T: Lets look at some public signs on the Internet.多媒体展示八个标志。T: Can you read them?学生能朗读其中的八个:No parking. No eating and drinking. Keep quiet. Do not touch.通过复习帮助学生巩固以上四句话。Park以前所学的意思是公园,在这里的意思是停车。2T: (Point to a sign) What does this sign mean?板书: What does this sign mean?学习这句话,讲解mean的意思及其中ea的发音

4、。再次强调助动词用does及其语法意义。T: It means No smoking.板示: No smoking. 学习这句话。让学生回答smoking 的动词原形smoke,并再次复习它的变化规则。T: What does this sign mean?S: It means No smoking.T: Yes. It means you shouldnt smoke.板示:It means you shouldnt smoke. 并学习这句话。讲解 shouldnt=should not ,should为情态动词,意思为应该,后跟动词原形。3. T: What does this sig

5、n mean?T: It means No littering.板示:No littering. 学习这句话。litter为littering 的动词原形,意为乱丢杂物。同理学习: No parking. No cycling.注意park的意思与以前不同意思为停放汽车。 cycling的动词原形为cycle.4. 叫一学生上前来问:What does it mean?T: It means Danger. 学习danger.S: What does it mean?T: It means you should keep off the grass.学习:Keep off the grass.

6、5. 跟读这九个句子,然后齐读,指名读。6同桌用What does it mean? It means .就书上九句话来问答,以巩固所学内容。Task C Look and say1.让学生分组讨论标志的含义。2.排学生分组操练,根据图意用What does it mean? It means you shouldnt . 进行问答。3.然后两两问答。Task D Assignment1.能识别所学公共标志,并能流利朗读。2.用书面形式完成C 部分的六幅图。3.抄写四会单词。4.预习A部分的对话。更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http:/Www.lsPjy.Com 课件|教案|试卷|无需注

7、册TipsThoughtsUnit 1 Public signsThe Second PeriodObjectives1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make, mean2能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:a cousin, always, a question, a cage, make noise.3能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that mean? It means you /we should/must/shouldnt .Emphases1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make, mean2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:Wh

8、at does it/this/that mean? It means you /we should/must/shouldnt .Teaching procedures:Task A ReviewWhat does it mean?It means you should/shouldnt .出示图片让学生进行问答。Task B Presentation and practice1. 出示Danger标志及课文挂图。T: Theres a sign on the wall. What does it mean?S: It means Danger.T: It means you must st

9、ay away from the building.学习must, stay away.讲解: must 为情态动词,意为必须,后跟动词原形。在此复习 should, can 同为情态动词,后跟动词原形。Stat away意为远离。2. 出示课文第二张挂图。T: Whats on the grass?S: Theres a sign on the grass.T: What does it mean?S: It means we should keep off the grass.T: Yes. It means we shouldnt walk on the grass.Read: walk

10、 on the grass.T: Look , whats this? Its a birds cage.Learn: cage.T: Look at this sign. What does it mean?S: It means Keep quiet!T: Yes. It means we shouldnt make noise here.Learn: make noise.3. 介绍图上人物。T: Whos he?S: Hes Ben.T: Whos he?S: Hes Bens cousin.Learn: cousin.并解释意思。T: Where are they?S: Theyre

11、 in the park.T: Bens cousin has a lot of questions. You know a lot of questions?出示:a lot of questions 学读并了解意思。T: Now he is asking Ben some questions about the signs.Learn: ask.about.4. 听课文录音回答问题。What day is it today?Whos Jack?How old is Jack?What is Jack doing now?What do the signs mean?What does Da

12、nger mean?What does Keep off the grass mean?What does Keep quiet. mean?5. 跟录音读对话。学生分角色朗读。6完成课文中的填空题。7划出四会单词:danger, mean, must, should, shouldnt, make.拼读这些单词。划出词组: public signs, a lot of questions, different things, on the wall, stay away, walk on the grass, make noise.再次朗读,了解意思。Task C Assignment1.

13、抄写四会单词,并默写。2抄写词组。TipsThoughtsUnit 1 Public signsThe Third PeriodObjectives1通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的公共标志类词汇。2能熟练地在情景中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。3能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和词组:take a walk, look around, pick up, come up to, point to, He sees something on the grass. Fine 10 yuan.Emphases1.通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的公共标志类词汇。2.能熟练地在情景

14、中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。Teaching procedures:Task A Review1.What does it mean?It means you/we should/shouldnt/must .出示图片让学生进行问答,复习公共标志类词汇。2. 学生表演会话。3复习c部分的内容,学生相互问答。Task B Ask and answer1. 教师准备一只时钟,将其拨至不同的时间,询问学生Whats the time? Can you .?引导学生根据具体时间考虑该做什么,提出建议You/We should .2同桌看图练习相互问答,两人一组。鼓励学生运用已学的语言材料丰富对话的内容。Task C Read and match1. 看图阅读短文,理解对话内容。学习单词和词组:take a walk, look around, pick up, come up to, point to , suddenly,something, fine.2.将短文的序号填入相应的括号内。3.看本段文章的flash动画。然后让学生练习看动画描述情景。Task D Assignment1. 抄写本课的四会单词和句型并默写。2. 熟读课文对话并试着背诵。TipsThoughtsUnit 1 Public signsThe Fourth PeriodObjectives1通



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